NWA Roundup: Another 7-foot giant comes for Trevor Murdoch, more!


Let’s check in on the National Wrestling Alliance.

The latest edition of NWA Powerrr featured the women’s TV championship tournament semifinal, Trevor Murdoch dealing with more giants, and a bonus title fight replay from Nuff Said.

Taya Valkyrie and Max The Impaler went to work in the main event. This bout was the women’s TV title tournament semifinal. Max attacked before the match. Taya rallied with fighting spirit, but Max’s power was overwhelming. Max clubbed Taya down to the mat. A short-arm clothesline ended the fight. (Full details here.) Max is one step away from winning the NWA Women’s Television Championship by advancing to the tournament final against Kenzie Paige at the NWA 312 PPV on April 7.

One of these two will become the very first NWA World Women’s Television Champion!

Who’s your pick?@KenziePaige_1 @_theyaremax_ at the sold out #NWA312!

PPV available on @FiteTV! https://t.co/XMi6gxItry@MinisterReal pic.twitter.com/aAhhuKWtjd

— NWA (@nwa) March 24, 2023

Trevor Murdoch is in the land of the giants. First, he battled the 7’4” Beast Mode. Now, he has the 7’ Talos after him. The straw stirring this drink is Daisy Kill.

Kill sang a song challenging the injured Murdoch to a match. The redneck may have run Kill’s giant out of town, but he still has big pals around. Murdoch entered the ring with a noticeable limp for the unsanctioned match. Kill wasn’t lying about his friends. A 7-foot giant named Talos stepped onto the apron for a handicap match. Talos previously signed with WWE, but he was released before wrestling in any televised matches.


Murdoch had no problem handling Kill for a sitout spinebuster. It was a different story once Talos entered the ring. A big boot planted Murdoch on the mat. As Kill and Talos stomped a mudhole in Murdoch, Mike Knox rushed the ring to lend a helping hand to Murdoch. Knox’s babyface turn is solidifying.

In other action, Thrillbilly Silas Mason defeated Brady Pierce. The Spectaculars interfered, so Silas took Rush Freeman and Rolando Freeman on the spinning Thrill Ride side slam. Pierce tried to take advantage of the situation, but Silas caught him too for a Thrill Ride to win. The Thrill Ride has quickly become one of my favorites moves in professional wrestling. It has flair on the spins and power on the slam.

Powerrr aired the replay bonus match of Kamille versus Angelina Love for the NWA Women’s World Championship at Nuff Said. Kamille won the No DQ fight via spear through a table.

On the promo tip, Kevin Kiley Jr. (fka Alex Riley) was grateful to the NWA for giving him his first match in over six years. He came back to wrestling to start from scratch and earn his way. (Full details here.)

EC3 chatted with BLK Jeez about his relationship with Tyrus. Jeez and Tyrus are still good, and EC3 is proud of Tyrus’ success. The champ is making moves on his own in the world of entertainment, so Jeez has to look out for himself in the meantime. This sounds like planting seeds for Jeez to screw Tyrus in an eventual feud with EC3.

The latest edition of NWA USA featured Psycho Love, Country Gentlemen, and more.

Angelina Love & Fodder defeated PJ Hawx & Kylie Paige. Mixed tag rules in effect. This was the in-ring debut for Kenzie Paige’s younger sister. Kylie scored a side Russian leg sweep, but Love kicked out. Fodder went psycho to ram PJ into the ring post. Love hit a pump kick on the distracted Kylie for victory.

The main event was scheduled to be six-man action, but Sal The Pal didn’t show for his team. That plays into the drama of a rift between Sal and Father James Mitchell. AJ Cazana and Anthony Andrews wanted to fight fair, so they agreed to a standard tag match against Judais and Gaagz the Gymp. Thrillbilly Silas Mason was supposed to be in the match as well for the babyfaces. He took a seat and watched with the fans. The Country Gentlemen had trouble dealing with the power of Judais. They were able to knock the big man from the ring long enough to execute a flying Hart Attack clothesline on Gaagz for the win.

In other action, Jax Dane defeated Shepherd Lutz. Power squash won via devastating lariat.

On the promo tip, Aron Stevens isn’t scared of Rolando Freeman’s threats. That little man is nothing but a side dish. Stevens is clean and pristine, but he can get the job done when necessary. Stevens turned his attention to La Rebelion. At the end of the day, he will lead Blunt Force Trauma to winning the NWA tag titles.

Bobby Fulton and Ricky Morton reflected on last week’s antics from the Fixers. Fulton and Morton have a bond over paying dues through hard times in the business. They possess a kindred spirit of love for professional wrestling. The Fixers are bad to the bone, but Fulton and Morton will keep getting up. This was a fun throwback promo.

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