Nick Khan’s Shocking Regret: WWE’s Loss of Stephanie McMahon Revealed!

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Nick Khan comments on LA Knight’s rise, John Cena, and Stephanie McMahon’s status in WWE

WWE CEO Nick Khan recently made headlines following the merger of WWE and UFC into a new company called TKO Group Holdings. While much of his interview focused on TV rights fees and business synergies, Khan also shared his thoughts on several notable figures in the wrestling industry.

Speaking on The Bill Simmons Podcast, Khan discussed LA Knight’s rising popularity in WWE and emphasized that the company is not looking to compare him to previous top stars:

“You mentioned LA Knight. I think what’s proven in combat sports is the next one never looks like the last one. So you see folks, WWE included, you get a John Cena and part of the thought is, ‘Oh we just need to find the next John Cena.’ There is no next John Cena. Right? The next one never looks like the last one. If you look at UFC, same thing… Sometimes an entity can become fixated on, ‘Hey this is our next so-and-so.’ I’ve never seen it work. LA Knight’s the first LA Knight, and that’s part of why we think that he is resonating.”

Khan was also asked about Stephanie McMahon’s current status with WWE and the possibility of her return. Stephanie took a leave of absence from the company last year and officially resigned in January when Vince McMahon returned to power. Khan expressed his respect for Stephanie’s decision:

“And ultimately, when Vince came back, she decided that she was ready to go and step out. I respect the decision. I wish she hadn’t done that, and she knows that from me personally. She’s a terrific executive and a terrific person. That’s her decision, her relationship with Vince is theirs, and once she made it, I have total respect for the decision… If Stephanie wanted to do something with WWE, of course WWE would embrace that. The WWE Universe would embrace that. I think she’s enjoying some time off. And you know the drill, after grinding hard… take a few months off. She still has school-age children, she and [Triple H] do. I think she’s enjoying herself.”

During the podcast, Simmons also brought up the possibility of Stephanie returning in an affair angle with Test, but Khan quickly reminded him that Andrew Martin, who played Test, is deceased. The conversation quickly shifted to another topic.

It’s clear that Khan believes in the uniqueness of each individual and does not want to force comparisons to past stars. LA Knight is carving his own path in WWE, and Khan respects Stephanie McMahon’s decision to step away from the company. While fans may speculate about potential returns or storylines, Khan’s focus remains on the current roster and their individual strengths.

What are your thoughts on Nick Khan’s comments, Cagesiders? Let us know in the comments below!

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