New Horizons form as SANADA secures World title

Okada’s reign ends as SANADA victorious in Sakura Genesis main

The main event of Sakura Genesis had the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship at stake, SANADA challenging champion Kazuchika Okada.

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A new entrance song, entrance robe and in-ring trunks marked what could be the start of something new for SANADA, the match beginning with an exchange of head-locks. Okada’s usual taunt of a clean rope break instead saw him hit a forearm, SANADA electing to opt for a clean break when the tables were turned. On the outside Okada hurled SANADA into the steel barriers, a big boot putting the challenger into the laps of the fans in the front row; but SANADA was equal to the battle, able to drop Okada on the concrete with a magic screw and doing severe damage to his opponent’s neck in the process.

Looking to wear the champion down, back in the ring SANADA locked in a neck cravate before landing a high backdrop to continue the harm to Okada’s now hindered neck. Another backdrop attempt saw Okada this time land on his feet and able to catch the charging challenger with a flapjack. The Rainmaker now able to initiate his gameplan, a DDT softening up SANADA’s neck and a dropkick sending him over the ropes to the outside. Exposing the concrete on the outside of the ring and with revenge on his mind, Okada drove SANADA’s head and neck directly into the concrete with a debilitating DDT.

Back in the ring Okada sought to contain SANADA, but a springboard dropkick levelled the playing field. Classic SANADA to the delight of the Ryogoku crowd, hopping over Okada with ease before hitting a dropkick and follow up plancha to the outside. Looking to win the match between the ropes, SANADA returned Okada to the ring to hit his second magic screw of the night but only for a two count. With momentum on his side, Cold Skull elevated Okada to land the TKO and immediately locked in Skull End, Okada able to slip out more than once but SANADA re-applying the excruciating hold every time. Thinking the damage was done, SANADA released the submission to head to the top rope, but his moonsault was ill-fated as he landed harshly on Okada’s raised knees.

Once again wearing the neck of SANADA down Okada locked in the Money Clip in the centre of the ring and hitting a high-angle German suplex. A Rainmaker attempt was met by the boot of SANADA, but it only worked to insult the champion as he refused to release the wrist; Okada instead throwing two short-arm lariats and returning to the Money Clip. Heading to the top rope Okada soared and landed his picture-perfect elbow drop, and as SANADA sought sanctuary he instead found danger courtesy of Okada’s dropkick and landslide. The Rainmaker was primed but the quick-thinking SANADA dodged out of harm’s way and battled back with his own roaring Rainmaker.

Meeting in the middle of the ring the two competitors exchanged spirited forearms, SANADA’s spirit burning so bright that not even a shotgun dropkick could keep him down. However, another Okada dropkick seemed to suck the air away, but the Rainmaker was countered into a pop-up TKO. Swiftly heading to the top rope, SANADA landed consecutive moonsaults to the back and front of Okada and as a new champion was about to be crowned, Okada beat the referee’s three count.

An Okada enzuiguiri had him primed to hit Cobra Flowsion, but SANADA slickly countered into the O’Connor Roll counter for the closest of near falls. SANADA fighting back unleashed a Shining Wizard, but his Dead Fall attempt was this time met by Cobra Flowsion and the end seemed inevitable: Okada primed to finally land the Rainmaker, only for it to be countered into Deadfall and SANADA becoming the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.


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