Mon? leaves San Jose queen of IWGP ?NJoA?

CEO victorious in much hyped title bout

First of two main events at battle in the Valley was the third ever IWGP Women’s Championship bout, Mercedes Mon? making her in ring NJPW debut to challenge KAIRI for the gold.

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The crowd in San Jose buzzed with chants of ‘this is awesome’ before first contact, which came with a quick springboard takedown from Mon? into an attempt at the Bank Statement. KAIRI would soon respond however, and a tijeras followed by a short range dropkick would send the challenger out to the floor where she was met with an apron dropkick. In charge, the champion would deliver stinging chops to her challenger, who came back with another arm drag before double knees in the corner.

Mon? went to the well one to many times as she tried again for the escalada arm drag, finding herself trapped in the tree of woe, and having to bury a knee to the head of KAIRI before sending her throat first into the middle turnbuckle. Now the challenger was in full control, and kept KAIRI grounded with a single arm DDT, before an armbar on the champion. Not afraid to taunt KAIRI’s own significant fan following in San Jose, the CEO would choke the champion over the ropes before going back to the arm of the Pirate Princess; it would be a desperation assist from the ringpost that would see KAIRI work her way back into the bout.

As collisions with their environment saw both women enter the ring deep into the referee’s 20 count, Mon? would see high risk gain no return when a superplex attempt was instead met with a KAIRI double stomp. Spears followed for the champion, who got San Jose behind her to deliver a crushing corner sliding lariat, and flying forearm for two.

15 minutes into the bout, KAIRI wanted a definitive move on the apron, but would be met with a Meteora down the apron line from Mon? who followed up with a second in ring for a near two. The challenger wanted another, but KAIRI would counter into the Anchor hold, only released as she bridged back too far, as a Mon? counter took both women to the ropes. Mon? came back up, but met a Cutlass from KAIRI, who set up for the Insane Elbow.

Mon? desperately hung onto the heels of the champion to prevent her ascent, and an inside belly to belly in desperation would gain a near fall and gasps from the crowd. Three Amigos almost followed, but was stopped with a DDT from KAIRI; the champion would set for another Cutlass to Mon?, but it would be the referee, pulled into the path, that would taste the brunt of the blade.

As official Taito Nakabayashi recovered, the women fought up the entrance ramp; a KAIRI dive off the entrance stage would be caught by Mon?, but a powerbomb from the champion would drive her challenger into a table on the floor. Back inside, KAIRI went for the Insane Elbow, but a pair of boots would be driven right to the elbow’s point as the wild bout continued. As Mon?’s own top rope splash was similarly denied, a bitter and desperate exchange of strikes and backslide attempts finally led to the Money Maker to crown a brand new champion.


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