Madcap Moss and Emma might be turning heel

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Madcap Moss has been meandering on as babyface ever since he split from Happy Corbin, with a decent win here or there but never any kind of sustained push. That changed a bit recently when he won a Fatal 4-Way match to earn an Intercontinental title shot against GUNTHER.

He looked decent enough in the ensuing showdown but he failed to dethrone the champion. It would have been safe to assume he would simply fade back into the mid-card as a babyface act to be plugged into a program here and there but it doesn’t appear that’s what is going to happen.

Instead, it looks like both he and Emma are turning heel.


That’s Emma reposting an interview the two did following his loss to GUNTHER where she guides him toward excusing his loss by blaming the crowd. He was in the process of giving the standard babyface answer taking responsibility for not coming through when it mattered when she took over, shirked that responsibility, and he jumped right on board with her.

We’ll see what comes of it, but he’s already much more interesting than he was just days ago.


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