Kurt Angle Reveals Secret Passion For Music: Wants to Start A Band with Chris Jericho, Raves About His Impressive Drumming Skills

Kurt Angle Wishes He Could Have Been in a Band with Chris Jericho

Former Olympic gold medalist and pro-wrestling world champion, Kurt Angle, has revealed that he had another dream he wished he could have achieved – to be in a band with Chris Jericho. On his latest podcast, Angle expressed his desire to ask Chris Jericho if they could form a band together, but he never had the courage to ask. Angle revealed that he is actually a pretty decent drummer and thought that Chris Jericho would take him in since he was already the lead singer for his band. Unfortunately, Chris Jericho already had a drummer, and Angle never asked him. Angle mentioned that he wished he had asked him as there could have been two drummers in his band.

Angle also talked about learning one of his favorite rock songs, Tom Sawyer, by the band Rush. He revealed that it took him five years to perfect the song, and the drums in the song are the most difficult drumming he has ever seen. Angle listened to the song every day, all day long, until he got it down, and now he can play it perfectly from start to finish.

Kurt Angle’s podcast is available for listeners who want to hear more of his stories and experiences. In other news, Angle also shared a funny story of kissing the Undertaker during one of their matches overseas, which you can read about here.

It’s interesting to hear about Kurt Angle’s desire to be in a band and his passion for music. Although he never got the chance to ask Chris Jericho, it’s clear that he has a talent for drumming and a love for rock music. It’s also impressive to hear about his dedication to learning and perfecting a difficult song like Tom Sawyer, which shows his commitment and discipline.

Overall, it’s always fun to learn more about the personal interests and hobbies of our favorite wrestlers, and Kurt Angle’s dream of being in a band with Chris Jericho is definitely a unique and entertaining one. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see Kurt Angle drumming for a rock band.

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