Jon Moxley’s Epic Showdown with Gringo Loco Unveiled at Wrestling REVOLVER Event in October

The main event of Triplemania XXXI Mexico City (Aug. 12, 2023) was the culmination of the Guerra de Rivalidades tournament. The story arrived with LA Park, Rush, Psycho Clown, and Sam Adonis competing in the mask versus hair finale.

The match immediately paired off into separate rivalries. LA Park and Rush brawled on one side, while Psycho Clown and Adonis brawled on the other side. The rules were first fall to a finish. The man that was pinned would have to pay off the lucha de apuestas.

Rush had a little extra help in referee Tirantes. LA Park scored a roll-up early, but Tirantes stopped his count at 1. When Rush caught LA Park in a roll-up, Tirantes was quick with a fast count. LA Park kicked out and blasted Rush with a back elbow. Tirantes counted to 1 then pulled up claiming a leg injury.

Psycho and Adonis exchanged covers on a Code Red and a Michinoku driver respectively. Adonis kept on the pressure to land a 450 splash, but Rush made the save to break the pin. He wanted the glory of beating LA Park to take the legend’s mask.

Heading into the finish, Rush had LA Park set up in the corner for the Bull’s Horns dropkick finisher. When Rush ran across the ring to pick up steam, he trampled the referee. La Faccion Ingobernable (Bestia del Ring, Dralistico, Preston Vance, Jose The Assistant) ran in to beat up LA Park and Psycho.

The climax came down to a double pin. On one side, LA Park speared Rush. On the other side, Adonis had planted Psycho on a piledriver. When Adonis climbed the corner for an aerial attack, Psycho hit him over the head with a light tube. Psycho sprang up for a Spanish Fly onto a second glass tube. 1, 2, Rush kicked out, Adonis did not. The official result was Psycho pinning Adonis for the win.

After the match, Psycho was unable to enjoy the spoils of war. He was taken out on a stretcher.

Adonis didn’t protest his haircut punishment, but he did frame it as stacked odds taking three luchadores to beat him. Adonis also squeezed in insults for the crowd. He loves Mexico, but he does not love the Mexican people with their fat kids, ugly women, and uncivilized men. Adonis is moving forward to become the face of AAA.

That match was typical AAA chaos, for better and for worse. The intrigue picked up toward the end as the violence escalated. It looked like Adonis took the worst of the lumps. He deserved the spotlight on this evening, even in defeat.

Let’s boogie through the rest of the card.

AAA Mega Championship: Hijo del Vikingo retained. The champ faced off against “Speedball” Mike Bailey, Daga, and Jack Cartwheel in a four-way. The aerial highlights delivered as expected for excitement. Daga went for a sneaky low blow to Vikingo down the stretch. Vikingo kicked out on the cover, then he spiked Daga on a German suplex. Vikingo turned his focus to Cartwheel for a reverse rana, running knees in the corner, and a 630 senton to win. The flow of the match and the finish seems to be setting up a one-on-one rivalry between Daga and Vikingo. They should produce a quality match if given the chance to work solo.

AAA Latin American Championship: QT Marshall wins the vacant title. (<a href="https://

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