John Morrison pulls off controversial win with assistance from Taya Valkyrie in latest MLW Fusion episode covered the recent episode of MLW Fusion, which featured an exciting main event for the MLW National Openweight Championship between John Morrison and Willie Mack. The match had an even flow to start, but Morrison resorted to shenanigans and ran out of the ring to hide behind his wife, Taya Valkyrie. Despite Mack’s impressive moves, Morrison managed to hit his signature moves and pick Mack apart. Mack was close to victory when Taya caused a referee distraction, but he managed to hit back with a stunner. However, when Mack went for a frog splash, he missed the mark, and Morrison picked up the title belt. Mack executed a sunset flip, causing Morrison to drop the foreign object, and the referee picked it up to restore order. Mack secured the pin without anyone to count, but Taya clocked him with her championship belt, turning the double screwjob into a triple screwjob. The episode also featured Delmi Exo picking up momentum before her title shot and 1 Called Manders wrestling a caveman.

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