G1 Climax 33 B Block Update: August 1 – Unveiling G133 Shockers!

Okada guarantees spot in elite eight, ahead of B Block after six nights

Takamatsu saw the sixth B Block matches of G1 Climax 33, with Kazuchika Okada atop the block, and Will Ospreay and El Phantasmo in the hunt behind.

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The main event of the evening would see Kazuchika Okada wanting a win or draw to advance him into the elite eight in the face of the wily KENTA. True to form, KENTA avoided early contact, luring the Rainmaker to the floor where he sent his foe ribs first into the ring frame, taking full control as the match passed five minutes. KENTA was relentless in his methodical approach until a big boot and reverse elbow finally scored for Okada, who landed a DDT to regain his characteristic poise.

As the match passed the ten minute mark, KENTA went to the eyes to battle back, but soon found himself dropkicked off the top rope. The floor was KENTA’s element though, and Okada would have his bell rung with green Killer on the floor, followed with an emphatic double stomp in ring. Okada battled back with the Money Clip, but as the match passed 15 minutes, KENTA bowled over referee Red Shoes Unno, and set to work with a Kendo Stick to the defending G1 champion.

Okada had enough and blasted KENTA with a shotgun dropkick; defusing KENTA’s backup plan of a DEFY Championship belt shot with another dropkick dead center. As Okada looked set to walk to a Rainmaker victory, KENTA landed desperate overhand rights, and a Rainmaker styled Busaiku Knee for a near two, but a dropkick scored right to KENTA’s face. KENTA again escaped the Rainmaker, but not after a Landslide, and Okada advanced to the quarterfinals.

Results earlier int he night left Will Ospreay feeling good against Tanga Loa, only needing a draw to guarantee advancement. Loa surprised the Briton with his power early, leaving Ospreay feeling rather less than perfect, and the Silverback was moving with purpose and efficacy as he held the advantage at the five minute mark. A pair of suplexes in ring were followed by a Jackhammer for a near two, and Ospreay was in bad shape until a handspring overhead; still an attempt at Stormbreaker was too soon, and Loa struck in combination to keep his foe on the wrong foot.

Ospreay landed a hook kick, but still couldn’t get Strombreaker, Loa spiking his opponent with a Fire Thunder Bomb. As both reset, Ospreay gained an advantage in the standup for the first time in the bout, but one big swing from Loa, and a big time lariat got a near two. Ospreay countered Apesh*t into Slumdog Millionaire and hit OsCutter for two of his own, but missed the Leap of Faith; as Loa bailed outside, a plancha saw a split second mid air counterpunch from the Guerrilla. With both men now on the floor, Ospreay had designs on an OsCutter over the guardrails, but was flung into the seats by Loa and a spear followed up. With the referee count closing in, Loa speared Ospreay once more made it to the ring just before Ospreay and the count of 20, picking up a huge upset.

El Phantasmo was in a must win scenario against Taichi. A show of mutual respect with a handshake opened into an exchange of strikes

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