Fiery WWE NXT Heatwave Unleashes Epic Results on 8/22/2023

WWE NXT Heatwave Results 8/22/2023

WWE NXT Heatwave Results 8/22/2023

The 2023 WWE NXT Heatwave special opens up on the USA Network with NXT Tag Team Champions Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo hanging out at the pool. They hype tonight’s matches, and are joined by male and female friends. The Family ends the segment by toasting to another great summer. We’re now live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opener as Ilja Dragunov makes his way out. Alicia Taylor does the introductions as Trick Williams comes out next. Fans chant “Whoop that, Trick!” now.

The bell rings and Ilja explodes at Trick. They go at it now. Ilja with big chops as they go from corner to corner. Trick fights back with lefts and rights. They go on and Ilja drops Trick with a big kick.

Ilja takes control and beats Trick around the ring now, chopping and kicking. Trick fights back with big forearms as fans rally. Ilja with a shot to the throat but Trick dropkicks him. Ilja goes for the big rebound lariat but Trick rocks him. They end up on the floor and Ilja hits a big German suplex. Ilja brings it back in and stomps on Trick as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Ilja continues to dominate. Trick fights out of a corner but Ilja beats him down with a flurry of offense. Trick grabs him and yells in his face, then unloads with strikes as fans cheer him on. They end up colliding with strikes and both go down. Fans chant “NXT!’ now.

Ilja strikes first as they both get up and trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Trick drops Ilja. Trick boots Ilja while he’s on his knees. Ilja wants more and Trick kicks him again. Ilja takes Trick down and works on the leg now. Trick with a big Flapjack, then a big jumping knee strike to the face for a close 2 count.

Ilja counters a slam with a big DDT, then another DDT to spike Trick into the mat. Trick kicks out at 2. Fans chant “this is awesome!” as Ilja takes Trick up top. Trick fights back. Trick counters up top and hits a super Uranage but somehow Ilja kicks out. Trick and fans can’t believe it.

Trick waits for Ilja to get up. Ilja catches the spin kick and hits a big German suplex, then a stiff kick. Ilja with a powerbomb in the middle of the ring, then the falling forearm. Trick kicks out and Ilja can’t believe it. Ilja drags Trick over to the corner, then flies off the middle rope with a big falling right hand to get the pin to win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

– After the match, Dragunov stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays while fans give them a standing ovation. Ilja looks down at Trick trying to get up, and nods at him in a show of respect.

– NXT Heritage Cup Champion Nathan Frazer approaches Tyler Bate backstage. Bate mentions how Dabba-Kato put a hurting on him last week, but he’s stretching the pain out. They talk about tonight’s Heritage Cup match and B

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