Explosive AEW Rampage: Fight for the Fallen 2023 Delivers Epic Showdowns


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE: Fight for The Fallen was broadcast from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

Kicking off tonight’s show: Rey Fenix vs. Komander!

There was a bit of a stalemate in the early goings after some excellent chain wrestling.

“Komander with the early lead on points,” said Excalibur.

Fenix ran the top rope and tried for a punt kick, but Komander dodged it. Komander countered with a hurracanrana and then a tope. Excalibur noted that Fenix was an idol of young Komander’s.

Rey Fenix smashed Komander with a big diving stomp for a near fall. Fenix blasted Komander with a sliding thrust kick.

“Rey Fenix in the driver’s seat,” said Excalibur, as the momentum quickly shifted.

It turned into a slug fest. Fenix and Komander punished one another with stiff chops. Komander spiked Fenix with a hurracanrana for a two-count.

“I don’t see how Rey Fenix got out of that one,” said Schiavone.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Komander hit a lung blower on Rey Fenix for a near fall. Rey Fenix nailed Komander with a cutter as Komander. Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli were watching on a monitor backstage.

Rey Fenix performed the tight rope walk into a punt on Komander! Komander came out of nowhere with a crucifix bomb! Komander connected with a hook kick. Fenix came around with a hook kick of his own, and both men were knocked to the mat.

Komander shoved Rey Fenix off the top rope and followed up with a Canadian destroyer! Komander hit the shooting star press after walking the ropes, good for a near fall on Rey Fenix. Komander went for the 450 splash but Fenix dodged it.

“What a battle we are witnessing tonight,” said Excalibur.

“This is what AEW is all about,” added Tony Schiavone.

Rey Fenix planted Komander with a muscle buster in the center of the ring and pinned him!

Renee Paquette interviewed Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. backstage!

Baker: “Renee, I was in the first All In five years ago. I was in the female four way. Then I was the first female signed to All Elite Wrestling. I helped lay brick by brick the foundation that is this women’s division. I can’t think of a better full circle moment than to win for the second time the AEW Women’s World Championship at Wembley.”

ROH World Tag Team Champions Aussie Open–Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis


Brother Zay & “All Ego” Ethan Page!

Aussie Open ambushed Page and Zay at the start of the match. Aussie Open hit tandem offense on Brother Zay. Brother Zay took down Fletcher with an arm drag. Zay kicked Davis in the head and tagged out to Ethan Page.

Brother Zay flipped off the top turnbuckle and wiped out Aussie

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