Exciting WWE NXT Results Unveiled – 12/5/23 Event Highlights!

WWE NXT Results 12/5/23

The WWE Performance Center

Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley vs. Thea Hail w/Jacy Jayne In A Last Chance Fatal Four Way Match. The Winner Will Be The Final Entrant In The 2023 Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge 

Perez starts things off with a Lou Thez Press to James. Perez transitions into a ground and pound attack. Hail and Henley pull James off Perez. James with a forearm smash to Hail. Standing Switch Exchange. James shoves Henley into Perez. Double Shoulder Tackle to James. Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Hail with a double arm-drag. Hail ducks a clothesline from Perez. Rollup Exchange. Perez with a Cazadora Facebuster for a two count. Hail sends Perez to the corner. Perez kicks Hail in the face. James sends Perez crashing to the outside. Hail knocks James off the ring apron. Hail ducks a clothesline from Henley. Hail with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Hail blocks The O’Connor Roll. Hail with a drop toe hold into the bottom rope. Henley punches James from the outside. Perez with a Spinning Back Kick. Forearm Exchange. Hail lands The Suicide Dive. Henley with a straight right hand. James rocks Henley with a forearm smash. James kicks Perez in the gut. James attacks Perez with the loaded bag. James throws Perez into the ringside barricade. James repeatedly slams Hail’s head on the apron.

James stomps on the midsection of Henley. James rolls Hail back into the ring. James drives Henley face first into the steel ring post. James with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. James drops Hail with a Running Boot for a two count. James kicks Henley off the apron. Hail is throwing haymakers at James. James catches Hail in mid-air. James uses Hail’s body as a weapon. James bodyslams Hail for a two count. James hammers down on Hail’s chest for a two count. James slams Hail’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. James pulls Hail down to the mat for a two count. James applies a rear chin lock. Hail with an arm-drag takeover. Hail thrust kicks the left knee of James. Hail with a Somersault NeckBreaker. Henley with a running dropkick. Hail follows that with a running back elbow smash.

James side steps Henley into the turnbuckles. Henley puts Hail on the top turnbuckle. Henley with another right hand. Henley goes for The SuperPlex, but James counters with The Tower Of Doom. Perez with a Flying Crossbody Block. Perez with a basement dropkick. Perez uppercuts James. Perez tees off on James. Perez with a Spinning Back Kick to Henley. James blocks The Pop Rocks. James punches Henley. James sends Perez to the corner. Perez with a Pendulum Kick. Perez clears the announce table. James headbutts the midsection of Perez. James goes for a Bodyslam, but Perez lands back on her feet. All hell is breaking loose at rings

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