Eva Marie continues teasing WWE return, including with ‘a dark kind of persona’

It was just a few weeks ago that Eva Marie was giving interviews where she said the door is always open to a WWE return. Now, she’s released an entire video bringing everyone up to speed on exactly what is going on.

Essentially, it was just more teasing:

“The talks of me coming back to WWE, it’s one of those things where I know you guys want a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer and the truth is it’s ‘maybe.’ We have an ongoing relationship. I was just in talks with WWE Studios talking about ideas, and movies, and TV. And then obviously that door is always open potentially of coming back. Who knows, Eva Marie could come back as like a dark kind of persona, dye my hair back to black, come in, you never know. … To give you a cut and dry answer: it’s a ‘maybe.’ I’ll always definitely… I love WWE and the fact that I’m in talks with them right now currently is amazing.”

Of course, she could simply be using this as a way to keep her name in the headlines on sites like this one. To that end, it worked on me.

Hey, I just want to see her back and getting heat like she used to.

I guess we’ll just have to stay tuned.


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