Dynamite results, live blog: Four Pillars tournament final

All Elite Wrestling

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight at 8 pm ET on TNT.

AEW will be at Sunrise, Florida’s FLA Live Arena with Sammy Guevara and Darby Allin in the finals of the Four Pillars Tournament, where the winner gets a Double of Nothing World title shot at MJF! Orange Cassidy defends his International championship against Bandido, as the undefeated TBS champ Jade Cargill deals with Taya Valkyrie. We’ll hear Tony Khan, TNT titleholder Wardlow, and Adam Cole. Plus, Kenny Omega teams with Konosuke Takeshita to take on The Butcher & The Blade, Dax Harwood battles Jeff Jarrett… and more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TNT. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Waiting for a street fight, clock strikes midnight. I got a bad reputation, so what the hell, I’m gonna go ahead and liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with the intro video.

Bandido vs. Orange Cassidy (c) (AEW International Championship)

Bandido with a shove, a little pyrotechnics, finger guns to try and mess with the champ. Off the ropes, lazy cartwheel, hammerlock, arm wringer, whip reversed, trading arm drags and single legs into pins, stalemate! Orange puts Bandido’s finger guns into HIS pockets, tijeras connects, off the ropes, fakeout, hands in pockets!

Suicide dive countered, Lawn Dart into the barricade, back inside, cover for two! Shoulder blocks in the corner, enzuigiri, finger guns and Orange drops to the mat! Whip across, double leg into the Stretch Muffler! Bandido stands all the way up with a wrist clutch, leaving Cassidy to suffer!

Orange gets the ropes to force the break, to the floor, tope con giro connects and Bandido is fired up as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Bandido with a delayed vertical, countered to Stundog Millionaire! Satellite DDT reversed and Bandido gets the vertical suplex he wanted! Lazy chops, big windup, Bandido nails him with a superkick! Orange smashing him into the turnbuckles over and over, diving crossbody, off the ropes, caught into La Atlantida but Cassidy slips out and hits a Michinoku Driver for two!

Out and back in, Bandido cuts him off with a gamengiri, one-arm vertical superplex, pop-up Ace Crusher… STILL NO?! Enzuigiri, up top, jockeying for position, Shotei staggers Orange! Waiting for the dive, Bandido catches him, one-arm military press slam! Frog splash off the top… SO CLOSE!

Cassidy catches him, Mouse Trap, reversed, sunset flip… NOPE! Whip reversed, pop-up countered into the Orange Punch! Gets him up…

Orange Cassidy wins by pinfall with Beach Break, retaining the AEW International Championship.

Post-match, Orange gives Bandido a pair of sunglasses and embraces him before reaising his hand.

Renee Paquette interviews Adam Cole backstage.

Cole says he’s going to the ring to call Chris Jericho out tonight and show him exactly the mistake that he’s made, and if he doesn’t come down, he’ll go find him.

Orange Cassidy and Bandido roll up and Orange asks for an interview. She explains she’s busy getting to the bottom of the Adam Cole story and he and Bandido walk off saying “Oh.” one after the other.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Darby Allin and “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry are interviewed.

Darby says if Jack believes in this pillar stuff, he’ll have his back. Perry says they said some harsh things last week and it would have been nice if it was the two of them this week, and Allin agrees because he thinks he’d win. Darby says he’ll see him out there later tonight.

Dax Harwood vs. Jeff Jarrett

Collar and elbow, struggling around the ring, Jarrett into the corner and we get a clean break. Back to the lockup, Jeff with an arm drag, he goes to strut and Harwood rushes him, so he hides in the ropes! Headscissors, Dax fights out but ends right in a side headlock, heel trip and he walks all over Harwood!

Shot off, shoulder block, drop down, duck a lariat, slide under, Double J with an arm drag, a hip toss, and a body slam! Jeff does the strut and poses for the camera but turns around into a vicious series of chops! Dax smashes his face into the turnbuckles, back elbow gets Jarrett back in it and he puts boots to Harwood in the corner.

More chops, snap suplex, leg drop, cover… NOPE! Jeff up top, he knocks Dax down and we go to break!

Back from commercial, trading punches, Jarrett ducks a right hand and hits a shinbreaker! Figure four reversed, step through, Sharpshooter blocked! Diving headbutt connects, Jarrett goes for the Stroke, reversed to a backslide, fakeout… PILEDRIVER CAN’T KEEP DOUBLE J DOWN!

Missile dropkick ducked, spinning toeholds to try and get the figure four get nowhere, catapult into the corner, schoolboy… NOPE! Figure four reversed, inside cradle… SO CLOSE! Forearm, whip reversed, Dax cracks him with a lariat! Out and back in, Sonjay Dutt is back and running interference, Jeff catpitalizes…

Jeff Jarrett wins by pinfall with the Stroke.

Post-match, Sonjay gives Jarrett Dax’s world tag team championship belt and he kisses it like he just won it.

Tony Khan is backstage with just a little announcement for us this week.

He tells us the Owen Hart Cup is back and will begin at Double or Nothing, with matches to be held in Canada, including at Forbidden Door. The finals will take place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on July 15.

Wardlow vs. Enhancement Talent

Alas I didn’t catch this fellow’s name.

Big headbutt and a lariat, right into the powerbombs…

Wardlow wins by pinfall with the Powerbomb Symphony.

Post-match Arn Anderson tells the kid to get in an ice bath and drink a twelve-pack after this, and says people have been wondering why he’d align with Wardlow.

He’s been in this business for forty years and he’s figured out who’s who in the dressing room. It’s ironic that tomorrow is the NFL draft and you get that number one pick and turn a team that’s pretty good into a dynasty, and Wardlow is AEW’s dynasty. Wardlow has a future unlike anyone in the back and he could put AEW on his shoulders and carry the company into the next millennium.

Arn tells him there’s some stuff he’s gonna have to agree with, sometimes you’re gonna have to pull an eye out, wrench a thumb off, crack a man over the head with a chair…

Enter Christian Cage, with Luchasaurus in tow.

They stalk around ringside while Cage’s music plays and no proper confrontation occurs.

Renee Paquette interviews Sammy Guevara.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman comes up to tell him it’s his big night and kiss him on his forehead, and Sammy kisses his forehead and tells him that it’s THEIR big night. They complain about everybody complaining about them and say they don’t care, because Sam’s getting a fat check and Max keeps the reign of terror rolling.

Guevara has a present for MJF, and it’s a matching vest! He puts it on Friedman and Max of course has a gift for him, which is a matching scarf. They hug cheek to cheek and we go to break.

Back from commercial, RJ City is backstage and Jon Moxley clobbers him upside the head!

He gets on the mic as Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler YUTA come up behind him. He says tonight is a big night for Blackpool Combat Club, and they have some scars to leave.

Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara (AEW World Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament Finals)

Maxwell Jacob Friedman is on commentary for this one, eating pickles.

Allin with a headlock takeover, grounding Guevara, block the shoot off, second try, reverse to a wristlock, back to the side headlock. Into the corner, duck a dirty break, up and over, off the ropes, leapfrog, springboard arm drag! Off the ropes, dropdown, rolling headlock takeover!

Enzuigiri connects, stomp to the ribs, jackknife pin, back to the headlock takeover! Headscissors into a cloverleaf and Sammy has to crawl… HE GETS THE ROPES! A knee to the back sends Darby to the floor, Guevara goes after him and puts him into the post!

Fighting over a suplex in the ropes, huge palm strike from Allin, choking Sammy in the ropes! Guevara with a mule kick to the gentleman’s area, moonsault to the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Guevara sidesteps a suicide dive and goes under the ring and gets a table out! Darby sets him up on the table, breaks the count, heads up top but Tay Melo runs interference and Sammy hits the Spanish Fly off the top… ALLIN GETS A HAND ON THE ROPES!

Guevara puts Darby through the table, rolls inside to take the count… ALLIN BEATS THE COUNT! MJF gets up from commentary and heads to ringside, Darby sidesteps the charge, shotgun dropkick, up top but Max gets on the apron and throws him the skateboard! Sammy with a flat back bump, referee Paul Turner falls for it…

Sammy Guevara wins by disqualification with the Eddy Guerrero Special, and becomes #1 contender to the AEW World Championship.

MJF raises Sammy’s hand and they put boots to Darby! Referee Paul Turner tries to restore order but it takes Jungle Boy’s music hitting before the heels scatter!

Tony Schiavone gets some news at commentary while Allin and Perry bicker in the ring and Guevara and Friedman gloat on the stage. Max gets on the mic and tells them to beat the hell out of each other because it’s just going to make the moment better for him.

He tells them they suck and should go back to the undercard.

Tony Schiavone gets on the mic and calls Friedman a prick before saying he just spoke with Tony Khan and Sammy earned a title shot, yes, but he may not be the only one, because next week Jungle Boy and Darby will team against them and if the babyfaces win, they get added to the match!

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Renee Paquette tries to interview MJF and Sammy Guevara.

Max pops off on Tony Khan and says it’s been like this since day one but as long as he’s champion the belt goes with him. He drives off by himself after telling Sammy there’s “no room” in his car.

Adam Cole makes his entrance and get on the mic.

He curses at Chris Jericho and calls him down, saying it’s one thing to run his mouth, to jump him and beat him up, but handcuffing him and watching as he orchestrated a beatdown for Britt Baker, that’s unforgivable and he’ll hurt him bad. He calls Chris out again and goes to leave to find him, but—

Judas plays and Jericho appears on the tron.

He laughs off the idea of coming and fighting him because he doesn’t want to be near a man who’d let the love of his life get beaten in front of him. He says Cole is a coward and he won’t come near him, but his guys will.

Enter the Jericho Appreciation Society, stalking down to the ring and overwhelming Adam with That Damn Numbers Game! ORANGE CASSIDY AND BANDIDO MAKE THE SAVE! Soon enough they succumb to the JAS’ superior numbers…


QTV are doing their thing but who cares Roderick Strong is All Elite.

Will Hobbs storms in and threatens QT Marshall but who cares Roddy’s here and he has End of Heartache.

QT makes excuses and promises Hobbs he’ll be a champion again, Will tells him to fix it, he goes to plan B but again, Roddy? Here?

Jade Cargill (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie (AEW TBS Championship)

Collar and elbow, Cargill shrugs her off and lands a jab. Valkyrie with a slap and Jade unloads on her with chops and forearms! Whip across, Taya with a lariat, to the floor, jump over a lariat, Cargill trips her into the splits, inverted headlock elbow drop off the apron and to the floor and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Cargill with a nearfall, sidestep a pump kick, Taya landing strikes, Blue Thunder Driver… JADE KICKS OUT! Up top, jockeying for position, back on the mat, drawing Valkyrie up, flip piledriver… SO CLOSE! Up for Jaded, reversed, arm drag, off the ropes, solebutt, mat slam, double stomp for two!

Taya goes for Road to Valhalla forgetting about the stipulation, denied, Cargill thinks fast…

Jade Cargill wins by pinfall with a schoolboy pin to retain the AEW TBS Championship.

Post-match, Taya’s pissed and throws Jade’s entourage around but the champion bails out of the ring. She goes to hit Road to Valhalla on Aubrey Edwards but referees break it up!

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD and Jamie Hayter cut promos on the Outcasts backstage.

Britt says they’re decent human beings until they have a reason not to be, and Jamie calls them sneaky and says this is far from over.

Bullet Club Gold cut a promo about their match on Rampage this week.

Commentary hypes up our next week of cards.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson makes his entrance to join commentary for our main event and sends us to break.

Butcher and the Blade (Andy “Butcher” Williams and Pepper “Blade” Parks) vs. Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita

Blade and Takeshita to start, whip to the corner, big chop from Parks gets a forearm in return! Clubbing blows, Pepper rakes his face but Konosuke hits a heel kick and tags Omega in! Arm wringer, into the corner, axhandle, quick tags as they work the Blade over.

To the floor, Terminator dive attempt, Kip Sabian runs interference and Kenny goes to contront him but the Bunny gets in the way and Butcher blindsides him! Arabian press Asai moonsault from Kip and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Kenny hits the Kotaro Crusher on Blade and we get tags! Whip reversed, duck lariats, flying shoulder block takes Butcher out! Takeshita charges in, big boot, fired up, another one, he follows it with a brainbuster… NOT ENOUGH!

Williams with a backbreaker, into a Stunner from Parks, follow it with a lariat and Kenny breaks it up! Kenny blocks the powerbomb neckbreaker, Takeshita with a Frankensteiner, trading strikes, V-Trigger, Blue Thudner Driver… BLADE BREAKS IT UP! Jumping knee, Dragon suplex, tope con giro takes Blade out!

Back to Butch, Konosuke waits for him to rise…

Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita win by pinfall with the Powerdrive Knee from Takeshita on the Butcher.

Bryan Danielson gets on the mic and says he sees one professional wrestler who got the pin, and one amateur who’s exhausted, his best days behind him, living on the legacy he built in Japan. He says if Takeshita trained with BCC he’d be a world-beater but if he trains with the Elite he’d be like Nakazawa, washing them in the showers.

The rest of BCC hits the ring to beat Omega down! Bryan says last week they started something, and this week they’re gonna end it, and he’s got the screwdriver! He gives it to Jon Moxley but the Young Bucks make the save! Superkick Parties for Claudio and YUTA and Omega hits a Dragon suplex on Jon!

The Bucks hit the ring, Superkick Party connects! Danielson tries to take Takeshita into going in the ring and he does, getting between Omega and Moxley! Blackpool pulls the Bucks out of the ring, Mox shoves Takeshita into Omega and hits Paradigm Shift!

Danielson and Castagnoli raise Konosuke’s hands but he’s not having it! Bryan tells him to think about what he’s doing and tells him he wants to be with the BCC! Wheeler low blows him and Moxley spikes Takeshita with the screwdriver over and over and over!

We see the blood pouring out of Konosuke’s head as Blackpool Combat Club leave the ring.

That’s the show, folks.


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