Dynamite results, live blog: Championship Fight Night

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight at 8 pm ET on TNT.

Check out ourWednesday morning preview postto get caught up on what led up to, and what we’re looking forward to on, tonight’s show.

AEW will be El Paso, Texas’ El Paso County Coliseum for what they’re calling Championship Fight Night! The Elite defend the Trios belts against Top Flight & AR Fox, while The Acclaimed put the Tag straps up against The Gunns. Konosuke Takeshita can earn a World title shot by beating MJF, and The Bunny gets the same opportunity when she faces Jamie Hayter. RUSH is the latest former World champ standing between Bryan Danielson and his Iron Man match with MJF at Revolution, which Ricky Starks has to run the Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet to get his hands on Chris Jericho. And more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TNT. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


At last the crimson chord cascade to shower dry cordials within. Too late to leap the chocolate gate, pale fountains fizzing forth pink gin. While destiny begins to fly, the farmyard chorus sings its wake, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with the intro video.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Friedman offers a handshake, Takeshita is reticent but accepts eventually and, of course, it was a ruse. Kick to the midsection, whip across, duck a lariat, flying forearm takes Max off his feet! Up in the turnbuckles for mounted punches, MJF cuts them off into a Manhattan Drop!

Konosuke with a huge jumping knee to rock Friedman, another knee gets referee Paul Turner pulled in the way and MJF goes to town on his arm in the aftermath. Repeated knee drops, hard whip into the corner, armbar applied. Takeshita to his feet, elbows to break free but Max gets him right away with another arm wringer!

Hammerlock DDT, only two! Takeshita catches him, exploder suplex into the turnbuckles and he’s fired up to fight back into it! Boot in the corner, a second one, Friedman sidesteps a third, schoolboy for two! Whip reversed, up and over cut off with a kick to the chest!

Konosuke with a sheerdrop brainbuster… SO CLOSE! Off the top, frog splash… MJF KICKS OUT! Looking for a piledriver, Takeshita reverses… WHEELBARROW TOMBSTONE AND RIGHT INTO A DEADLIFT WHEELBARROW SUPLEX! Going for the knee, MJF rolls out of the ring! Plancha but nobody’s home and Konosuke lands hard on the floor!

Following Takeshita out to the floor, beating him down, hammerlock throw reversed and Max eats the turnbuckles hard! Back inside, kick to the ribs, up top but Friedman recovers and throws himself into the ropes to crotch Konosuke! Up top, Spanish Fly attempt but Max lands on his feet! Rolling elbow gets a lariat and both men are down and out!

Cover, into the Salt of the Earth! Biting Takeshita’s hand, he reverses, schoolboy for two! To the floor, Konosuke off the ropes… TOPE CON GIRO! Back inside, knee pad down, but again Max rolls out of the ring! Turner distracted, cheap shot from the champion, dropping knees to the arm but Takeshita rolls away!

Trading right hands, thumb to the eye, going for a Frankensteiner, powerbomb backbreaker and MJF comes up lame in the knee, screaming agony! Back on his feet, hobbling, Konosuke catches him… BLUE THUNDER DRIVER CAN’T DO IT! Running knee… MAX GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPES!

Konosuke with a springboard senton atomico, nobody home, Salt of the Earth back on! Takeshita fighting it, struggling, crawling, MJF shifts gears, bridging Salt of the Earth… IT’S OVER!

Maxwell Jacob Friedman wins by submission with a bridging Salt of the Earth.

Post-match, MJF shoves referee Paul Turner away, Dynamite Diamond Ring back on his finger and he clobbers Takeshita with it! Mounted punches follow, Konosuke bleding something fierce… “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON MAKES THE SAVE! Friedman runs off while medics check on Takeshita’s head wound.

Samoa Joe cuts a promo about how he has both his belts again and everything is right with the world. He puts Darby Allin over as a worthy and brave adversary, but asks Wardlow what more he wants to have taken from him? Wardlow might be coming for the title, but he’ll take everything from him.

Jamie Hayter vs. the Bunny

Collar and elbow, Hayter takes her down with a headlock, Bunny with a headscissors choke in the ropes, Jamie suplexes her right back in! Bunny with a front kick on the apron, Stunner to the floor and a straight suplex sends Hayter’s calf cracking into the steel steps and us to break.

Back from commercial, Hayter with a series of suplexes, she capitalizes…

Jamie Hayter wins by pinfall with Hayterade.

Saraya and Toni Storm are interviewed backstage by Renee Paquette.

Saraya congratulates Jamie Hayter and calls her a loser before calling Leva Bates in. Her name starts with L, so Storm shoves her over and Saraya spray paints her front and back to call her a loser! She says they’re not here to make friends.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of our opening match.

MJF welcomes an interviewer into his dressing room.

He says he’ll give Takeshita credit, he’s very good, but he’s not a generational talent, but nobody but him is so that’s okay. He doesn’t know if we hate him because he’s twisted or if he’s twisted because we hate him, but he know a man doesn’t know who he is until he’s tested by adversity.

He talks about getting speeding tickets in his blue camaro in high school and being one point away from losing his license. He went to prom and he talks about the one perfect girl he wanted to get with and how he took her for a spin and she got to (blowjob motion) distracting him.

He put pedal to the medal, it was raining cats and dogs, they hydroplaned, he panicked and hit the accelerator by accident and at 90 miles an hour they hit a telephone pole. He woke up tasting pennies, hands covered in blood, and sweet Liv cracked his windshield but thankfully she was breathing.

The cops arrived and he switched seats with her so he wasn’t the one driving, and that’s the kind of man he is. History has winners and losers and tonight he’s going to expose Danielson as not having the guts to do what it takes to be a winner. There will be no iron man match and Bryan will never come close to the world title.

Yes he’s a scumbag, and he’s damn proud of it.

“Cool Hand” Angelo Parker vs. “Red Death” Daniel Garcia vs. “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks (Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet Match)

Trading punches, Parker with a snap suplex for one! Stomp to the face, cover for two, Roshambo attempted but Angelo gouges the eyes! Off the ropes, Starks catches him…

Ricky Starks eliminates Angelo Parker by pinfall with a spear.

Matt Menard out second, schoolboy…

Ricky Starks eliminates Matt Menard by pinfall with a schoolboy.

Daniel Garcia seems like he’s the third in the gauntlet but Sammy Guevara makes his entrance.

Garcia blasts Starks from behind and puts boots to him, he’s the third man! With Red Death firmly in control, we go to break.

Back from commercial, Starks with a nearfall, Garcia counters a spear into the guillotine choke! Powerbomb counters the choke but Ricky can’t capitalize and both men are down and out! Up top, superplex, Starks rolls through… BRAINBUSTER! Fired up in the corner, up for Roshambo but Daniel uses the ropes to block!

Suplex lift to the apron, trading shots, spear on the apron! A man in a Kiss Demon mask in the crowd cold cocks Starks and lays him out! Back inside, cover…

Daniel Garcia wins, eliminating Ricky Starks by pinfall with a lateral press.

The Demon makes his way to the ring and takes the mask off… IT’S CHRIS JERICHO!

The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are interviewed backstage.

Billy says he’s pulled in two different directions here and he cames about all four boys and they made the decision that he’s gonna stay in the back and let them handle business as a team. Max Caster talks up how they got it and Anthony Bowens wants to give the people what they want, and they all scissor.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Bryan Danielson is interviewed in the trainer’s room about his match tonight but they get locked in and we hear machinery noises.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman makes his entrance while Rush is in the ring.

He tells referee Aubrey Edwards they need to talk, because by the AEW rulebook and bylaws, Bryan Danielson is scheduled for a match here in shitty El Paso but he’s not here!

Max demands she ring the bell and count, and as she begins her count, Bryan shoulders his way through the trainer’s room door and runs! MJF demands a faster count but Aubrey is no dummy and she takes her sweet time! He’s here and it’s on!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Rush

Rush right on him with strikes, whip across, charging elbows, MJF joins the commentary booth! Kicks to the head, kicks to the back, chops, but Danielson’s resolve is steel and he fires up! Chops of his own, going chop for chop with El Toro Blanco! Headbutts from Danielson, superkick off the ropes, rebound German suplex and a flying knee from Rush!

To the floor, he throws Bryan into the barricade a few times, smashing his face into a steel chair before going back inside to break the count. Shotgun dropkick goes through Danielson’s skull! Bryan busted open and pouring blood, Rush rubs his hand on it and licks his fingers!

More headbutts, throwing Danielson hard into the barricade! Knees against the guardrail, a wicked forearm, dragging Bryan up by his hair and hammering him with a chop! Back inside, trading chops on the apron, slaps and chops to the neck as Dragon gets fired up!

He knocks Rush down but he pops up and hits a belly-to-belly suplex off the apron and we go to break!


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