Drew McIntyre Drops Bombshell: Juicy Details Emerge on WWE Absence

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Drew McIntyre was absent from WWE television for nearly three months following his loss at WrestleMania 39. During that time, the rumor mill was buzzing with several stories about Drew, touching on topics like his physical health and tense WWE contract talks.

In a new interview with TMZ, Drew says he enjoyed seeing his name in the media during his break from WWE. He indicates there was “some smoke” to some of the rumors, before focusing on physical issues he needed time off to fix:

“It was cool, getting the break. It was a lot of rumors and headlines on the internet when I was out, probably like 50 different things. It was amazing all the stories about me out there. When you’re not on TV, people talk, and you know, there might have been some smoke to some fire with a few of them, but it was nice people were talking about me when I wasn’t there.

But I did have to get some things fixed physically. Unlike injuries I’ve had in the past, there was no rehab involved, so I was able to actually enjoy my time home, work on some outside projects, spend time with the missus and the cat, and take a step outside the bubble and get perspective again.

…We’re 52 weeks per year. You go, go, go. Sometimes you can lose that perspective. And the last time I really had a hard look at myself outside the bubble was 2014 when I got fired by WWE. So this time I didn’t have to get fired, thank goodness. I had some time off, and I was able to sit down, reassess things, think what I want to achieve within the industry and as a person, and return with that mindset.”

It’s worth noting that Triple H recently dismissed the rumors about Drew, denying that he knew anything about it, and said they even laughed together about how off base the stories were.

What do you think of the way Drew addresses the rumors in this interview, Cagesiders?


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