Breaking News: Exciting G1 Climax 33 C Block Update Revealed on July 30!

EVIL, Finlay continue to head C Block with two matches left

After the famous Dolphin’s Arena in Aichi saw the fifth night of action for C block, David Finlay heads the table with two matches to go.

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The top C Block match of the night would see Tama Tonga and Shingo Takagi doing battle, the match starting fast with a series of strikes and Tama driving Shingo down with a tackle. Takagi responded with a lariat to the floor that saw him take brief control, but a Tonga dropkick changed the conversation once again. As Takagi found himself on the apron, a modified Gunstun from Tama saw the Dragon’s neck snap on the top strand, and Shingo had to do all he could to try and slow, even if not stop, Tonga’s forward advance.

Takagi finally worked his way back in with impactful slams and strikes before a huge superplex at the ten minute mark. Countering Villano with a powerbomb and ground Cobra, Shingo wanted Made In Japan, but Tama would find an answer, rolling into a Sharpshooter that was only barely broken at the ropes. SRC and the Supreme Flow got a near two for Tama at the 15 minute mark, and Tama set up for the Gunstun, but was spiked in mid air with an STO.

Shingo landed the Takagi Driver ’98 for a nearfall, but a Tongan Twist counter to the Last of the Dragon struck at 17 minutes. A firm fist to the face and Bloody Sunday landed but didn’t finish the match for Tama, who was rocked with a Takagi style Gunstun and Pumping Bomber for a very near fall. With a minute left on the clock, Shingo got one from a sliding lariat, but Last of the Dragon was countered with Gunstun. Takagi kicked out with ten seconds left, and a jackknife from Shingo was too late as the time expired.

EVIL was quick on the jump start against Tomohiro Ishii, who responded by bringing the fight on the floor. Ishii started to build steam, the cue for Dick Togo to get involved on the outside. Taking advantage, EVIL used a chair around the head of Ishii and sent him into the ringpost, doing untold damage to the neck. Ishii would refuse to give in though, and a suplex saw him work his way back into the bout.

As things started to look desperate for EVIL, Dick Togo’s interference ensured a downed referee and a chorus of boos in the Dolphin’s Arena. A Magic Killer scored, only for two, but things looked bleak for Ishii until a shot into the exposed turnbuckle. After teaching EVIL a lesson with the WAR Special, Ishii sent a chair flung by Dick Togo into Dick himself, and lariated the steel through the face of EVIL to set up a nearfall, but EVIL responded with Darkness Falls for two. The crowd wholly behind Ishii, it seemed like a Vertical Drop Brainbuster would seal the deal, but a drawn ref, low blow from Togo and EVIL landed for the win.

Eddie Kingston did battle with Mikey Nicholls in Aichi. Nicholls poked the bear witha slap early and ducked a backfist to land a backdrop suplex, pushing the advantage with a plancha to the floor. A lond delayed suplex followed up in the ring as the Australian had control until a short DDT from Kingston. The Mad King

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