AEW Rampage Results 3/3/23

The go home show for Revolution is here, and we have a LIVE Rampage on tap:

Dustin Rhodes & Keith Lee vs. Swerve Strickland & Parker Boudreaux
Four-way Tag Team Match: Top Flight vs. Blackpool Combat Club vs. Aussie Open vs. Dark Order
Emi Sakura vs. Riho

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 3/3/23

Live from the Cow Palace in in San Francisco, California! Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross are on the call and the gentlemen are already in the ring, so let’s do this!

Match #1: Four-way Tag Team Match: Top Flight vs.  Blackpool Combat Club vs. Aussie Open vs. Dark Order

Dark Order take the fight to the BCC during their entrance as Top Flight take everyone out with a suicide dive. Double chop by Aussie Open and seated senton by Davis. Double hurricanrana by Darius Martin takes out both members of Aussie Open. Reynolds is in with a snap suplex to Fletcher. Fletcher responds with a superkick, but Castagnoli tags himself in. Reynolds boots a charging Claudio and tags Silver. Silver lights Castagnoli up with some strikes, hits the cannonball on Davis on the outside, big boot to Fletcher, shoulder block to Martin! Diving cross body by Silver but Castagnoli catches him and drops him with a back breaker. Reynodsl tagged in now and Castagnoli cuts him off. Yuta in now as the Kingdom looks on from the crowd. Fletcher in now as Top Flight hit a rising knee strike and a bottom rope assisted flatliner. Two count. Enziguiri by Davis and Aussie Open with a double superkick to a diving Darius Martin. Double team pendulum powerbomb to Dariu MAartin gets two. Castagnoli in the ring and eats a lariat sammich. Davis takes out Fletcher with a lariat on accident as the Dark Order hit a pair of super kicks to Davis. Enziguiru by Silver, rolling elbow, stunner, and half and half suplex all by the Dark Order! Yuta in quickly and dumps both members of the Dark Order to steal the pin!

Winners: Dark Order

Rating: ***. A bit short, but a fun sprint here with way too match to follow. Good for all of these guys delivering in tag team craziness over the last ten days, but I’m here for a straight tag team match now. We’ve had battle royals, four ways, etc.

Jungle Boy is going to give Christian a change to say hi to Jungle Boy’s father on Sunday… yikes.

Match #2. Emi Sakura vs. Riho

Sakura using her strength early to throw Riho around, and catches a charging Riho with a body slam. Riho responds with a pair of dropkicks and a running knee in the corner. Snap suplex by Riho. Riho boots a charging Sakura but hits a tiltawhirl head scissors that sends Sakura to the outside. Riho goes up top but Sakura moves and catches Riho with a tiltawhirl back breaker before throwing her into the guard rail. Basement cross body by Sakura! Back in the ring and Sakura locks in the surfboard as we head to a commercial break. Back from break as Riho sends Sakura into the ropes and hits the Tiger Feint Kick. Riho with a big diving cross body off the top for a two count. Fans are insane for Riho right now. Sakura reverses Riho and plants her with the twisting inverted DDT and a cross body in the corner. Riho rolls through a cradle for a two count. Dropkick to the knee by Sakura and a majistral cradle for a 2.99! Riho catches a charging Sakura with a rising knee strike but Sakura misses a moonsault. Crucifix by Riho as she’s swung around Sakura yet again and rolls her up for three!

Winner: Riho

Rating: ***. The crowd loves this one and I think it needed about ten more minutes. Riho has been on a roll and Sakura more than held up her end of the bargain here. Really fun stuff.

Excellent video package for the AEW Women’s World Championship match, featuring a passionate Ruby Soho promo detailing her coming from a broken home and never expecting to be where she is.

Match #3. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Serpentico

Serpentico tries for an Irish whip but Hobbs drills him with a spinebuster. Torture Rack into a Burning Hammer! Finito.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Rating: NR. Squizzash.

Renee is with Konosuke Takeshita in the back. Takeshita says he’s had great moments, but he hasn’t won a big match. Cue Don Callis. Callis details how he can get Takeshita the big wins, and leaves him his card. Interesting.

Mark Briscoe is here and says during the tag team battle royal last week, he was looking for his brother and thought Jay might be in the ring already, but then he realizes Jay isn’t there. Jay isn’t here anymore, he’s upstairs with the lord. Wow, this was heavy. The Lucha Brothers are here and they challenge The Varsity Athletes for a trios match, but Mark as their partner!

Match #4. Keith Lee & Dustin Rhodes vs. Swerve Strickland & Parker Boudreaux

Mogul Affiliates attack from behind before the start of the match. Lee with some knees to the stomach of Parker and a tag to Dustin, who hits the drop down uppercut. Seems like some miscommunication here, as both men circle each other… and then Boudreaux hits an awkward looking short-arm clothesline. Swerve gets the tag now, as he lights up Dustin with some chops. Dustin fights back with some uppercuts but Swerve cuts him off and tags Boudreaux. Snake eyes by Boudreaux and a running… awkward kick to the mid-section. Boudreaux backs Dustin up to his own corner and thankfully tags Swerve. Snap mare and a diving European uppercut from the second rope by Swerve. Two count. Swerve dropkicks Lee’s knee out on the apron and Dustin has no one to tag. Snap powerslam by Dustin! Tag to Keith Lee who obliterates everyone and everything. Pounce to Boudreaux and Swerve is in the ring now. Boot by Swerve. Another boot. Swerve ducks a clothesline but Swerve responds with an enziguiri. Swerve charges Lee and Lee hits a one handled power choke slam from the ceiling! Lee looks for a superplex but Boudreaux chops out Lee’s knee. Swerve jumps off the top and moonsaults off of Lee, who’s on the apron, to Dustin on the floor! Boudreaux hits another very strange running half-kick to Lee and Swerve follows with the Swerve Stomp! Boudreaux covers for two. Swerve kick to Dustin! Double chop by Lee. Running cross body by Lee but a leaping flatliner by Swerve and a running Canadian Destroyer by Dustin! Lee military presses Dustin into a cannonball on Boudreaxu! Big Bang Catastrophe to Boudreaxu and that’ll do it.

Winners: Keith Lee & Dustin Rhodes

Rating: **1/2. Ugh, this one is tough. When Dustin, Lee, and Swerve were in this match, it was awesome. Boudreaux is very simply, not ready for this spot. His offense is not good, he does not know where he should be, or shouldn’t be, and it shows. Boudreaux’s spots in this match are what brought down the rating, which is unfair to the other three, but it is what it is.

Starks rushes the table and takes out Jericho! It’s a pull-apart brawl to end the show!

Final Thoughts: Typical Rampage complaint, which is that they’re trying to hard to cram too much into the show. The opening tag team match was hot and the Riho/Sakura match was also very entertaining, I just wish we saw more of them than we did. AEW and the commentary team did a good job in selling the PPV on Sunday, and that was the main goal of the show. 7/10. 

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