AEW Rampage 4/22/23 Results

A special Saturday night episode of Rampage featuring the AAA Mega Championship is on tap!

Christopher Daniels vs. Jon Moxley
Kiera Hogan vs. Julia Hart
FTR, Jay Lethal, & Jeff Jarrett vs. Varsity Athletes & Slim J
AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Dralistico

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 4/22/23

Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, and Excalibur are on the call tonight from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Wrestlers are already in the ring so let’s get to business!

Match #1. Jon Moxley vs. Christopher Daniels

Shoulder block by Moxley to start. Make that two. Drop toe hold by Daniels and a crossface in response. Both men trade chops now and Daniels connects with a leg lariat before dumping Moxley to the outside. Diving clothesline off the apron by Daniels to the outside. Daniels charges but Moxley back body drops him on the floor. Moxley drops Daniels face-first on the steel steps as we head to commercial break. Back from break as Moxley delivers an Ace Crusher. Moxley puts Daniels on the top rope and rakes the back before looking for a superplex. Danielson sends Moxley to the mat with a headbutt and follows with a diving crossbody for two. Back slide by Daniels gets two. Drop step by Moxley but Daniels gets a cradle for two. Lariat by Moxley out of nowhere and a huge piledriver. One, two, no! Bulldog choke by Moxley but Daniels fights out. Daniels fights out of a Deathrider and boots a charging Moxley. Diving Flatliner off the middle rope by Daniels. Angel’s Wings! Daniels is hurt and struggles to get the cover, before eventually getting a two count. Moxley bites face and delivers some 12-6 elbows before locking in the Bulldog choke. Moxley transitions into a rear naked choke and Daniels is out!

Winner: Jon Moxley

Rating: ***. Perfectly acceptable pro wrestling match between two veterans. Good stuff here and a good win for Moxley.

Moxley extends the hand to Daniels after the bell, and Daniels obliges.

Lexi Nair is with Mark Sterling and Jade. Taya Valkyrie can’t use the Road to Valhalla this Wednesday in their TBS Championship match. Got it.

Hook, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Isiah Kassidy are in the ring. Kassidy welcomes Jeff back, and Jeff said the smartest thing for him to do would be to retire.

Retire from… screwing up!

We’ll see, and time will tell, but the future is waiting for Hardy to prevail!

Stokely is here, and he wants to know what this Firm Deletion match is about, but Matt won’t tell him. The Firm attack all four men from behind, much to Stokely’s surprise. Ethan Page hits the Ego’s Edge on Kassidy as the Hardy’s run them all off.

Match #2. Julia Hart vs. Kierra Hogan

Drop toe hold by Hogan across the middle rope. Running leg drop by Hogan gets two. Hart responds with a superkick. Hogan with some chops in return and a few diving back elbow strikes. Snap mare by Hogan and a thrust kick to a seated Hart. Running dropkick in the corner to Hart gets two. Hart fires back with a diving neck breaker and a standing moonsault for two. Hart looks for Hartless but Hogan rolls her up for two. Hart drives Hogan face-first in the mat and locks in Hartless and this one is over.

Winner: Julia Hart

Rating: *1/4. This happened.

Anna Jay hits the ring and we’ve got a hockey fight! Security eventually breaks them up.

Christopher Daniels is in the back with Lexi Nair and says he’s not here for respect, he’s here for victory. The Blackpool Combat Club are here and Moxley saves Daniels from a beatdown, as Daniels says Moxley still has some honor left. Moxley changes his tune and beats up Daniels before throwing him into the locker a bunch. Moxley says they never changed, everyone else did.

Match #3. FTR, Jay Lethal, & Jeff Jarrett vs. Varsity Athletes & Slim J

Dax and Slim J start. Dax lights J up with chops and a snap suplex. Leg drop by Dax and a two count. Cash in now with a heavy powerslam to J, but a blind tag is made to Lethal. Lethal then tags in Jarrett who connects with a Russian leg sweep. Dropkick by Lethal and some struts. Boot by Jarrett and a swinging neck breaker by Lethal. J flips out of a double suplex by FTR and sends them into a meeting of the minds. Daivari gets the tag and dumps Cash to the outside. Woods in now with some shoulders into Cash in the corner. Varsity Athletes cut the ring off now and are making quick tags with Cash in trouble as we go into a commercial break. Back from break and Woods has Cash grounded with a chin lock. Daivari in and prevents the tag with a sleeper. Back suplex by Cash but Daivarai tags Nese. Cash dives and gets Dax in now who clears the ring with right hands. All eight men are in the ring now as Lethal and Cash work together with a double clothesline. Sterling gets brought in the ring and Jarrett accidentally hits Dax, who gets rolled up by Nese for two. Stroke by Jarrett on Nese, who leaves him there for Dax to make the pin and does.

Winners: FTR, Jay Lethal, & Jeff Jarrett

Rating: *1/2. Blah. Far longer than it needed to be to advance the angle here.

Cooler heads prevail after the match.

Match #4. AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Dralistico w/ LFI

Dralistico with a dive to Vikingo before the match ever starts. In the ring Vikingo hits a springboard dropkick before throwing Dralistico to the outside. Vikingo follows up with a flipping suicide dive that misses and Vikingo lands disgustingly hard on the ramp. Dralistico rolls Vikingo in the ring and gets a two count. Chops are exchanged now in the center of the ring and both men trade flying forearms. Corkscrew kick by Vikingo. Rebound German suplex by Dralistico. Poisonrana by Vikingo. Double jump twisting Destroyer by Dralistico. Dralistico now looks to ground Vikingo, attacking the legs. Running superkick in the corner by Dralistico to a grounded Vikingo. Shotgun dropkick sends Vikingo off the apron into the guard rail. Moonsault by Dralistico to the floor. Springboard Codebreaker by Dralistico gets a two count. Vikingo with some overhand chops before sending Dralistico to the apron. Both men are on the turnbuckle now exchanging strikes as Dralistico falls to the apron. Vikingo comes off the top with a diving destroyer on the apron! Awful thud on that landing, wow. Vikingo now rolls Dralistico into the ring and as Preston Vance and Rush attacked Vikingo behind the referees back. Referee Brandon Martinez now ejects the members of LFI and it’s down to a one-on-one match. Corkscrew kick by Vikingo and a diving foot stomp off the top rope get two. Vikingo goes to the middle rope an Dralistico meets him with a springboard hurricanrana from the apron to the floor! La Mistica inside the ring but Vikingo gets to the ropes. Back heel kick by Vikingo and a pair of knees in the corner. 630 senton finishes this one .

Winner and STILL AAA Mega Champion: El Hijo del Vikingo

Rating: ***1/2. If you love fantastical “holy s is that dude still alive” spots, than this is for you. Vikingo, Dralistico, and Komander have definitely added their own flare to AEW lately and their influence is evident. The spots in this match were amazing and you have to wonder how long a guy like Vikingo can take these bumps, just absolutely brutal.

After the match, LFI returns and attack Vikingo.

Final Thoughts: Well, this certainly was an episode of Rampage. Very strong opener and very strong main event, albeit two completely different types of matches. I could have done without everything in the middle, but it’s not a bad way to spend 60 minutes. 7/10.

The post AEW Rampage 4/22/23 Results appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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