AEW Elevation Results 2/6/23

AEW Elevation Results 2/6/23
The Nutter Center
Dayton, Ohio

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Paul Wight and Matt Menard)

Ring Announcer: Dasha Gonzalez

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Angelo Parker & Matt Menard vs. The Boys

Matt Menard and Brent Tate will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Menard backs Brent into the turnbuckles. Strong lockup. Menard walks Brent into the ropes. Brent ducks a clothesline from Parker. Menard kicks Brent in the gut. Menard slams Brent’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Menard tags in Parker. Parker with a straight right hand. Parker punches Brent in the back. Parker with an elbow smash. Parker tags in Menard. Menard with a toe kick. Menard chops Brent. Menard whips Brent across the ring.

Brent holds onto the ropes. Brent decks Menard with a back elbow smash. Brandon tags himself in. Brandon with an Apron Enzuigiri. Brandon with a SpringBoard Double Axe Handle. Menard tags in Parker. Double Toe Kick to Parker. Double Irish Whip. Double Leapfrog. Double Arm-Drag. Double Clothesline. Parker kicks Brandon in the face. Parker tags in Menard. Brandon ducks a clothesline from Parker. Menard with an Inside Out Lariat. Parker drops Brandon with The Big Boot. JAS connects with The Double Impaler DDT to pickup the victory.

Winner: Angelo Parker & Matt Menard via Pinfall

.@TonyNese and @AriyaDaivari have a big opportunity tonight when they take on #BBC‘s @ClaudioCSRO and @WheelerYuta

Tune in to #AEWDarkElevation!

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 7, 2023

Second Match: Juice Robinson vs. Jake Crist

Crist side steps Robinson into the turnbuckles. Crist with clubbing shoulder blocks. Robinson reverses out of the irish whip from Crist. Crist kicks Robinson in the face. Crist with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Crist thrust kicks the midsection of Robinson. Crist with a Diving Crossbody Block. Crist poses for the crowd. Robinson launches Crist over the top rope. Crist with an Apron Enzuigiri. Crist with another Crossbody Block for a one count.

Robinson blocks a boot from Crist. Juice Jabs. Robinson delivers The Left Hand Of God. Robinson argues with the referee. Robinson goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Crist rolls him over for a two count. Crist SuperKicks Robinson. Robinson responds with The Flapjack. Robinson with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Robinson with a Senton Splash. Robinson connects with The Juice Is Loose to pickup the victory.

Winner: Juice Robinson via Pinfall

Third Match: The Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds) vs. Crash Jaxon, Matt Brannigan and Renny D In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

John Silver and Matt Brannigan will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Silver applies a side headlock. Brannigan whips Silver across the ring. Silver drops Brannigan with a shoulder tackle. Brannigan drops down on the canvas. Brannigan leapfrogs over Silver. Silver cartwheels over Brannigan. Silver ducks a clothesline from Brannigan. Silver with a Running Uppercut. Renny and Jaxon attacks Silver from behind. That leads us to a pier six brawl. The referee is losing control of this match. Meeting Of The Minds. Dark Order delivers their combination offense. Reynolds lands The Suicide Dive. Silver tags in Uno. Dark Order connects with The Pendulum Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Dark Order via Pinfall

Fourth Match: Yuka Sakazaki vs. Billie Starkz

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Sakazaki applies a hammerlock. Starkz transitions into a cravate. Sakazaki with a side headlock takeover. Starkz answers with the headscissors escape. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Sakazaki with a waist lock go-behind. Sakazaki sends Starkz to the corner. Starkz side steps Sakazaki into the turnbuckles. Sakazaki kicks Starkz in the face. Sakazaki applies The Upside Down. Starkz responds with a Pump Kick. Starkz sweeps out the legs of Sakazaki. Starkz kicks Sakazaki in the face. Starkz with a Cannonball Senton on the ring apron. Sakazaki with a Rebound Kick. Sakazaki rolls Starkz back into the ring. Sakazaki with a Missile Dropkick for a two count.

Starkz with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Starkz slams Sakazaki’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Starkz repeatedly stomps on Sakazaki’s chest. Starkz is choking Sakazaki with her boot. Starkz hits The Ushigoroshi for a two count. Sakazaki with forearm shivers. Following a rolling snap mare takeover, Sakazaki with a spinning roundhouse kick. Sakazaki with a Sliding Lariat for a two count. Sakazaki with combo forearms. Starkz dodges The Discus Lariat. Starkz with The Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Starkz lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Starkz peppers Sakazaki with forearms. Sakazaki rolls Starkz over for a one count. Starkz blocks a boot from Sakazaki. Starks kicks Sakazaki in the face. Sakazaki with The Rolling Elbow. Sakazaki with a Twisting Vertical Suplex. Sakazaki connects with The Magical Girl Splash to pickup the victory.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki via Pinfall

Will #TheBoys @TateTwinBrent @TateTwinBrandon join the #DarkOrder?!

Watch #AEWDarkElevation right now:

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 7, 2023

Fifth Match: Orange Cassidy & Best Friends w/Danhausen vs. Chaos Project & Zack Clayton w/Angelico In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

Orange Cassidy and Serpentico will start things off. Serpentico with a waist lock go-behind. Serpentico drop steps into a side headlock. Serpentico goes for a drop toe hold, but Cassidy puts his hand in his pockets. Serpentico leapfrogs over Cassidy. Cassidy lunges over Serpentico. Cassidy with an arm-drag takeover. Cassidy with a Monkey Flip. Cassidy pops back on his feet. Cassidy tags in Taylor. Taylor whips Serpentico across the ring. Assisted Hart Attack. Serpentico tags in Clayton. Clayton kicks Taylor in the gut. Clayton with a straight right hand. Clayton sends Taylor to the corner. Taylor dives over Clayton. Taylor with a deep arm-drag. Taylor applies an arm-bar. Serpentico tags himself in. Serpentico HeadButts Taylor. Wrist Lock Exchange. Beretta with clubbing arm-ringers across the top strand. The referee is distracted by Danhausen. Taylor tags in Beretta. Best Friends continues to work on the left wrist of Serpentico. Cassidy is caught doing arm-ringers to Taylor. The referee is losing control of this match. Clayton with an Inside Out Lariat. Clayton dumps Cassidy out of the ring. Luther kicks Cassidy in the gut. Luther with a Snap Vertical Suplex on the floor. Luther rolls Cassidy back into the ring. Serpentico tags in Clayton. Clayton sends Cassidy to the corner.

Cassidy ducks a clothesline from Clayton. Cassidy goes for a Spinning DDT, but Clayton counters with The Bear Hug. Chaos Project mocks Best Friends. Clayton bodyslams Cassidy. Clayton inadvertently clocks Luther with a forearm smash. Cassidy crawls under Clayton’s legs. Cassidy kicks Clayton in the gut. Cassidy dives over Clayton. Cassidy tags in Beretta. Beretta with a chop/forearm combination. Clayton reverses out of the irish whip from Beretta. Beretta ducks under two clotheslines from Clayton. Beretta with a running clothesline. Beretta with a leaping back elbow smash. Beretta tags in Taylor. Beretta drops Clayton with a DDT. Taylor with a Rising Knee Strike to Luther. Beretta delivers The Running Knee. Sole Food/Half & Half Suplex Combination to Serpentico. Clayton attacks Cassidy from behind. Clayton with forearm shivers. Cassidy responds with The Orange Punch. Best Friends connects with The Assisted Double Chokeslam to pickup the victory. After the match, Angelico tries to get a shot at the All-Atlantic Title. Cassidy dishes out lethargic kicks. Danhausen nails Angelico with the low blow.

Winner: Orange Cassidy & Best Friends via Pinfall

Sixth Match: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Corey Calhoun

Hobbs drives Calhoun back first into the turnbuckles. Hobbs with clubbing shoulder blocks. Hobbs repeatedly whips Calhoun chest first into the turnbuckles. Hobbs applies the cravate. Hobbs with a GutBuster. Hobbs dumps Calhoun ribs first on the top rope. Hobbs with a Running Boot. Hobbs connects with The Burning Hammer to pickup the victory.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs via Pinfall

Seventh Match: Top Flight vs. The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny

Butcher and Blade attacks Top Flight before the bell rings. Assisted Knee Lift to Dante. Butcher with a Running Lariat. Blade poses for the crowd. Blade sends Dante to the corner. Blade with a series of running chops. Blade tags in Butcher. Blade pie faces Darius. Butcher with forearm shivers. Butcher whips Dante across the ring. Butcher clotheslines Dante. Dante decks Butcher with a JawBreaker. Dante with a Roundhouse Kick. Butcher bodyslams Dante. Butcher with a Leg Drop for a two count. Butcher slams Dante’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Butcher tags in Blade. Double HeadButt. Blade is throwing haymakers at Dante. Blade is choking Dante with his knee. Bunny attacks Dante behind the referee’s back. Following a snap mare takeover, Blade kicks Dante in the back. Blade tags in Butcher. Dante avoids The Double Belly to Back Suplex.

Dante lunges over Butcher and Blade. Dante tags in Darius. Darius with a Flying Crossbody Block. Darius with a Running Uppercut to Butcher. Darius side steps Blade into Butcher. Darius with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Blade decks Darius with a back elbow smash. Darius with The Standing Spanish Fly for a two count. Butcher goes for a Bodyslam, but Darius lands back on his feet. Dante with an Apron Enzuigiri. Darius drops Blade with The Assisted Swinging DDT for a two count. Darius tags in Dante. Butcher pulls Dante off the ring apron. Butcher whips Dante into the steel ring steps. Darius punches Butcher. Darius ducks under two clotheslines from Blade. Blade with a nasty knee lift. Butcher and Blade hits Drag The Leg. The referee reminds Blade that Darius is not the legal competitor. Butcher dumps Darius out of the ring. Butcher goes for a PowerBomb, but Dante counters with a Headscissors Takeover to the floor. Dante with an Apron Enzuigiri to Blade. Dante connects with The Nose Dive to pickup the victory.

Winner: Top Flight via Pinfall

Eight Match: Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir, Diamante and Emi Sakura w/Vickie Guerrero vs. Madison Rayne, Skye Blue, Queen Aminata and Hyena Hera In A 8-Woman Tag Team Match

Nyla Rose and Skye Blue will start things off. Blue with a waist lock go-behind. Rose with a back elbow smash. Rose goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Blue lands back on her feet. Blue goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Rose holds onto the ropes. Blue ducks a clothesline from Rose. Blue thrust kicks the midsection of Rose. Rose blocks The SuperKick. Rose sends Blue face first into the canvas. Rose with a Running Crossbody Block for a two count. Shafir and Aminata are tagged in. Shafir unloads a flurry of kicks. Following a snap mare takeover, Aminata ducks a clothesline from Shafir. Aminata with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Aminata tags in Blue. Blue punches Shafir in the back. Blue slams Shafir’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Blue with a chop/forearm combination. Shafir blocks The SuperKick. Shafir with a Pumphandle Release Suplex. Shafir tags in Sakura. Sakura chops Blue. Sakura with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Sakura with a Twisting Senton Splash. Sakura tags in Diamante. Diamante applies a wrist lock. Diamante with a short-arm clothesline. Blue kicks Diamante in the gut. Diamante with a Release German Suplex for a two count.

Diamante whips Blue across the ring. Blue side steps Diamante into the ropes. Blue with a Rising Knee Strike. Blue SuperKicks Diamante. Rayne and Shafir are tagged in. Rayne with forearm shivers. Rayne slams Shafir’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Shafir reverses out of the irish whip from Rayne. Rayne kicks Shafir in the face. Rayne drops Shafir with The Ripcord Cutter for a two count. Shafir with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Shafir with a Belly to Back Suplex. Blue SuperKicks Shafir. Diamante with a Running Uppercut. Diamante avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Hera with a Hook Kick. Sakura chops Hera. Aminata with a forearm smash. Aminata sends Rose tumbling to the floor. Rose yanks Aminata out of the ring. The referee is losing control of this match. Blue with a Cannonball Senton off the apron. Rayne with a Diving Crossbody Block to the outside. Rayne rolls Shafir back into the ring. Rayne hooks the outside leg for a two count. Shafir kicks Rayne in the gut. Hera tags herself in. Shafir with The Big Boot. Shafir tags in Rose. Rose connects with The Beast Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir, Diamante and Emi Sakura via Pinfall

Ninth Match: The Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese w/Mark Sterling

Wheeler Yuta and Tony Nese will start things off. Nese applies a side headlock. Yuta whips Nese across the ring. Yuta drops down on the canvas. Yuta leapfrogs over Nese. Nese sends Yuta into the ropes. Nese drops down on the canvas. Nese stops Yuta in his tracks. Nese flexes his muscles. Yuta tags in Castagnoli. Nese kicks Castagnoli in the gut. Nese grabs a side headlock. Castagnoli whips Nese across the ring. Castagnoli drops down on the canvas. Castagnoli leapfrogs over Nese. Castagnoli drops Nese with a shoulder tackle. Castagnoli mocks Nese. Nese tags in Daivari. Castagnoli ducks a clothesline from Daivari. Castagnoli with a wrist lock takedown. Daivari chops Castagnoli. Castagnoli uppercuts Daivari. Yuta blasts Daivari off the ring apron. Castagnoli tags in Yuta. Double Irish Whip. Double Big Boot for a one count. Yuta applies a wrist lock. Daivari tugs on Yuta’s hair. Daivari backs Yuta into the ropes. Nese attacks Yuta behind the refere’s back. Daivari tags in Nese. Daivari gets Yuta tied up in the tree of woe. Daivari repeatedly stomps on Yuta’s chest.

Nese whips Yuta across the ring. Nese scores the elbow knockdown. Nese taunts Castagnoli. Nese tags in Daivari. Daivari and Nese gangs up on Yuta. Daivari sends Yuta to the corner. Yuta side steps Daivari into the turnbuckles. Nese inadvertently clotheslines Daivari. Castagnoli and Nese are tagged in. Castagnoli clotheslines Nese. Castagnoli delivers The Uppercut Train. Castagnoli dropkicks Nese for a two count. Yuta is throwing haymakers at Daivari. Daivari dumps Yuta out of the ring. Castagnoli uppercuts Daivari. Castagnoli blocks the backslide cover. Castagnoli with a double leg takedown. Castagnoli gets distracted by Sterling. Castagnoli kicks Sterling off the apron. Nese with a Spinning Back Kick. Nese hits The 450 Splash for a two count. Nese tags in Daivari. Yuta yanks Daivari out of the ring. Assisted DDT to Nese. Castagnoli catches Daivari in mid-air. Castagnoli with a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Castagnoli tags in Yuta. Castagnoli delivers The Giant Swing. Yuta hooks the outside leg to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Blackpool Combat Club via Pinfall

Checkout Episode 346 of The Hoots Podcast

The post AEW Elevation Results 2/6/23 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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