AEW Elevation Results 2/20/23

AEW Elevation Results 2/20/23
Sames Auto Arena
Laredo, Texas

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Paul Wight and Matt Menard)

Ring Announcer: Dasha Gonzalez

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Juice Robinson vs. Fuego Del Sol

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Robinson outpowers Del Sol. Del Sol gets up in Robinson’s grill. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Del Sol ducks a clothesline from Robinson. Del Sol rolls Robinson over for a one count. Del Sol with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Del Sol with a back bridge cover for a one count. Del Sol decks Robinson with a back elbow smash. Robinson denies The Tornado DDT. Robinson scores the elbow knockdown. Robinson transitions into a ground and pound attack. Robinson whips Del Sol across the ring. Robinson with a Flapjack. Robinson with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Robinson follows that with a Standing Frog Splash for a two count. Robinson argues with the referee.

Robinson is trying to remove Del Sol’s mask. Del Sol with a chop/forearm combination. Del Sol dodges The Leg Lariat. Del Sol with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Del Sol with a corner clothesline. Del Sol buries his shoulder into the midsection of Robinson. Del Sol side steps Robinson into the turnbuckles. Del Sol with a Slingshot Headscissors Takeover. Del Sol SuperKicks Robinson. Del Sol with The Asai MoonSault. Del Sol rolls Robinson back into the ring. Del Sol with a Jumping Knee Strike. Robinson negates The Tornado DDT. Robinson dumps Del Sol ribs first on the top rope. Robinson with a Senton Splash for a two count. Robinson with a corner clothesline. Robinson follows that with a Running Cannonball Strike. Juice Jabs. Robinson goes for The Left Hand Of God, but Del Sol rolls him over for a two count. Robinson removes Del Sol’s mask. Robinson delivers The Left Hand Of God. Robinson connects with The Juice Is Loose to pickup the victory.

Winner: Juice Robinson via Pinfall

Second Match: Athena vs. Evelyn Carter In A ROH Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match

Athena rocks Carter with a forearm smash. Athena poses for the crowd. Athena sends Carter shoulder first into the steel ring post. Athena with a Running Knee Strike. Athena repeatedly stomps on Carter’s chest. Athena dropkicks Carter off the ring apron. Athena with another forearm. Carter kicks Athena in the gut. Carter with a knee lift. Forearm Exchange. Athena launches Carter over the ringside barricade.

Athena with clubbing blows to Carter’s back. Athena resets the referee’s ten count. Athena dropkicks the back of Carter. Athena rolls Carter back into the ring. Carter with a double leg takedown. Carter with a jackknife hold for a one count. Carter rolls Athena over for a one count. Athena with a Spinning Chokeslam. Athena makes Carter tap out to The CrossFace. After the match, Athena SuperKicks Carter. Athena drives Carter face first into the ROH Women’s World Title Belt.

Winner: Athena via Submission

Third Match: Lee Moriarty & Big Bill w/Stokely Hathaway vs. Zack Zilla & Warren Johnson

Lee Moriarty and Zack Zilla will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Moriarty applies a side headlock. Zilla whips Moriarty across the ring. Moriarty drops Zilla with a shoulder tackle. Zilla drops down on the canvas. Zilla leapfrogs over Moriarty. Moriarty cartwheels over Zilla. Zilla goes for a Hip Toss, but Moriarty counters with a DDT. Moriarty with a corner clothesline. Moriarty slaps Zilla in the chest. Moriarty kicks Zilla in the gut. Zilla dives over Moriarty. Johnson made the blind tag. Zilla reverses out of the irish whip from Moriarty. Double Leapfrog. Zilla dropkicks Moriarty. Johnson hooks the outside leg for a one count. Johnson applies a wrist lock. Johnson tags in Zilla. Double Irish Whip. Johnson sweeps out the legs of Moriarty. Zilla with a Sliding Dropkick. Bill drops Johnson with The Big Boot. Zilla ducks under two clotheslines from Bill. Bill catches Zilla in mid-air. Bill with a Fallaway Slam. Bill slams Zilla’s head on the top turnbuckle pad.

Bill with two haymakers. Bill uses the middle rope to choke Zilla. Bill tags in Moriarty. Moriarty with a knee lift. Moriarty with The Bridging Half Hatch Suplex for a one count. Moriarty applies a front face lock. Moriarty goes for The Sunset Flip, but Zilla rolls him over for a two count. Zilla tags in Johnson. Johnson with two clotheslines. Johnson bodyslams Moriarty. Johnson knocks Bill off the ring apron. Moriarty decks Johnson with a back elbow smash. Johnson with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Johnson tags in Zilla. Zilla with a flying forearm smash to Bill. Johnson goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Moriarty lands back on his feet. Zilla kicks Moriarty in the face. Johnson with a Pump Kick. Johnson dropkicks Bill off the apron. Moriarty with a Shotgun Dropkick. Moriarty with a Discus Lariat in mid-air. Moriarty tags in Bill. Moriarty lands The Suicide Dive. Bill levels Zilla with Two Body Avalanches. The Firm connects with The Assisted PowerBomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Lee Moriarty & Big Bill via Pinfall

Fourth Match: Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir and Emi Sakura w/Vickie Guerrero vs. Willow Nightingale, Madison Rayne and Leva Bates w/Skye Blue In A 6-Woman Tag Team Match

Nyla Rose and Leva Bates will start things off. Rose brings Bates down to the mat. Bates kicks the left shoulder of Rose. Rose drops Bates with a Body Block. Rose tugs on Bates hair. Forearm Exchange. Rose tags in Sakura. Bates chops Sakura. Bates tags in Rayne. Sakura kicks Rayne in the gut. Sakura chops Rayne. Short-Arm Reversal by Rayne. Rayne with a chop/forearm combination. Sakura grabs Rayne’s hair. Sakura slams Rayne’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Sakura tags in Shafir. Shafir with two hamstring kicks. Shafir with a Judo Throw. Shafir with a cheap shot to Nightingale. Shafir tags in Rose. Rose with clubbing shoulder blocks. Following a snap mare takeover, Rose fish hooks Rayne. Rose applies The Dragon Sleeper. Rose rakes the ribs of Rayne. Rose with a Leg Drop. Rose tags in Sakura. Sakura unloads a series of knife edge chops. Sakura with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Sakura tags in Shafir. Shafir kicks out the legs of Rayne. Shafir kicks Rayne in the back. Vickie attacks Rayne behind the referee’s back.

Blue stops Vickie in her tracks. Blue SuperKicks Rose. Rayne decks Shafir with a JawBreaker. Rayne with forearm shivers. Rayne decks Shafir with a back elbow smash. Rayne tags in Nightingale. Nightingale with a Missile Dropkick. Nightingale rocks Sakura with a forearm smash. Nightingale SuperKicks Rose. Nightingale with a Running Hip Attack. Nightingale cartwheels out of a hammer throw from Shafir. Nightingale with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Nightingale with a Running Cannonball Strike. Nightingale hits The SpineBuster for a two count. That leads us to a pier six brawl. Shafir tags in Rose. Shafir teep kicks Bates. Rose with clubbing blows to Nightingale’s back. Bates made the blind tag. Assisted DDT to Nightingale. Bates with a low dropkick. Bates with clubbing mid-kicks. Rose clotheslines Bates. Rose connects with The Beast Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir and Emi Sakura via Pinfall

Fifth Match: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sal Muscat

Hobbs wants Muscat to shake his hand. Hobbs clotheslines Muscat. Hobbs sends Muscat to the corner. Hobbs levels Muscat with The Body Avalanche. Hobbs with clubbing blows to Muscat’s chest. Hobbs whips Muscat across the ring. Muscat ducks a clothesline from Hobbs. Muscat with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Hobbs answers with a Body Block against the ropes. Hobbs hits The SpineBuster. Hobbs connects with The Burning Hammer to pickup the victory.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs via Pinfall

Sixth Match: The Dark Order & Best Friends vs. Ethan Page, Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, The Butcher and The Blade w/Stokely Hathaway In A 10-Man Tag Team Match

Alex Reynolds and The Blade will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Blade applies a side headlock. Reynolds whips Blade across the ring. Blade drops Reynolds with a shoulder tackle. Reynolds drops down on the canvas. Reynolds leapfrogs over Blade. Reynolds with a Hip Toss. Reynolds ducks a clothesline from Blade. Reynolds with a Diving Crossbody Block for a one count. Reynolds with a deep arm-drag. Reynolds applies an arm-bar. Reynolds tags in Silver. Double Irish Whip. Blade holds onto the ropes. Blade tags in Butcher. Toe Kick/Haymaker Combo to Butcher. Double Irish Whip. Butcher with a double clothesline. Best Friends clears the ring. Dark Order Pose. Uno stops Kassidy in his tracks. Uno with a straight right hand. Uno applies The Camel Clutch. Best Friends and Dark Order has a nice embrace in the center of the ring. Page with a running shot to Uno. Blade with a gut punch. Blade tags in Page. Page kicks Uno in the gut. Page hammers down on the back of Uno’s neck. Page tags in Hardy.

Page applies a front face lock. Hardy with a flying elbow strike. Hardy delivers The Three Phases Of DELETION. Hardy tags in Kassidy. Kassidy with The Assisted Splash for a one count. Following a snap mare takeover, Kassidy with The Slingshot Senton. Kassidy applies a writ lock. Kassidy tags in Butcher. Butcher unloads two knife edge chops. Butcher tags in Page. Double HeadButt. Uno with a chop/forearm combination. Page rakes the eyes of Uno. Page with The Delayed Vertical Suplex. The referee is trying to calm down Beretta. Page repeatedly kicks Uno in the face. Uno drops Page with a NeckBreaker. Taylor and Kassidy are tagged in. Taylor with two clotheslines. Taylor with a Back Body Drop. Blade attacks Taylor from behind. Beretta tags himself in. Taylor with a Rising Knee Strike. Beretta with a Running Knee.

Sole Food/Half & Half Suplex Combination. Dark Order clears the ring. Kassidy takes a ride on The Dark Order/Best Friends Express. Hardy denies The Strong Zero. Kassidy turns a Pump Kick into a Canadian Destroyer. Hardy hits The Side Effect. Kassidy lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Hardy and Page clears the ring. Uno with a Pump Kick. Page kicks Uno in the gut. Uno nails Page with The Twist Of Fate. Butcher and Blade pulls Uno out of the ring. Drag The Leg on the floor. Stereo Suicide Dives from Silver and Reynolds. Kassidy with The SomerSault Plancha. Kassidy dives over Beretta. Beretta side steps Kassidy into the turnbuckles. Kassidy blocks The Swinging DDT. Kassidy kicks Beretta in the gut. Beretta denies The Twist Of Fate. Beretta shoves Kassidy into Hardy. Beretta SuperKicks Kassidy. Page checks on Hardy as Kassidy goes for the tag out. Rollup Exchange. Kassidy with an Apron Enzuigiri. Beretta catches Kassidy in mid-air. Best Friends connects with Strong Zero to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Dark Order & Best Friends via Pinfall

Seventh Match: The Lucha Brothers w/Alex Abrahantes vs. Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari w/Mark Sterling

Tony Schiavone joins the commentary team for this match at the request of Mark Sterling and his ongoing issues with Paul Wight. Pentagon Jr and Tony Nese will start things off. Pentagon wants Nese to shake his hand. Nese flexes his muscles, instead. Cero Miedo. Abrahantes shoves Sterling. Nese with a throat thrust. Nese with a southpaw haymaker. Nese with a flurry of toe kicks. Pentagon reverses out of the irish whip from Nese. Nese uses Daivari for leverage. Daivari punches Pentagon from the ring apron. Nese scores the elbow knockdown. Nese tags in Daivari. Varsity Athletes goes for a Double Belly to Back Suplex, but Pentagon lands back on his feet. Fenix with a Double Dropkick. Lucha Brothers slides out of the ring. Sterling runs interference. All hell starts breaking loose in Laredo. Daivari rolls Pentagon back into the ring. Daivari hooks the outside leg for a two count. Daivari gets Pentagon tied up in the tree of woe. Daivari tags in Nese. Nese repeatedly stomps on Pentagon’s chest while doing sit-ups. Nese mocks Pentagon. Pentagon with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Nese tags in Daivari.

Daivari drops his elbow on Pentagon’s back. Following a snap mare takeover, Daivari is trying to remove Pentagon’s mask. Pentagon SuperKicks Daivari. Daivari tags in Nese. Nese knocks Fenix off the ring apron. Nese is putting the boots to Pentagon. Nese tags in Daivari. Double Irish Whip. Pentagon kicks Daivari in the chest. Pentagon ducks a clothesline from Nese. Pentagon SuperKicks Nese. Pentagon with Two SlingBlades. Pentagon tags in Daivari. Fenix with a SpringBoard Crossbody Block. Fenix side steps Nese into the turnbuckles. Fenix with a SpringBoard Spinning Back Kick. Double SuperKick to Nese. Fenix with a Roll Through Cutter for a two count. Pentagon tags himself in. Sterling continues to run interference. Daivari shoves Pentagon into Fenix. Daivari rolls Pentagon over for a two count. Daivari tags in Nese. Nese inadvertently superkicks Daivari. Pentagon SuperKicks Nese. SuperKick Party in Laredo. Lucha Brothers connects with their Flying Double Foot Stomp/Package PileDriver Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Lucha Brothers via Pinfall

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The post AEW Elevation Results 2/20/23 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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