AEW Dark Results 2/7/23

AEW Dark Results 2/7/23Universal StudiosOrlando, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team: (Excalibur & TAZ) 

Ring Announcer: Dasha Gonzalez

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Blake Christian vs. Serpentico w/The SAP 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Chop Exchange. Serpentico reverses out of the irish whip from Christian. Christian with a deep arm-drag. Serpentico with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Serpentico follows that with a falling sledge. Christian reverses out of the irish whip from Serpentico. Serpentico with a Headsicssors Takeover. Serpentico with a Flatliner for a two count. Serpentico stands on the left hand of Christian. Serpentico with a forearm smash. Christian unloads a series of knife edge chops. Serpentico with a Roll Through SuperKick. Serpentico drops Christian with a Low DDT. Serpentico with a Falling HeadButt for a two count.

Serpentico with a tomahawk chop. Serpentico slaps Christian in the chest. Christian answers with a back elbow smash. Christian with two running chops. Serpentico reverses out of the irish whip from Christian. Christian ducks a clothesline from Serpentico. Christian with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Serpentico rolls Christian over for a two count. Christian ducks another clothesline from Serpentico. Christian with a Handspring Enzuigiri. Christian hits The Fosbury Flop. Christian rolls Serpentico back into the ring. Christian with a SpringBoard Knee Strike. Christian with The Ripcord Spanish Fly. Christian connects with The 450 Splash to pickup the victory.

Winner: Blake Christian via Pinfall 

Second Match: Rush w/Jose The Assistant vs. Aiden Park 

Rush rocks Park with a forearm smash. Rush tosses Park around the ringside area. Following a snap mare takeover, Rush whips Park with the orange cables. Rush wraps the cables around Park’s neck. Rush with a knife edge chop. Rush rolls Park back into the ring. Park with heavy bodyshots. Rush answers with another forearm.

Rush chops Park. Rush with a Corner Splash. Park side steps Rush into the turnbuckles. Park with a chop/haymaker combination. Rush with two blistering chops. Rush floors Park with a straight right hand. Rush repeatedly stomps on Park’s chest. Rush delivers The Fake Out Boot. Tranquillo Pose. Rush with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex into the turnbuckles. Rush connects with The Bulls Horns to pickup the victory.

Winner: Rush via Pinfall 

Third Match: Kiera Hogan vs. Megan Meyers 

Hogan side steps the collar and elbow tie up. Side Headlock Exchange. Hogan whips Meyers across the ring. Meyers drops Hogan with a shoulder tackle. Hogan drops down on the canvas. Hogan leapfrogs over Meyers. Hogan dropkicks Meyers. Hogan sends Meyers to the corner. Meyers with a Mule Kick. Meyers with a Headscissors Takeover into the middle turnbuckle pad. Meyers repeatedly stomps on Hogan’s chest.

Hogan with forearm shivers. Hogan ducks a clothesline from Meyers. Hogan scores the elbow knockdown. Hogan with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Hogan with a Running Hip Attack. Hogan with a Leg Drop for a two count. Meyers decks Hogan with a JawBreaker. Meyers sends Hogan to the corner. Hogan kicks Meyer in the face. Hogan with a diving clothesline. Hogan with a Sliding Corner Dropkick. Hogan delivers The Roundhouse Kick. Hogan connects with a Modified Back Drop Driver to pickup the victory.

Winner: Kiera Hogan via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: Dalton Castle w/The Boys vs. Dante Casanova 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Casanova backs Castle into the ropes. Casanova pats Castle on the chest. Castle scores the ankle pick. Casanova uses his feet to create separation. Castle with a waist lock go-behind. Casanova decks Castle with a back elbow smash. Castle regroups on the outside. Castle ducks a clothesline from Casanova. Castle with a short-arm clothesline. Castle drives his knee into the midsection of Casanova. Castle drops Casanova with a DDT for a two count. Castle applies a waist lock. Castle with a Falling Splash. Castle is keeping Casanova grounded. Castle with hammer elbows.

Castle with another splash for a two count. Castle immediately goes back to the waist lock. Casanova frees himself from the hold. Castle is playing mind games with Casanova. Castle punches Casanova in the back. Castle goes for a Bodyslam, but Casanova lands back on his feet. Castle decks Casanova with a back elbow smash. Casanova with a forearm smash. Casanova clings onto the top turnbuckle. Casanova with a back elbow smash. Casanova kicks Castle in the face. Castle with Two T-Bone Suplex’s. Castle with a Back Drop Driver. Castle follows that with a Rising Knee Strike. Castle with a Discus Lariat. Castle connects with The Bang-A-Rang to pickup the victory.

Winner: Dalton Castle via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: Mascara Dorada vs. Slim J w/The Trustbusters 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Standing Switch Exchange. Slim applies a hammerlock. Dorada with a side headlock takeover. Slim transitions into a front face lock. Dorada grapevines the legs of Slim. Dorado applies The Bow and Arrow Stretch. Slim falls on top of Dorada for a two count. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Slim applies a side headlock. Dorda whips Slim across the ring. Dorada drops down on the canvas. Dorada leapfrogs over Slim. Slim lunges over Dorada. Dorada ducks a clothesline from Slim. Slim kicks Dorada in the gut. Slim with a Headscissor Takeover. Dorada ducks another clothesline from Slim. Dorada goes for a Hurricanrana, but Slim lands back on his feet. Double Dropkick. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Slim drops down on the canvas. Dorada showcases his speed and athleticism. Dorada thrust kicks the midsection of Slim. Dorada with a SpringBoard Shotgun Dropkick. Dorada slides out of the ring.

The Trustbusters gangs up on Dorada. Kiss rolls Dorada back into the ring. Slim is choking Dorada with his boot. Slim is raining down haymakers. Slim punches Dorada in the back. Slim tees off on Dorada. Slim drops Dorada with The Diving Reverse DDT for a two count. Slim uses the middle rope to choke Dorada. The Trustbusters continues to run interference. Slim with a straight right hand. Slim sends Dorada to the corner. Dorada with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Dorada with a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Misfired Clotheslines. Slim applies The Sleeper Hold. Dorada with elbows into the midsection of Slim. Dorada with a SpringBoard Back Elbow Smash. Dorada lands The Tornillo. Dorada is lighting up Slim’s chest. Dorada with The SpringBoard Splash for a two count. Slim fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Slim with a BackStabber for a two count. Slim goes for The MoonSault, but Dorada ducks out of the way. Dorada connects with The MoonSault to pickup the victory.

Winner: Mascara Dorada via Pinfall 

Sixth Match: The Outrunners vs. Logan Cruz & Tyshaun Perez 

Truth Magnum and Tyshaun Perez will start things off. Perez avoids the double team attack from The Outrunners. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Perez applies a top wrist lock. Magnum tags in Floyd. Floyd tugs on Perez’s hair. Floyd applies a side headlock. Perez whips Floyd across the ring. Floyd drops Perez with a shoulder tackle. Perez tags in Cruz. Floyd kicks Cruz in the gut. Floyd with a straight right hand. Floyd bodyslams Cruz. Floyd tags in Magnum. Floyd with an Elbow Drop.

Magnum with a Knee Drop. Cruz kicks Magnum in the gut. Floyd tees off on Cruz. The Outrunners are making the referee look stupid. Assisted Bodyslam. Floyd whips Cruz into the turnbuckles. Floyd with a running back elbow smash. Floyd tags in Mangum. Running Neck Snap/Elbow Drop Combination. Magnum stomps on Cruz’s back. Magnum slams Cruz’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Magnum chops Cruz. Mangum blasts Perez off the ring apron. The Outrunners connects with The Powerslam/NeckBreaker Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Outrunners via Pinfall 

Seventh Match: Baliyan Akki w/Mei Suruga vs. Rico Gonzalez 

Akki ducks a clothesline from Gonzalez. Gonzalez chops Akki. Side Headlock Exchange. Gonzalez whips Akki across the ring. Akki drops Gonzalez with a shoulder tackle. Gonzalez drops down on the canvas. Akki blocks The Hurricanrana. Akki with a Roundhouse Kick. Gonzalez ducks a clothesline from Akki. Gonzalez with a Lucha Libre Arm-Drag. Akki responds with a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Akki kicks the left hamstring of Gonzalez.

Akki back chops Gonzalez. Akki bodyslams Gonzalez. Akki with The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Chop Exchange. Akki delivers his combination offense for a two count. Akki goes for a GourdBuster, but Gonzalez lands back on his feet. Gonzalez with a Hurricanrana. Gonzalez with a SpringBoard MoonSault for a two count. Akki with The Atomic Drop. Akki with The Hook Kick for a two count. Akki hits The Fisherman’s Ushigoroshi. Akki connects with The Flying Splash to pickup the victory.

Winner: Baliyan Akki via Pinfall 

Eight Match: Konosuke Takeshita vs. EJ Nduka 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Nduka backs Takeshita into the ropes. Takeshita ducks a clothesline from Nduka. Takeshita chops Nduka. Forearm Exchange. Nduka with Two Corner Spears. Takeshita side steps Nduka into the turnbuckles. Takeshita ducks under two clotheslines from Nduka. Takeshita with a leaping clothesline. Nduka blocks The Blue Thunder Bomb. Takeshita with combo forearms. Nduka kicks Takeshita in the face. Takeshita goes for The Blue Thunder Bomb, but Nduka lands back on his feet.

Nduka with forearm shivers. Nduka Spears Takeshita. Second Forearm Exchange. Nduka hits The Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Takeshita fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Takeshita applies a waist lock. Nduka with three sharp elbow strikes. Takeshita with a Blue Thunder Bomb of his own for a two count. Nduka avoids The V-Trigger. Nduka with a diving shoulder tackle. Takeshita responds with a Jumping Knee Strike. Takeshita drills Nduka with The BrainBuster. Takeshita connects with The V-Trigger to pickup the victory.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 346 of The Hoots Podcast 


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