AEW Dynamite Results 2/8/23

AEW sure does look to be going big in the great state of Texas, with four world champions in action tonight!

Jericho Guevara Gauntlet
AEW World Tag Team Titles: The Acclaimed (c) vs. The Ass Boys
Bryan Danielson vs. Rush
AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. The Bunny
AEW World Heavyweight Title Eliminator: MJF (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita
AEW World Trios Title: The Elite (c) vs. AR Fox & Top Flight

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 2/8/23

Live from the El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, Texas! Taz, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone welcome the fans to the show and we’re kicking off with the eliminator!

Match #1: AEW World Heavyweight Title Eliminator: MJF (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Takeshita starts off hot with a rising knee but MJF regains control and focuses his attack on the arm of Takeshita. Hammerlock elevated DDT by MJF (similar to the Paige’s old finisher). Takeshita catches a charging MJF with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex into the corner. Helluva kick by Takeshita! Make it two. Takeshita misses a third as MJF rolls him up for a two count. MJF tried to elevate up and over Takeshita but gets caught with another Helluva kick! Sheer drop brainbuster! One, two, no! Takeshita goes up top, channels Eddie Guerrero, and hits a picture-perfect frog splash! Another long two count. Double overhook tombstone by Takeshita, who quickly follows with a deadlift wheelbarrow suplex! MJF is forced to roll to the outside as Takeshita follows with a plancha to no avail. MJF follows up and tries to run Takeshita into the ring post, but Takeshita reverses a runs MJF face-first into the ring post. Both men are back inside as Takeshita goes up top, but MJF hits the top rope and Takeshita gets crotched. MJF heads up to the top and Takeshita reverses into a lariat off the top but MJF lands on his feet! Super kick by MJF! Rolling elbow by Takeshita! Elbow by MJF! German suplex by Takeshita and both men are down! Takeshita rolls down the knee pad and looks for the running knee, but MJF once again retreats to the outside. Takeshita follows MJF outside but MJF kicks the middle rope right into the nether regions of Takeshita and MJF is back on the arm. Takeshita responds with repeated elbows but MJF goes to the eyes. Hurricanrana attempt by Takeshita but MJF catches Takeshita in mid-air with a powerbomb to the knee. MJF’s knee is hurt, which allows Takeshita time to recover and catch a charging MJF with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Rising knee by Takeshita but MJF gets his foot on the rope!  Springboard senton by Takeshita from the apron but MJF moves out of the way and immediately dives on the Salt of the Earth. Takeshita is trying hard to fight to the ropes but MJF pulls Takeshita back to the center of the ring and adds a bridge to get the tap.

Winner: MJF

Rating: ****1/4. Konosuke Takeshita can do no wrong in the ring and MJF once again delivers a great professional wrestling match, despite wrestling once every six months. A lot of people have questioned MJF’s in ring abilities as of late, and I think that’s because they don’t see him that often. These two told a great story, as MJF focuses on the limb he needs to support his finish, and he will do anything necessary to win. Great opener.

After the bell, MJF tosses the referee down and cracks Takeshita with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF now mounts Takeshita and pounds him to a bloody pulp as Danielson runs out to make the save.

I’m having some slight connection issues, but I come back to see the next match in the ring.

Match #2. AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator: Jamie Hayter (c) w/ Britt Baker vs. The Bunny w/ Penelope Ford

Sliding elbow into the corner by The Bunny gets a two count. Hayter fights her way out of a piledriver attempt and both women fight on the apron. Both women exchange boots before Hayter delivers a facebuster. Hayterade finishes this one.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

Rating: My bad.

MJF tells Lexi Nair a story about him crashing his Camaro with his girlfriend in the car as a youth. MJF says when he heard the sirens coming, he dragged his lifeless girlfriend into the driver seat so he wouldn’t get blamed for the accident. MJF is a scumbag, and he is damn proud of it.

Match #3. Garcia Guevara Gauntlet

Match 1: Ricky Starks vs. Angelo Parker. Starks looks for the RoShamBo early but Parker gouges the eyes. Parker charges and gets caught with a spear for the win.

Match 2: Ricky Starks vs. Matt Menard: Menard looks for the roll up but Starks reverses and gets the three.

Match 3. Ricky Starks vs. Daniel Garcia: Daniel Garcia’s music hit, then Guevara’s, as both men circle the ring. Garcia is the man of choice however as he jumps Starks from behind. Running back elbow by Garcia who follows up with a springboard from the apron… just to land on his feet and boot Starks in the face. DDT by Starks gets a two count. Garcia looks for the DragonTamer but Starks rolls through for a two count. Starks charges for a spear but Garcia catches him in a guillotine choke and pulls guard. Starks muscles Garcia up and hits a big powerbomb for two. Both men fight to their feet and meet on the top turnbuckle, as Garcia is able to connect with a superplex. Starks rolls through into a Snowplow! One, two, no! Both men now on the apron exchanging right hands. Big boot by Garcia backs off Starks, who returns the favor with a spear! Starks makes it to his feet but a “random fan” hits Starks with the Judas Effect from the front row, behind the referee’s back. Garcia rolls Starks into the ring and gets the three.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

Rating: **1/4. The first two matches were nearly nonexistent, but the Starks and Garcia match was fun. I enjoy the fact that Starks didn’t make it through the gauntlet, which was a nice swerve. Would have been fine just having Starks and Garcia go at it, however, with some more time.

Renee is in the medical room with Danielson and Takeshita, getting Danielson’s thoughts on the Rush match… when there’s a knock at the door. MJF has seemingly boarded up the door as Rush’s music plays, and someone screams “Good luck, perro!”

MJF’s music hits after Rush’s, and MJF instructs referee Aubrey Edwards to ring the bell and start the match, as in the AEW rulebook, even though Danielson isn’t there. The bell rings as Danielson crashes through the door and sprints to the ring. Edwards purposely counts slowly as Danielson hits the before the count of seven.

Match #4. Rush vs. Bryan Danielson

Big boots by Rush and a pair of splashes in the corner. Dropkick to the back of Danielson. Danielson fights back with some big chops and Rush responds. Rebound German suplex by Rush, who then throws Danielson to the outside and runs him into the guard rail quite a few times. Running dropkick to the face by Rush. Danielson is busted open BAD on the outside. Rush now throwing Danielson into the guardrail face-first, before delivering some running elbows to a seated Danielson. Danielson fights back on the apron and both men are landing BIG shots. Danielson drops Rush and charges him, only to be sent flying off the apron with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex to the floor! Danielson’s blood sprayed when he landed on the floor and got all over the camera… gross. Rush now taunts Danielson from inside the ring, grabs a drink of water, and lays some more shots into Danielson on the outside. Back in the ring and Rush teases the Bull’s Horns but hits the TRANQUILO pose instead. Danielson hits a quick arm drag into the Labell Lock but Rush finally gets to the ropes and rolls to the outside. Suicide dive by Danielson! Danielson throws Rush into the corner on the outside and hits a brutal running dropkick to the face! Blood is everywhere at this point, as Danielson is still feeling effects of the shoulder injury. Danielson rolls Rush into the ring and hits a missile dropkick from the top! YES kicks by Danielson but Rush responds with some chops and now Danielson fires back. Brutal shots back and forth, round kicks from Danielson and overhand chops from Rush. Rush runs on Danielson’s face and looks for the Bull’s Horns but Danielson follows up with a running dropkick in the corner. Superman Punch by Rush! Straitjacket piledriver by Rush! One, two, no! Did I mention there is blood on every camera lens? Rush looks for the Bull’s Horns again, but Danielson meets him in the middle of the ring with the Psycho Knee! Two count! Slugfest now in the center of the ring. Headbutt by Rush. Danielson powers up! STEREO HEADBUTTS! Rush asks for a shot to the chin and gets it. Rush drops Danielson with a palm strike. Danielson rolls through a German suplex and catches Rush with another Psycho Knee! One, two, three!

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Rating: ****1/4. Brutal. Struggle. Battle. War. Just a few of the words used to describe this match. Danielson took a BEATING and showed his toughness, whereas Rush has really come into his own in the past couple of months. The story of Danielson fighting with everything he has to get his hands on MJF is playing out perfectly, and as always, Danielson delivers.

MJF hits the ring and blasts Danielson with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Blood is absolutely everywhere and now MJF locks in the Salt of the Earth on the already injured shoulder. Security guards are running down to ringside but MJF refuses to relinquish the hold as we head to commercial break. Where’s the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club?

Impractical Jokers are here, and they have stolen Floyd from Chris Jericho. Jericho has appeared on Impractical Jokers before and apparently, acted like a diva. Got it.

Match #5. AEW World Trios Titles: The Elite (c) vs. AR Fox & Top Flight

Snap suplex and senton combo by Top Flight to Nick early. Drop toe hold by Top Flight to Matt on Nick. Senton by AR Fox to everyone. Gut buster into a neck breaker by the Young Bucks to Darius. Bucks cartwheels out of a double arm drag and send Darius to the outside with double dropkick. Clothesline by Omega takes out AR Fox. Omega gets the tag and the crowd erupts. Omega with some heavy chops to Darius, dropping him. Triple team dropkick in the corner. Back breaker by Omega gets two. Dropkick to the arm of Darius by Matt. Vertical suplex by Matt gets two. Senton and fist drop combo by the Bucks, who have effectively cut off the ring and kept Darius in trouble. Matt teases a superkick to Darius but hits Dante instead. Dante plants Matt with a Spanish Fly. Fox with a rolling snap mare into a cutter on Omega. Reverse rolling cutter to Matt and one more to Nick as Fox is in control now. Plancha by Fox to Nick and Matt on one side of the ring, and another to Omega on the opposite side. One more somersault senton to the Bucks allows Fox to take out Omega with a Senton Atomico off the top. Dante and Nick now the legal men. Jaw breaker by Nick but a tag is made to Nick. Tieres by Dante to Matt but Matt catches him with the locomotion Northern Light’s. Double Northern Light’s by Matt to Darius and Fox will rolling up Dante. Two count. Elevated double team tornado DDT by Top Flight to Nick. Imploding cannonball by Fox takes out everyone but Nick Jackson! Nose Dive by Top Flight to Nick! 450 by AR Fox! One, two, no! Omega makes the save! Fox sets Nick up on the top turnbuckle and looks for the Spanish Fly, but Omega catches him with an elevated snap Dragon Suplex! Springboard lariat by Dante to Omega. Boot and a bottom rope assisted Flatliner by Dante. Superkicks by Matt and a standing Sliced Bread to Dante. Triple Team Indy Taker to Fox but Top Flight breaks it up. Springboard moonsault by Nick to Top Flight as Omega looks for the V-Trigger on Fox and nails it. Doctor Bomb by Omega! Two count. V-Trigger to Fox! One Winged Angel by Omega but Fox counters with a roll up! Two count! Omega ducks an enziguiri with a crucifix for two, Fox kicks out, Omega holds on, rolls over his shoulder for another crucifix and gets it!

Winners and STILL AEW World Trios Champions: The Elite

Rating: ****1/4. Wow, that was a sprint and I don’t know if anyone took a breath. Again, if this is your type of match, you’re going to love it. Completely different than anything else on this show, which is why it stands out so well. These guys are all so talented, so athletic, it’s impossible to keep up with. Midnight Express vs. Rock & Roll Express is isn’t, but it’s what we’ve come to expect from the AEW Trios division; chaos.

Match #6. AEW World Tag Team Title: The Acclaimed (c) vs. The Gunn Club

Colten and Caster to start. Shoulder block by Colten but an arm drag by Caster before tagging Bowens. Scissor me, timbers, to Austin and it’s scissor time, baby. Gunn’s get dumped to the outside and Caster follows up with a plancha. Caster follows Austin in the ring but Colten sweeps Caster’s leg out from the apron and he lands hard. Gunn’s in control now as Caster is isolated in the corner. Rising knee and clothesline by Gunn Club get a two count. Colten looks for a splash in the corner but misses and lands on the outside, allowing Caster to tag in Bowens. Bowens clears the ring with forearm and elbow combinations to both Gunns. Kitaro Crusher by Bowens gets a two count. Superkick by Caster to Colten, clothesline by Austin to Caster, and Austin and Bowens take each other out. Referee accidentally gets caught with a rolling elbow strike and hits the Quickdraw on Bowens! Austin grabs the title but Daddy Ass is here. Austin goes to hit Bowens with the belt, but Daddy Ass throws Caster out of the way, which enables Colten to take Daddy Ass out from behind with the other tag belt. Caster in and clearing house. The Arrival by Bowens and the Mic Drop by Caster! Caster tries to get the referee up, and finally does. Colten throws Caster into the guard rail and breaks up the pin. Bowens tries to roll up Austin but Austin shoves Bowens into a belt shot from Colten on the outside. One, two, three, and we have new champions.

Winners and NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Gunn Club

Rating: **. Welp, this was a match. Shocking result here to be honest, especially considering Billy didn’t turn on The Acclaimed. The Gunn’s… ah… I don’t know, are people going to tune in to see the Gunn Club wrestle? I guess time will tell. My assumption is, the Gunn Club loses their rematch with FTR, but for the time being… they’re your new AEW World Tag Team Champions. The match existed.

After the match, Bowens and Caster are in the ring with Daddy Ass, lamenting the loss, as the fans chant “bull.”

Final Thoughts: Absolutely awesome hour and a half of wrestling here. The first 90 minutes featured three can’t miss matches, and there’s not much more you can ask for in a 120-minute show. The Danielson and MJF storyline is heating up at the right time, Takeshita is putting on wrestling clinics week after week, the trios division is consistently delivering, among other things. The main event was what it was, as it feels like they may have been a little short on time considering how long Rush and Danielson went. I don’t know if there are any teams as over as The Acclaimed, so taking the titles off them is questionable, but let’s let it play out. 8.75/10. 

The post AEW Dynamite Results 2/8/23 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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