LIVE AEW Dynamite Results (2/8) El Paso, TX

We are live from the El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, Texas, where Excalibur-and-company welcome us to this week’s show on commentary.

AEW Championship EliminatorKonosuke Takeshita vs. MJF

We see MJF offer a handshake to Konosuke to start this one off, but it’s not happening. Instead, the two get after it as the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running.

Friedman takes it to Takeshita early on as the fans in Texas break out in a dueling chant, with half the crowd chanting for the Japanese veteran and the other half chanting for the AEW World Champion. MJF hits a nice hammer-lock DDT for a close near fall, but Takeshita kicks out at two.

MJF gets a little over-zealous and Takeshita makes him pay with a beautiful exploder suplex that sends the champ flying across the ring. Takeshita throws MJF into the corner, builds up a full head of steam and blasts Friedman with a running big boot to the face — twice in a row.

Takeshita hits a nice brainbuster soon after this for a close near fall of his own. Takeshita is selling the affects of his arm / elbow / triceps, as Taz speculates on commentary. Takeshita heads to the top-rope regardless and comes leaping off with a nice frog-splash for another close near fall.

The fans in El Paso chant for their late, great hometown legend Eddie Guerrero after Takeshita tips the cap to the pro wrestling legend by executing his finisher in a high spot in this match-up. Takeshita hits a crazy package pile driver and follows that up with a death-grip German suplex that pops the crowd.

We see Takeshita stalk MJF and wait for him to get up. When he does, Takeshita charges at him with violent intentions, however MJF sees him coming and slides out under the bottom rope to take a breather. Takeshita tries coming out after MJF, but MJF moves and Takeshita crashes and burns on the floor at ringside.

Friedman uses this opportunity to fully shift the offensive momentum back in his favor. He works Takeshita over at ringside a bit but then fumbles his next spot, as Takeshita reverses him and rams him into the steel ring post.

He then brings the action back into the ring and climbs up to the top-rope — backwards. MJF ends up bouncing into the ropes, crotching Takeshita on the top turnbuckle in the corner. MJF then climbs up after Takeshita for a high-spot of his own.

Takeshita fights back, however, and hits a crazy lariat that turns MJF inside out as both men were standing on the tip-top-rope. Takeshita follows up with another lariat on the mat and both guys are down and recovering now as the crowd showers them with their appreciation, popping huge before settling into a loud “AEW! AEW!” chant.

MJF ends up slapping an arm-bar on Takeshita before either man gets up. He bites at Takeshita’s hands, but Takeshita ends up fighting free. He sends MJF out to the floor and splashes out onto him. He rolls MJF back into the ring and follows in after him as the fans break out in a loud “This is Awesome!” chant.

Takeshita pulls his knee pad down and waits for MJF to get up, but when he does, MJF drops back down and slides under the bottom rope, again avoiding the onslaught from the Japanese veteran. MJF then uses a cheap heel tactic of hiding behind the referee and sneaking in a cheap-shot on Konosuke that shifts the offensive momentum back in his favor.

The two collide into each other and MJF hoists Takeshita up and connects with a crazy power-bomb onto his own knee. He then falls down and clutches his knee, yelling loudly in pain as we see replays of the spot.

Takeshita ends up firing up first when the two get up and he goes on a fired up offensive run that includes a running knee-strike that nearly ends this one. MJF ends up getting his boot on the rope to avoid being pinned at the last possible millisecond.

Konosuke Takeshita goes for a senton splash off the top-rope in the middle of the long-rope, not in the corner, but MJF moves. MJF then quickly jumps on Takeshita and slaps an arm-bar on his injured arm. He cranks back and yells at Konosuke to tap out. Takeshita eventually has no choice but to tap out. MJF wins an excellent opener.

Winner: MJF

MJF Busts Open Konosuke Takeshita, Bryan Danielson Makes Save

Once the match wraps up, we hear the commentators giving MJF credit for pulling off a legitimate, hard-earned victory over a top-ranked contender. Instead, they quickly change their tune as MJF for no reason decides to add insult to injury, further attacking Konosuke Takeshita after scoring the victory.

He beats the Japanese veteran down until finally Bryan Danielson runs down to the ring. “The American Dragon” makes the save for Takeshita and runs off MJF. Taz points out that Takeshita is bleeding and the camera shows the footage of this, as MJF blasted him with a punch with his Dynamite Diamond Ring on.

Several officials tend to Takeshita, as Danielson watches on and the commentators shift gears and get us ready for our next action here on the show.

Samoa Joe Vows To Expose Wardlow, Take Everything From Him

We shoot to a special message from “The King of TV,” Samoa Joe. The AEW veteran talks directly into the camera backstage, sending a message to Wardlow.

He says he knows a lot about his former WarJoe tag-team partner and vows to expose him over time. He says Wardlow is coming to take his championship, but points out that he is out to take everything from Wardlow.

AEW Women’s Championship EliminatorJamie Hayter (C) vs. The Bunny

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our second of two championship eliminator bouts here at Championship Fight Night, as The Bunny looks to attempt to earn a shot at the AEW Women’s World Championship held by Hayter if she can pull off a victory here tonight.

We see Hayter jump off to a good start, controlling the offense, however The Bunny ends up tieing Hayter up in the ropes with a unique submission with her legs. Taz points out The Bunny is no joke, reminding fans she was the first-ever woman in AEW to score a victory in a match.

As the action continues, we see Hayter and The Bunny take the fight out to the floor at ringside. The Bunny ends up blasting Hayter with a beautiful DDT on the floor just as we settle into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.

When we return from the break, the commentators inform us that Hayter and The Bunny have been going tooth-and-nail throughout the break. Almost immediately after we return, we see Hayter connect with Hayter-Aid and a Rip-Cord for the pin fall victory. Two contenders had chances, two contenders failed to earn title shots in our two title eliminator bouts here tonight.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

Saraya, Toni Storm Attack Leva Bates

We shoot backstage where Renee Paquette is standing by with Saraya and Toni Storm, The two gloat about their recent actions and then bring in Leva Bates. They ask if her names starts with an “L.”

She then asks Storm if she would like to do the honors. With that said, the two attack Bates, beating her down and spray-painting an “L” on her body in green. The segment ends after this and then we head to another commercial break.

Lexy Nair Talks To MJF Backstage

As we settle back in from the break, we see highlights of what transpired after the opening bout this evening, with MJF busting open Konosuke Takeshita with his Dynamite Diamond Ring.

From there, the commentators send things back to Lexy Nair, who is outside the locker room of the AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman. She enters the dressing room and sits down with the champ.

MJF admits Takeshita is as tough as they say, but is quick to point out that he is nothing compared to a “Generational Talent” like himself. He then tells a story about his days in school and how he took a beautiful girl out on a date and a fun drive.

He says they ended up in a car accident, smashing into a telephone pole in a bad storm. He said his girl cracked her head on the windshield. Friedman then tells Bryan Danielson this is the type of person he is — he picked his girl’s lifeless body up and changed seats with her so she was the one in the driver’s seat when the cops arrived. He said there’s winners and losers in this world and he’s a winner.

Garcia-Guevara GauntletRicky Starks vs. Angelo Parker

Out comes “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker of the Jericho Appreciation Society. They make their way down to the ring together, as it is now time for the Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet, where if “Absolute” Ricky Starks can beat three members of the J.A.S., he will earn a match against Chris Jericho here tonight.

Kicking things off for the J.A.S. will be Angelo Parker. Out comes “Absolute” Ricky Starks to a nice pop from the El Paso fans. Both guys are in the ring and the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running.

We see all of about two minutes of offense from Starks before he gets Parker down and makes the cover, scoring the pin fall victory to quickly get his first of three J.A.S. members out of the way.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Garcia-Guevara GauntletRicky Starks vs. Matt Menard

As soon as Starks finishes off Parker, we see “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard jump into the ring and try and get a cheap advantage over Starks to start off the second fall in this Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet.

Instead, Starks immediately counters Menard, gets him down, covers him and scores the immediate pin fall victory. He likely broke the record for fastest victory in a singles match in AEW history with the second fall in this gauntlet.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Garcia-Guevara GauntletRicky Starks vs. Daniel Garcia

When Menard and Parker are out of the way, we wait to see who from the J.A.S. emerges from the back to the ring for the third and final fall in this Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet.

Out comes Daniel Garcia, but he stops and smiles. Now we see “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara come out and the two both begin making their way down to the squared circle together. The commentators speculate who is going to represent the J.A.S. in the next fall in this gauntlet.

It is finally decided that Daniel Garcia will be next up for “Absolute.” The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with the third fall in this Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet. Starks fares well early on, however Garcia ends up shifting the offensive momentum into his favor a minute or so into this fall.

As he does, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

When we return from the break, we see Garcia still dominating the offense. He takes Starks up to the top-rope and connects with a super-plex.

Upon landing, he holds on, stands up and looks to follow-up with another, but Starks counters and hits an inverted brainbuster for a close near fall. Starks looks for the Ro-Sham-Bo after that, but Garcia avoids it.

We see Starks connect with a Spear on Garcia on the floor, he then turns into a big back-elbow (Judas Effect) from a masked fan in the front row. Garcia brings Starks into the ring and follows up and then covers him for the cheap victory.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

Masked Man Unveils Himself To Be …

Once the match wraps up, we see the masked fan from the front row enter the ring and unmask, revealing himself to be, of course, “The Wizard” himself — Jericho Appreciation Society leader — “The Ocho” Chris Jericho.

The J.A.S. celebrates their victory over Ricky Starks in the first-ever Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet and then we fade to the backstage area.

Renee Paquette Talks To “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed

Now we shoot backstage where Renee Paquette is standing by with the reigning, defending AEW World Tag-Team Champions — The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens).

With them is “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn, who talks to Paquette, assuring her that when The Acclaimed defend their tag titles later in tonight’s AEW Dynamite: Championship Fight Night special event against his sons, The Gunns, he will remain backstage and let the two teams battle it out themselves.

The group then does the big “scissor-me, daddy ass!” gesture to end the quick backstage interview segment. After that, we head to another commercial break.

Bryan Danielson Locked In The Trainers Room?

We return from the break to Renee Paquette in the trainers room, where Konosuke Takeshita is being patched up after being busted open by the cheap shot from MJF and the Dynamite Diamond Ring earlier in the evening.

From there, we hear some commotion and then it appears that Bryan Danielson is locked in the trainers room and unable to leave. This is bad, because we now hear the theme of RUSH in the arena, his scheduled opponent for tonight.

RUSH vs. Bryan Danielson

Indeed it is, as RUSH makes his way out and begins heading down to the squared circle for our next match of the evening. As advertised, RUSH is the next person “The American Dragon” must defeat if he wants his 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the AEW World Championship against MJF at the upcoming AEW Revolution 2023 premium live event.

As RUSH settles in the ring, his theme music dies down. After a slight delay, we hear some more theme music, however it is not Bryan Danielson’s. No, instead we hear the entrance tune of the reigning AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

MJF comes out limping and he heads to the ring, where he grabs a microphone. He tells Aubrey Edwards to ring the bell and begin her count, as that is the rules and if Danielson doesn’t make it to the ring by the count of ten, he loses the match and their title match at AEW Revolution 2023 is off.

On the big screen, we see Danielson breaking his way out through the door he was locked behind in the trainers room. He quickly emerges and begins heading down the hallways towards the entrance. He emerges at the top of the stage and quickly makes it down to the ring because Aubrey reaches the count of ten.

Because of this, the match is on, and we see Danielson immediately start taking it to RUSH. Meanwhile, MJF settles in on special guest commentary as these two get after it inside the squared circle in our next match of the evening here at AEW Dynamite: Championship Fight Night in El Paso, TX.

The commentators bring up MJF offering RUSH five briefcases full of cash if he can stop Danielson and defeat him here tonight. MJF talks with confidence on commentary about RUSH’s chances of ending Danielson’s hopes of acquiring an Iron Man title match.

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AEW Dynamite Results (2/8)

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