NWA Powerrr Results 2/7/23

NWA Powerrr Results 2/7/23
Knoxville Convention Center
Knoxville, Tennessee

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team: (Joe Galli, Velvet Sky and Tim Storm)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: JR Kratos vs. Thrillbilly Silas w/Pollo Del Mar 

Kratos deposits Silas to the floor before the bell rings. Kratos kicks Silas in the gut. Kratos sends Silas to the corner. Kratos with a flying forearm smash. Kratos Powerslams Silas. Silas ducks under two clotheslines from Kratos. Silas with a flying shoulder tackle. Silas talks smack to Kratos. Silas ducks a clothesline from Kratos. Chop Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Silas is lighting up Kratos chest. Kratos with forearm shivers. Silas dives over Kratos. Silas drops Kratos with The Big Boot. Silas with a Delayed Bodyslam for a two count. Kratos decks Silas with a back elbow smash. Kratos with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad.

Kratos repeatedly stomps on Silas chest. Kratos puts his foot on the back of Silas neck. Kratos is raining down forearms. Kratos with a Deadlift Vertical Suplex for a one count. Kratos with clubbing knee strikes. Kratos follows that with a downward forearm for a two count. Kratos bodyslams Silas. Silas throws Kratos off the top turnbuckle. Silas levels Kratos with The Body Avalanche. Silas with a running back elbow smash. Silas with a Stinger Splash. Silas Powerslams Kratos. Short-Arm Reversal by Kratos. Kratos with The Sky High for a two count. Kratos with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Kratos with a Release Vertical Suplex. Kratos nails Pollo with The Pounce. Kratos rolls Silas over for a two count. Kratos connects with a Jumping Knee Strike to pickup the victory.

Winner: JR Kratos via Pinfall 

Second Match: Ella Envy & Roxy w/Kenzie Paige vs. The Renegade Twins In A Championship Contenders Match 

Kenzie Paige will be handcuffed to the steel ring post during this match. Ella Envy and Robyn Renegade will start things. Robyn ducks a clothesline from Envy. Robyn with forearm shivers. Robyn slams Envy’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Envy with a back elbow smash. Robyn dropkicks Envy. Robyn with a Running Meteora for a two count. Robyn tags in Charlette. Charlette with a running uppercut. Charlette tags in Robyn. Robyn whips Envy across the ring. Roxy made the blind tag. Roxy with a Roundhouse Kick for a two count. Roxy toys around with Robyn. Forearm Exchange. Roxy kicks Robyn in the back of the head. Roxy slams Robyn’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Roxy tags in Envy. Envy chops Robyn. Envy thrust kicks the midsection of Robyn. Envy repeatedly stomps on Robyn’s chest. Envy with a Running Cannonball Strike for a two count.

Envy tags in Roxy. Roxy with a knee lift. Roxy sends Robyn to the middle rope. Roxy with a Running Meteora of her own. Roxy punches Robyn in the back. Roxy applies the cravate. Robyn with heavy bodyshots. Second Forearm Exchange. Roxy whips Robyn across the ring. Robyn holds onto the ropes. Robyn kicks Roxy in the face. Both ladies are knocked down after a double clothesline. Charlette and Envy are tagged in. Charlette with two clotheslines. Charlette with a Lou Thez Press. Charlette transitions into a ground and pound attack. Charlette ducks a clothesline from Envy. Charlette with The Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex. Kylie Paige frees Kenzie from the ring post. Envy rolls Charlette over for a two count. Roxy pulls Robyn off the ring apron. Robyn sends Roxy face first into the ring post. Standing Switch Exchange. Charlette shoves Envy into Kylie. Renegade Twins connects with The Bulls Eye to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Renegade Twins via Pinfall 

Third Match: Jordan Clearwater (c) w/BLK Jeez vs. Matthew Mims For The NWA Worlds Television Championship 

Clearwater is playing mind games with Mims. Clearwater talks strategy on the outside with Jeez. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Mims shoves Clearwater into the canvas. Clearwater once again exits the ring and makes time run off the clock. Mims with a straight right hand. Mims rolls Clearwater back into the ring. Mims with clubbing axe handle strikes. Mims kicks Clearwater in the gut. Mims with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Mims clotheslines Clearwater for a one count. Clearwater regroups on the ring apron. Clearwater slams Mims head on the top rope. Clearwater punches the middle rope into Mims throat for a one count. Clearwater applies a greco roman throat hold. Clearwater with a forearm smash.

Clearwater slams Mims head on the top turnbuckle pad. Clearwater is choking Mims with his boot. Clearwater is raining down haymakers. Mims fires back with two haymakers. Clearwater decks Mims with a JawBreaker. Clearwater with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Clearwater is choking Mims with his knee. Clearwater poses for the crowd. Following a sanp mare takeover, Clearwater applies a rear chin lock. Mims buries his elbow into the midsection of Clearwater. Clearwater applies a side headlock. Clearwater with clubbing blows to Mims back. Clearwater starts running his mouth. Mims with three clotheslines. Standing Switch Exchange. Rollup Exchange. Clearwater with a forearm smash. Mims denies The Midas Touch. Mims applies The Bear Hug as time expires.

Match Result: Time-Limit Draw, But Still NWA Worlds Television Champion, Jordan Clearwater 

Fourth Match: Jax Dane w/Chris Silvio vs. Thomas Latimer 

Dane is playing mind games with Latimer. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Latimer backs Dane into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Dane shoves Latimer. Dane uses the ropes as a shield. Strong lockup. Latimer applies a side headlock. Dane whips Latimer across the ring. Latimer runs into Dane. Dane drops Latimer with a shoulder tackle. Dane starts signing autographs at ringside. Latimer with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Latimer is throwing haymakers at Dane. Latimer repeatedly slams Dane’s head on the ring apron. Latimer rolls Dane back into the ring. Silvio trips Latimer from the outside. Latimer decks Dane with a back elbow smash. Latimer kicks Silvio in the face. Dane kicks the left knee of Latimer. Dane delivers two chop blocks. Dane repeatedly wraps the left leg of Latimer around the steel ring post.

Dane repeatedly stomps on Latimer’s chest. Dane stands on the left knee of Latimer. Silvio attacks Latimer behind the referee’s back. Dane continues to wrap the left leg of Latimer around the ring post. Dane toys around with Latimer. Latimer is throwing haymakers at Dane. Dane kicks the left knee of Latimer. Dane talks smack to Latimer. Dane poses for the crowd. Latimer rolls Dane over for a two count. Latimer avoids the elbow drop. Latimer side steps Dane into the turnbuckles. Latimer tees off on Dane. Latimer repeatedly stomps on Dane’s chest. Latimer transitions into a corner mount. Dane with a running shoulder tackle. Latimer pulls Dane face first into the ring post. Latimer with a Vertical Suplex. Latimer ducks a clothesline from Dane. Latimer applies The CrossFace. Silvio throws the towel into the ring which forces the referee to call off the match.

Winner: Thomas Latimer via Forfeit 

Updated NWA Nuff Said 2023 Match Card 

1.) EC3 vs. Kevin Kiley

2.) Thomas Latimer vs. Fodder In A Singapore Cane Match

3.) Cyon (c) w/Austin Idol vs. Homicide For The NWA National Heavyweight Championship

4.) Trevor Murdoch vs. Chris Adonis

5.) Kerry Morton (c) w/Ricky Morton vs. Alex Taylor w/Danny Dealz For The NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship

6.) Kamille (c) vs. Angelina Love In A No Disqualification Match For The NWA World Women’s Championship

7.) La Rebelion (c) vs. Blunt Force Trauma w/Aron Stevens For The NWA World Tag Team Championship

8.) Pretty Empowered (c) vs. The Renegade Twins For The NWA World Women’s Tag Team Championship

9.) Tyrus (c) w/BLK Jeez vs. Matt Cardona For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Fifth Match: Tyrus & Blunt Force Trauma w/BLK Jeez & Aron Stevenss vs. Matt Cardona, Mike Knox and Rolando Freeman In A 6-Man Tag Team Match. The Winning Team Will Pick The Stipulation For The NWA World Title Match At NWA Nuff Said 

The referee found out that Freeman brought multiple chains and a spike to the ring. Matt Cardona and Carnage will start things off. Cardona wants a piece of Tyrus. Carnage tags in Tyrus and Cardona immediately tags out to Knox. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Freeman tags himself in. Freeman starts dancing for the crowd. Tyrus connects with The Tongan Death Grip to pickup the victory. After the match, Tyrus informs us that everybody will be banned from ringside at Nuff Said and we’ll find out who the true Undisputed NWA World Champion is.

Winner: Tyrus & Blunt Force Trauma via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 346 of The Hoots Podcast 

The post NWA Powerrr Results 2/7/23 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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