Tom Lawlor’s technical analysis of Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page is fantastic

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Frankly, it is too interesting not to share.

First, Lawlor discussed the D’Arce Choke Superplex from Moxley.

Next was a mat transition as Hangman tried to escape a bulldog choke.

Third in the set was Moxley adjusting his game plan to an armbar when Hangman blocked the Death Rider.

Last on the list is the finish when Moxley countered a bulldog choke from Hangman into the winning roll-up.

Lawlor complimented Taz on commentary and decided to go one step deeper with analysis thanks to hindsight and video replay.

It’s cool to see the side-by-side comparisons to legitimate competition. That adds a deeper level of appreciation to those sequences from Moxley and Hangman. Here’s to hoping Technique by Taz & Filthy Tom becomes a real show one day.


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