Nia Jax and Raquel Rodriguez headline explosive sequel on Monday Night Raw

Raquel Rodriguez and Nia Jax had an epic lady hoss fight that tore the house down on Raw six weeks ago. Sadly, no winner was declared after outside interference by multiple parties had the match thrown out. But on the Nov. 20 edition of Raw, Jax and Rodriguez hooked up for the sequel. And unlike Hollywood, where sequels can be hit or miss, this was all hit, no miss.

In their first encounter, Rodriguez managed to lift Jax off her feet. However, Rodriguez struggled with her back and couldn’t finish the slam, leaving fans to wonder if she could successfully pull it off.

Once again, the spirit was willing, but the vertebrae were weak.

After starting fast in the rematch, Rodriguez nearly got driven through the mat with a nasty Uranage by Jax. Outside the ring, Jax slammed the former NXT women’s champion into the ring post back first before stretching her spine across the ring post in a surfboard-like maneuver.

Back inside the ring, Jax applied a version of the Cobra Clutch to her downed opponent. Undeterred, Rodriguez tried to get up with Jax on her back before her legs gave out as both women crumpled to the mat.

After a number of strikes, Rodriguez tried to hoist Jax on her shoulders, but her back gave out. Jax took advantage of the moment and dropped a wicked senton splash on Rodriguez’s gut. Jax positioned Rodriguez in the corner for a Banzai Drop but got caught as Rodriguez attempted to use Nia’s positioning to level her with a powerbomb.

Instead, what Rodriguez got was a power outage, as her back gave out a final time, causing her to fall backward with Jax’s badonkadonk falling squarely on her chest. Jax then mounted the second rope, where she followed through on the Banzai Drop, leading to a clean pin for the former Raw Women’s Champion.

In a Raw digital exclusive shot inside a trainer’s room, Rodriguez clutched her back and sported a red, baseball-sized welt on the inside of her left elbow. She said she felt the support of the fans and vowed to keep being powerful. More than that, Rodriguez said her issues with Jax aren’t over, noting how close she was to hoisting Jax into the air and dropping her on her back.

While Rodriguez may still have something to prove, Jax feels like got her point across, saying afterward, “I’m pretty sure I sent the message that anyone, anywhere, any size can get squashed.”

The brief rivalry between Nia Jax and Raquel Rodriguez has yet to disappoint and continues to be one of the best hoss feuds of the year, regardless of gender. Though Jax may be moving on, there’s still room for a trilogy, especially as the question of whether Rodriguez can slam Jax persists.

Perhaps Rodriguez will have to kick the hornet’s nest in order to get that third meeting.

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