Ted Dibiase Reflects on Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard’s WWE Arrival, Gives High Praise to Big Boss Man

Ted Dibiase Reflects on Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard Joining WWE and Praises The Big Boss Man

By Jeff Wolfe | @prowrestlingw8r

WWE Hall of Famer Ted Dibiase recently appeared on Everybody’s Got a Pod and shared his thoughts on a variety of topics, including the legendary duo of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Dibiase also took the time to praise the late, great Big Boss Man. Here are the highlights from his interview:

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard joining WWE as the Brain Busters:

“I thought it was great. Arn and I have been friends for a long time, and my relationship with Tully goes all the way back to when we played football together at West Texas State. But yeah, Tully and Arn in the ring. Oh my gosh. They definitely had it. And Arn picked it up quickly.”

It’s clear that Dibiase had a deep respect and admiration for both Anderson and Blanchard. Their chemistry in the ring was undeniable, and their time as the Brain Busters in WWE left a lasting impact on the industry.

The Brain Busters not being allowed to reference their history:

“I’m not Vince McMahon. I don’t have the mentality of Vince McMahon. But personally, I think that would have worked. I’m not Vince. And again, I think you’re right in terms of Vince didn’t own the Four Horsemen. And maybe that’s why he didn’t want anybody continuing to. Wave the flag, so to speak.”

Dibiase acknowledged that while he may have had a different perspective than Vince McMahon, he believed that referencing their history as part of the Four Horsemen could have added an extra layer of intrigue to their characters. However, he also recognized that McMahon’s decision may have been influenced by not owning the rights to the Four Horsemen.

The Big Boss Man:

“I love the guy, I loved him, for a guy that was as big as he was, he moved pretty dang good. Well, that interview right there, I hadn’t seen that in so long, and I had forgotten it, but oh my gosh. He could give it. He could bring it. And some guys can, and some guys don’t.”

Dibiase expressed his admiration for the late Big Boss Man, highlighting his impressive athleticism despite his size. The Big Boss Man’s ability to deliver in the ring left a lasting impression on Dibiase, showcasing his dedication and talent.

Ted Dibiase’s insights into the careers of Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and The Big Boss Man provide a unique perspective into the world of professional wrestling. Their contributions to the industry continue to be celebrated and remembered by fans and fellow wrestlers alike.

If you want to hear more from Ted Dibiase, be sure to check out his interview on Everybody’s Got a Pod. And for all the latest news and updates from the world of professional wrestling, stay tuned to prowrestlingwars.com.

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