Lio Rush inflicts excruciating impact on KUSHIDA’s dime! (Exclusive)

KUSHIDA and Kevin Knight left reeling by Lio Rush’s actions

In a stunning turn of events, Lio Rush continues to hold on to the X Division Championship in IMPACT Wrestling, despite resorting to controversial measures on both TV and PPV. Rush’s reign as champion was almost derailed by KUSHIDA and his tag partner Kevin Knight, but the champion managed to come out on top.

The rivalry between Rush and KUSHIDA reached its peak at the Victory Road event on September 8. Prior to the match, Rush faced off against Knight on IMPACT TV, underestimating his less experienced opponent. However, Knight proved his worth by delivering effective offense and catching Rush off guard.

Despite Knight’s impressive performance, Rush retaliated with a thumb to the eye and unleashed a series of topes suicida. Knight fought back with his incredible leaping ability, but was unable to secure the victory. Rush capitalized on Knight’s missed springboard cross body and finished him off with his signature move, Final Hour, followed by KUSHIDA’s Hoverboard Lock as a final provocation before their showdown at Victory Road.

At Victory Road, KUSHIDA came out with a vengeance, eager to get his hands on the X Division Champion. Rush tried to catch his impatient challenger off guard, but KUSHIDA maintained his composure and targeted Rush’s left arm with a hard kick. Despite Rush resorting to eye gouges, KUSHIDA stayed ahead by torquing Rush’s arm over the turnbuckle.

Rush quickly regained momentum, but KUSHIDA continued to outsmart him, countering Rush’s kicks and catching a tope suicida into a double wristlock. KUSHIDA even held on to the wristlock after Rush attempted a Spanish Fly. However, Rush’s right fist to the jaw slowed down KUSHIDA’s momentum. The two competitors traded furious blows, much to the delight of the New York crowd, before Rush resorted to a low blow after pulling the referee out of alignment. Rush sealed the deal with Rush Hour, securing the victory and celebrating his ill-gotten gains.

With his victory against KUSHIDA, Rush’s next challenge awaits him in Ryogoku, where he will compete in a three-way match for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship against Speedball Mike Bailey and Hiromu Takahashi on October 9. Additionally, Rush will reunite with his Super Jr. Tag League winning partner YOH on September 24 in Kobe.

It remains to be seen how Rush will fare in his upcoming matches and whether his controversial tactics will continue to help him retain the X Division Championship. Fans can stay updated on all the latest professional wrestling news and events at

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