Recap of the NXT LVL Up Results on September 8th, 2023

NXT LVL Up Results – September 8, 2023

Date: September 8, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

The Global Heritage Invitational did some wonders for this show last week and it would be great to have that happen again this time around. Above all else, it makes the show feel like it matters a little bit more and that is very welcome after months of nothing. It isn’t likely to last but I’ll take it while I can. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Tavion Heights

Heights gives him a heck of a shove into the ropes but Jiro flips up a few times and strikes a pose. A faceplant and crossbody put Heights down and we’re already off to the chinlock. Back up and Heights plows through him but Jiro fires off the jacket punches. A powerslam gives Heights two and we hit the chinlock (with roles reversed from earlier). Jiro fights up and flips out of a suplex attempt, setting up a slingshot headscissors for two. Heights avoids a Swanton though and a spinning belly to belly finishes Jiro at 5:50.

Result: Tavion Heights b. Ikemen Jiro – Spinning belly to belly (5:50)

Heights is very excited over his win.

Karmen Petrovic knows she has lost before but she’s used to being a winner. She’s starting on the path to success because she is bred for combat.

Karmen Petrovic vs. Fallon Henley

Petrovic strikes a we’ll say karate pose to start so Henley headlocks her down. That’s reversed into a headscissors, which is reversed right back into a headlock. Back up and Henley runs her over with a shoulder before nailing a right hand. Petrovic sends her to the apron and scores with a spinning kick to the face, followed by a straight kick to the ribs. The abdominal stretch doesn’t last long so Petrovic switches to a seated armbar. Make that a bodyscissors, but Henley fights up and hits a running elbow in the corner. A running faceplant sets up a Shining Wizard to finish Petrovic at 5:12.

Result: Fallon Henley b. Karmen Petrovic – Shining Wizard (5:12)

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen come out to celebrate with Henley.

Global Heritage Invitational Group B: Joe Coffey vs. Akira Tozawa

The rest of Gallus is here with Coffey. Tozawa bounces away from him to start before grabbing a wristlock. That’s reversed into Coffey’s headlock but he charges into a boot in the corner. A middle rope hurricanrana works a bit better for Tozawa but Coffey catches him in a wheelbarrow faceplant.

Coffey backbreakers him for two and we hit a seated full nelson. That’s reversed into a rollup for two and Tozawa snaps off a backdrop. Tozawa’s Shining Wizard sends Coffey outside and a suicide dive makes it worse. Back in and a missile dropkick gets two on Coffey, followed by a German suplex for the same. Coffey catches him on top though and All The Best For The Bells finishes Tozawa at 6:43.


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