Joe Gacy Shuts Down Comparisons With Bray Wyatt

WWE NXT’s Joe Gacy recently appeared on the latest “Out of Character” podcast, where he spoke about a wide range of topics. During it, he spoke about people thinking his gimmick is similar to Bray Wyatt:

“I think a lot of the WWE fans, they only know what they see on TV. So when they see something, to try to understand it, they have to link it to something they already know. When I debuted, I had long hair, I had a beard, I have tattoos, and I was a slightly darker character, and let’s be honest, I’m heavyset. So they just, ‘Oh, this is like Bray Wyatt. This guy’s like Bray Wyatt.’ Then I debut a new character, which is, you know, pretty much currently what I’m doing and then there’s like a darkness to the character so automatically everyone just associates it with ‘Oh, he’s a dark character. He has a beard, he’s heavyset, and he has tattoos. He’s just like Bray Wyatt.’ My opinion, me and Bray Wyatt are very, very different. I don’t think we’re similar. Like, maybe the fact that we’re two gimmicks that are darker, I think that’s kind of where I see it. I mean, I understand years ago, Bray did a cult leader type thing. I guess you could say maybe, that aspect of Bray is similar with what I’m doing, but I believe what I’m doing now is very different than what Bray has done. Also, Bray is not, you know, the first person to do this thing. So I don’t know why people have to just go right to Bray. Like nobody brings up Kevin Sullivan. Nobody brings up Waylon Mercy.”

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Joe Gacy Dismisses Comparisons To Bray Wyatt

Joe Gacy, a rising star in WWE NXT, recently appeared on the popular podcast “Out of Character” to discuss various topics. One of the subjects that came up was the comparison between Gacy’s gimmick and that of former WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt.

Gacy addressed the notion that some fans see similarities between his character and Wyatt’s, stating, “I think a lot of the WWE fans, they only know what they see on TV. So when they see something, to try to understand it, they have to link it to something they already know.”

He continued, “When I debuted, I had long hair, I had a beard, I have tattoos, and I was a slightly darker character, and let’s be honest, I’m heavyset. So they just, ‘Oh, this is like Bray Wyatt. This guy’s like Bray Wyatt.’”

Gacy acknowledged that there are some surface-level similarities between the two, but he firmly believes that he and Bray Wyatt are very different. He emphasized, “I don’t think we’re similar. Like, maybe the fact that we’re two gimmicks that are darker, I think that’s kind of where I see it.”

He also pointed out that Wyatt is not the first wrestler to explore a dark character, saying, “Bray is not, you know, the first person to do this thing. So I don’t know why people have to just go right to Bray. Like nobody brings up Kevin Sullivan. Nobody brings up Waylon Mercy.”

It is understandable that fans may draw comparisons between Gacy and Wyatt due to their similar aesthetics and dark personas. However, Gacy’s remarks shed light on

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