LA Knight Opens Up About Exclusion from WWE WrestleMania 39 Lineup

LA Knight Reflects On Being Left Off WWE WrestleMania 39 Card

LA Knight, the rising star in the world of professional wrestling, recently sat down for an interview with Inside The Ropes, where he opened up about a variety of topics. One of the major points of discussion was the decision made by WWE to leave him off the WrestleMania 39 card earlier this year.

In the interview, Knight acknowledged that there were different perspectives on the situation. He stated, “There’s a couple different ways to look at this and I’m sure there’s a lot of people who are probably just like, ‘Well, you know, you were only active on the roster since October. WrestleMania is in April.’ There’s probably a lot of people who are in that same spot who wouldn’t have been at WrestleMania, but there was a big difference there. Not to toot my own horn, but toot, toot, yea.”

Knight went on to express his disappointment at not being included in the WrestleMania 39 card, especially considering the growing buzz and momentum surrounding his career at the time. He revealed, “There was a whole fever that was starting to pick up around that time and I’d say it was probably around early March in that lead-up to WrestleMania. So to hear that, and to be aware of that, and then at the last minute there wasn’t going to be anything for me on there, it was a big letdown. At the same time, what can I do? Gotta keep moving, gotta keep doing my thing, and at the same time, I guess I can also understand the thought might be, ‘Well, you know, this could just be fluke reactions. Maybe this isn’t gonna last. Maybe this is just, you know, what it’s been three weeks, four weeks or whatever since these reactions been starting to pick up. Maybe it’s just a flash in the pan, flavor of the month, it’s gonna go away’, and here we are months and months later, more than a half year later, and it’s only picked up.”

Despite the disappointment, Knight remains focused and determined to make his mark in the wrestling industry. He understands that setbacks are a part of the business and is committed to continuing to work hard and prove himself.

LA Knight’s journey in WWE has been an intriguing one so far. After joining the roster in October, he quickly made an impact and gained attention with his charismatic persona and impressive in-ring skills. Fans and critics alike have drawn comparisons between Knight and legendary wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, which Knight addressed in the interview as well.

As Knight reflected on the comparisons, he emphasized that it doesn’t matter to him. He stated, “I think people can compare you to whoever they want. The Rock is the biggest movie star on the planet, so if people wanna compare me to The Rock, that’s great. That’s a huge compliment. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. I’m not trying to be The Rock, I’m trying to be LA Knight. I’m trying to be the biggest star in this industry that I can be.”

It’s clear that LA Knight is determined to carve out his own path and establish himself as a top talent in the wrestling world. With his drive, talent, and undeniable charisma, it’s only a matter of time before he reaches new heights in his career.

For more on LA Knight’s interview and his thoughts on being left off the WrestleMania 39 card, check out the full transcription on W

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