Unforgettable AEW Rampage Episode on 8/18/23 Unveils Jaw-Dropping Results

The AEW Women’s World Championship All In tournament kicks off tonight, and the return of Orange Cassidy:

Fenix vs. Komander
Ethan Page & Isiah Kassidy vs. Aussie Open
Jon Cruz vs. Sammy Guevara
Hikaru Shida & Skye Blue vs. The Outcasts

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 8/18/23

Excalibur and Tony Schiavone are on commentary and the wrestlers are already in the ring!

Match #1. Komander vs. Fenix

Crucifix into a pin by Fenix. Komander responds with a pin of his own. Two counts everywhere. Quick seatbelt by Komander gets a long two, and it’s a stalemate. Komander sees the rebound hook kick coming and avoids it. Tope con hilo by Komander. Komander looks to walk the ropes and dive to the far side but Fenix rolls back in the ring and kicks Komander in the arm. Diving double stomp to the face by Fenix gets two. Punt to the head of Komander as the referee checks on him. Komander flips out of a brainbuster and chops Fenix down to a knee. Springboard stalling splash by Komander and a twisting pop-up tieres. Komander charges into a superkick from Fenix. Double underhook piledriver by Fenix but Komander counters into an brutal Frankensteiner. Twisting lung blower by Komander. Komander goes up and over but Fenix hits the Rolling Thunder Ace Crusher for two. Enziguiri to the back of the head by Fenix and a tight rope walk into the punt to the face! Two. Komander with a crucifix bomb for two. Roundhouse hook kick by Komander but Fenix responds with one off of the ropes as both men are down. Dropkick by Fenix sends Komander to the outside, as Fenix goes up top but gets tossed to the mat. Springboard Destroyer by Komander from the apron! Rope walk Shooting Star Press by Komander! One, two, no! Komander misses a 450 and Fenix counters with a ripcord into a roundhouse kick and the Fenix Driver for.. only two! Fenix lays into Komander with some chops in the corner before finishing this one with the twisting sit-out Muscle Buster!

Winner: Fenix

Rating: ****. Woah, where did this come from? The best showing from Komander I’ve ever seen, but he had a heck of a dance partner. Maybe a few too many kick outs down the stretch but great stuff here.

Match #2. ROH World Tag Team Championship: Aussie Open (c) vs/ Ethan Page & Brother Zay

Aussie Open attacks early and Zay is quickly in trouble. Punt by Fletcher and a senton by Davis. Wheelbarrow into an arm drag by Zay and a hurricanrana. Davis gets the tag but eats an enziguiri and here’s Page. Page sends Aussie Open to the outside with clotheslines and Zay comes off the top with a somersault senton, taking out both guys on the floor. Aussie Open sandwich Zay and Page together (I will now call this the Vegemite Sammich going forward). Body slam and a senton by Davis for two on Page. Zay makes the hot tag and clears the ring before following with an asai moonsault to Davis on the floor. Springboard crossbody by Zay to Fletcher for two

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