NXT LVL Up delivers electrifying results on August 11, 2023!

NXT LVL Up Results – August 11, 2023

Date: August 11, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

Last week’s show was a bit better last week and hopefully that continues this time. The show tends to be at its best when it has a mixture of some younger stars and a few established names, though you never can tell which format it is going to take. There have been some more rookies around here though so maybe that is where this is heading. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Dante Chen vs. Damon Kemp

Kemp grabs a headlock to start but Chen takes him down for a quick slap. A springboard headlock takeover puts Kemp down again but he counters another springboard into a backbreaker. As Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak watch in the back, Kemp gets elbowed and punched in the face.

Another backbreaker cuts Chen off though and Kemp throws him with a t-bone suplex. The chinlock goes on before Kemp misses an elbow. Chen rams him into the buckle and strikes away, setting up a springboard chop to the head. Back up and Kemp avoids a charge and grabs a Rock Bottom, only to pull Chen into a neckbreaker for the pin at 6:12.

Result: Damon Kemp b. Dante Chen – Neckbreaker (6:12)

Tavion Heights is ready to bully the bully Joe Coffey and take him to new heights.

Fallon Henley vs. Izzi Dame

They fight over a lockup to start with Henley going after the arm. A running shoulder drops Dame and a drop toehold sends her throat first into the bottom rope. Dame gets in a throat snap across the top of her own and pulls Henley out of the corner for two. The reverse chinlock with a knee in Henley’s back goes on but she’s right back up without much trouble. A quick Shining Wizard finishes Dame at 4:38.

Result: Fallon Henley b. Izzi Dame – Shining Wizard (4:38)

Joe Coffey vs. Tavion Heights

Heights seems to win a battle over a lockup to start before twisting Coffey down by the arm. Back up and Coffey runs him over with a shoulder but Heights snaps off a hiptoss. Coffey hits a backbreaker for two and grabs the quickly broken chinlock. Heights tries to fight back and is quickly crossbodied for two. Coffey works on the arm to little avail and Heights grabs a backdrop. A suplex drops Coffey and a belly to belly gives Heights two of his own. Something like a Dominator drops Coffey for another two but he headbutts Heights into the corner. All The Best For The Bells finishes Heights at 6:23.

Result: Joe Coffey b. Tavion Heights – All The Best For The Bells (6:23)


Another action-packed episode of NXT LVL is in the books, and it did not disappoint. The show featured a great mix of both established names and up-and-coming rookies, providing an exciting and unpredictable viewing experience.

In the opening match, Damon Kemp emerged victorious against Dante Chen with a devastating neckbreaker. Kemp showcased his strength and agility, countering Chen’s offense and delivering a decisive blow for the win.

Next up, Fallon Henley faced off against Izzi

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