G1 Climax 33 C Block: Exciting August 2 Update Revealed! Don’t Miss G133 Action!

Kingston Joins Finlay and EVIL to Lead C Block with One Match Left

Hiroshima witnessed the sixth and penultimate matches of G1 Climax 33’s C Block, leaving five competitors still in the hunt before the group closer on August 8 in Yokohama. The main event of the evening featured Shingo Takagi facing block leader David Finlay in a high-stakes match that could secure Finlay’s passage to the next round. The match started with a series of collisions, with Shingo initially gaining the upper hand. However, Finlay falsely appealed for a low blow to buy himself some time and then launched a counterattack. Although he failed to put Takagi through a ringside table, he did manage to drop him with a DDT on the floor. Takagi quickly recovered and unleashed a flurry of offense, including a Ryukon DDT and a sliding lariat. The fight spilled to the apron and then the floor, where disaster struck for Finlay.

Finlay executed a devastating powerbomb through the ringside table, followed by a Blue Thunder in the ring for a near fall. However, Takagi countered with a Noshigami after a European uppercut, halting Finlay’s momentum. Takagi then delivered a superplex in spectacular fashion. Despite these setbacks, Finlay managed to catch Takagi off guard near the ropes with a Stungun. He followed up with a Dominator and a pair of backbreakers, seemingly having the match in hand as it passed the 15-minute mark. However, Takagi rallied and fought back, using strikes to wake himself up. With the crowd cheering him on, Takagi executed the Made In Japan to create separation. Although he couldn’t secure a pinfall, Takagi continued to press forward with forearm shots. Finlay responded with a spear and a powerbomb, but Takagi escaped Into Oblivion and retaliated with a Pumping Bomber and the Last of the Dragon to secure the victory and stay alive in the league.

In another critical match of the night, Tama Tonga faced off against Eddie Kingston. Kingston initially gained the upper hand with a snug headlock, but Tama retaliated with hard chops and a Superman elbow. Kingston fired back with a suplex and maintained control with a bearhug. However, Tama turned the match in his favor with a slam and continued to build momentum with machine gun chops and a shoulder tackle. Kingston attempted a flying neckbreaker, but Tama evaded it. After a reset, both competitors exchanged elbow shots and traded exploder suplexes. Kingston seemed to gain the upper hand, but Tama countered his Backfist with a Tongan Twist. Tama then executed a Northern Lights Bomb for the three-count, securing the victory.

The match between Tomohiro Ishii and HENARE lived up to fans’ expectations with a fast-paced exchange of blows from the start. Ishii scored the first knockdown and took early control, but HENARE fought back with a body blow combo and a Berserker Bomb for a near fall at the five-minute mark. After a hard elbow rocked HENARE, he quickly regained his footing and rose to his feet after a German suplex. However, Ishii knocked him down with a powerful lariat. Both competitors relentlessly sought a knockout blow, exchanging hard right hands in the center of the ring. Ishii attempted a headbutt but was met with a knee strike and a Rampage for a near fall. HENARE locked in the Ultima submission hold, but Ishii resisted. HENARE then unleashed the TOA Bottom, followed by a Justice Knee and a Rugby kick. Ishii managed to escape danger from Streets of Rage but fell victim to a Vertical Drop Brainbuster. HENARE secured the victory with a three

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