MJF’s Hectic AEW Commitments Strain His Personal Relationships

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MJF prides himself on doing as little work as possible in the ring while still reaching the heights of the industry as AEW world champion. For example, MJF wrestled nine matches in 2022. He was continuing that selective pace in 2023 with only four matches through May. Unfortunately for MJF, the addition of Collision made his schedule more hectic. June has been a whirlwind of activity with four matches. MJF has also been called on the road for promos and appearances. All this travel time is taking a toll on his loved one.

MJF’s increased absence has sent his cat, Piper, into a depression.

MJF put it in perspective to paint himself as the victim and Tony Khan as the villain.

It’s hard to argue with MJF on this one, especially when you see the photo of Piper with the caption, “Papa, why must TK force you to work day and night? For I am so lonely and sad. Please come home papa.”

At least MJF was free this weekend for some snuggle time with Piper.

Leave it to MJF to twist our minds into feeling sorry for his situation with Piper. That emotional manipulation truly shows he is on the level of the devil.

Do you support justice for Piper? Or are you a selfish, disgusting, heartless bag of trash?


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