Trash Day at WWF Boston House Show – June 27, 1986: A Review You Can’t Miss!

ncluding the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation.

Rotundo gets the hot tag and cleans house with dropkicks before the match breaks down. Lee and Thornton bail to the floor and it’s a countout at 8:44. Not much of a match but it was more of an opener than anything else.

Rating: D+

We get a clip of the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff attacking Hillbilly Jim on TNT.

Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hillbilly Jim/Cousin Junior

Jim and Junior come out to a rousing ovation, which is a rather odd sight. The villains jump them to start and it’s a quick double team on Jim. A slam puts Jim down but he comes back with some punches, only to have Junior come in and get beaten down as well. Junior gets beaten down even more until Jim comes back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Junior gets the pin on Sheik after a boot to the face at 7:26. Standard tag match but the crowd loved the ending.

Rating: D+

We recap the Hogan/Bundy feud, which started back at Wrestlemania II.

Big John Studd/King Kong Bundy vs. Junkyard Dog/Hulk Hogan

Bundy and Studd jump the good guys to start but Hogan and JYD fight back and clear the ring. Bundy is sent into the post and Hogan pounds on him in the corner. A big slam puts Bundy down and it’s off to JYD for a headbutt. Studd comes in to face Hogan but it’s quickly back to Bundy, who gets clotheslined over the top and out to the floor. Back in and Hogan takes Bundy down again but Studd comes in for the first time. A quick slam puts Hogan down and it’s off to a bearhug.

Hogan fights out with elbows to the head and it’s off to Junkyard Dog for some headbutts. Bundy and Studd come in to beat up JYD for a bit but he fights back and it’s time for the showdown with Hogan and Bundy. The big man gets in a few shots but Hogan hammers him down and hits the legdrop for the pin at 13:02.

Rating: C-

Overall Rating: D+

This was a pretty dull show, but it wasn’t exactly a major event either. The main event was fine and the crowd was into it, but the rest was just there. Nothing to see here but it’s always interesting to see something from so long ago.

The latest event from ProWrestlingWars took place last night and fans are buzzing over the results. While the main event was the highlight of the night, there were a few standout matches earlier in the evening.

The opening bout saw The Revolution take on The Warriors in a fast-paced and exciting tag team match. The Warriors seemed to have the upper hand early on, but The Revolution’s technical prowess proved to be too much for their opponents. In the end, it was The Revolution who emerged victorious, solidifying their place as one of the top tag teams in the company.

The next match featured two up-and-coming stars, Jack Hammer and Johnny Blaze. Both men showcased their impressive athleticism and in-ring skills, but it was Hammer who came out on top with a stunning top rope maneuver that left the crowd in awe.

One of the most anticipated matches of the night was the

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