Breaking: Check Out the Latest Results from Impact Wrestling’s Epic Showdown on June 8, 2023!


Deonna Purrazzo vs. Lady Frost

Purrazzo’s title isn’t on the line here. Before the match, Purrazzo says she’s not worried about Rosemary because she has beaten her before. Frost takes her down by the arm to start but gets taken down by the hair. The Fujiwara armbar goes on but Frost fights up and hits a springboard crossbody. Purrazzo is right back with a clothesline and stomps away, setting up an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Frost gets two off a sunset flip. A rollup gets two on Deonna but the Fujiwara armbar makes Frost tap at 4:13.

Result: Deonna Purrazzo b. Lady Frost – Fujiwara armbar (4:13)

Post match Rosemary comes out and beats up Purrazzo.

Back to the wrestlers who won’t be at Against All Odds. Fallah Bahh is ready for his match with Hernandez tonight but is grossed out by Hernandez smoking a cigar. Bahh talks about how he has been fighting for years and is ready to win tonight.

Here’s the rundown of Against All Odds. It’s a pretty stacked card and should be a good show.

We look back at the feud between Tessa Blanchard and Su Yung, including the zombies from Under Siege. They’re facing off again tomorrow.

Rohit Raju vs. Laredo Kid

Larry D. is on commentary. Raju takes him down to start but Laredo is right back with a springboard armdrag. A dropkick sends Raju outside and Laredo follows him out with a big flip dive. Back in and Raju gets in a chop before hitting a nice running knee to the face. Laredo is right back with a hurricanrana into a DDT for two and a running shooting star press gets the same. Raju comes back with a jumping knee to the head but the double stomp is countered with a superkick. A springboard tornado DDT gives Laredo two and it’s a standing Spanish Fly for the same. The Laredo Fly finishes Raju at 7:59.

Result: Laredo Kid b. Rohit Raju – Laredo Fly (7:59)

Post match Raju takes out Laredo.

Here’s the rundown for Against All Odds again.

Here’s Violent By Design, with Eric Young talking about how they are the best and everyone else can go to hell. He talks about violence being a language and how they speak it better than anyone else. They aren’t worried about anyone else and will be champions forever.

Joe Doering vs. Eddie Edwards

Before the match, Edwards talks about how he has been through everything and is ready to fight tonight. They slug it out to start with Edwards getting the better of it. Doering sends him outside and follows him out with a clothesline. Back in and Doering stomps away before hitting a suplex. A bearhug goes on but Edwards fights out and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Doering sends him into the corner and hits a running shoulder, followed by a sitout powerbomb for two of his own. Edwards gets in a shot to the face, followed by the chinchecker. The Boston Knee Party is countered into a chokeslam and a lariat finishes Eddie at 6:56.

Result: Joe Doering b. Eddie Edwards – Lariat (6:56)

Post match Doering loads up a table but Trey Miguel makes the save.</

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