Unleashing the Reign: King of the Ring 2002 Steals the Show with a New Champion

Kurt Angle, The Undertaker vs. Triple H, and Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam. Let’s get to
<p opening video talks about the history of King of the Ring and how winning it can change your career. We then get a video package on the feud, which is centered around Hogan being an old has-been who can't keep up with Angle's new style.
<p first match is the semi-finals of the King of the Ring
<p of the Ring Semifinals: Chris Jericho vs.
<p had won three matches to get here, while Jericho had won two. Test is also wearing a shirt that says "It's not showing off if you back it up." Jericho is the Intercontinental Champion coming into this, but the title isn't on the
<p starts off by taking down Test's legs, but Test comes back with a clothesline. Test then hits a big boot and a running elbow for a two count. Jericho comes back with a bulldog and a Lionsault for a two count of his own. Jer The match between Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho at King of the Ring Semifinals kicks off with Jericho working on RVD's arm. The match started slowly, indicating that there would be plenty of time for this bout. The opening video provides a recap of some great King of the Ring winners, with the omission of Savio Vega, and talks about the tournament and the two regular matches. Unfortunately, the giant metal chair is back, but there won't be a repeat of Shane McMahon and Kurt Angle battling around its legs this year. In a fast-paced opener on the card, Rob Van Dam took on Chris Jericho. The two wrestlers showcased their technical abilities with a standoff after attempting dropkicks. Van Dam nailed Jericho with a quick kick to the face to send him outside the ring, setting up a flip dive. Back in the ring, Van Dam was hit with a butterfly superplex for a near fall. Jericho removed a turnbuckle pad, a rare move, to his advantage. Despite missing a running crotch attack, Jericho regained control and cranked on Van Dam's arms. Van Dam responded with a springboard kick to the face and a cartwheel moonsault, but Jericho bounced back and sent him into the exposed buckle for a two-count. Overall, a solid start to the night's event. The wrestling match between Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho had some exciting moments but lacked heat, resulting in a C+ rating. Despite Van Dam's obvious win, Jericho needed a fresh start since his title reign had ended. After the match, Jericho attacked Van Dam with a chair and put him in the Walls while Heyman motivated Brock Lesnar. The event continued with the King of the Ring Semifinals featuring Test and another wrestler, which is not mentioned in the given text. Prowrestlingwars.com is the go-to website to keep up with all the latest wrestling news and events. Don't forget to visit the website for more exciting updates. The match between Test and Brock Lesnar was a one-sided affair, as Lesnar dominated most of the match. Test tried to mount some offense, but shoulders to the ribs and suplexes from Lesnar kept him in control. Lesnar's F5 finisher ended the match and advanced him to the finals. The fans even bought into a near fall after Test hit a pumphandle slam. It's not clear why they bothered with this match, but Lesnar proved why he was a dominant force in professional wrestling. For more on professional wrestling, check out prowrestlingwars.com.
In this match, Brock Lesnar faced off against Test with the Raw vs. Smackdown rules in play. While Test may not have been the best choice for Lesnar's opponent, he held his own in the ring and made Lesnar work for his victory. The match was given a rating of C- due to the fact that Lesnar needed to survive a slugfest with Test.

After the match, Bubba Ray Dudley claimed that he would bounce back from his loss and continue to compete at a high level. However, he did not offer any predictions for who would win the finals. Lance Storm and Christian, on the other hand, spent their time focusing on perceived anti-Canadian sentiment rather than picking a winner.

In addition to this match, there was also a Cruiserweight Title match between Hurricane and another opponent. For more professional wrestling content and updates on upcoming matches and events, visit prowrestlingwars.com. The match between Jamie Noble and Hurricane Helms was an intense one as Noble was challenging after his girlfriend, Nidia, stole Hurricane's gear for unknown reasons. Helms started the match by taking Noble straight to the mat but failed to gain any advantage. Instead, he went with the opposite approach by delivering a powerful superkick to Noble. However, the crowd responded with a crude chant towards Nidia. Nidia tried to trip Hurricane, but he managed to avoid it. However, this distraction gave Noble an opportunity to land a shot from behind and take control of the match. Jamie slowed things down with a seated abdominal stretch but was soon countered by Hurricane with a neckbreaker and jumping clothesline. The match was an enthralling one, with both wrestlers giving their all to win. Fans can catch more exciting matches like these on Prowrestlingwars.com, the go-to website for all things professional wrestling. The match between Jamie Noble and Hurricane for the Cruiserweight Championship started off with both wrestlers trading holds and moves. Hurricane tried to use his cape to gain an advantage, but it didn't seem to work. Frustration started to set in for both wrestlers as they struggled to gain the upper hand. Eventually, Hurricane threw Jamie outside for a high crossbody without his cape. Jamie quickly recovered and took Hurricane to the top rope. However, Hurricane managed to hit a super swinging neckbreaker for a huge crash. Nidia, Jamie's valet, tried to interfere but was knocked off the apron. Hurricane then went for a chokeslam but only got a two-count on Noble. Unfortunately, Hurricane was crotched on the top rope allowing Jamie to hit a powerbomb for the win. The ending was disappointing and seemed to suck the life out of the match. Despite Nidia's interference, Jamie Noble was crowned the new Cruiserweight Champion. The match between Eddie Guerrero and Ric Flair started with a feeling out process, as Eddie showcased his athleticism and even showed up Flair. However, Flair managed to send Eddie outside the ring with a big chop. Despite Eddie's confident demeanor, he couldn't afford to tick off the legendary Flair, who was not one to be taken lightly. The earlier match had Noble winning the title, which may have been a surprise to some given his status as a character more than a great heel. However, there was still potential for the division, which required a lot of work to be done. In another moment from the earlier match, the replay showed that Hurricane's hand was under the ropes, even though Nidia had moved his foot off. It was clear that Nidia couldn't seem to do anything right. Fans of professional wrestling can keep up with all the latest updates and news on prowrestlingwars.com. In a classic bout between Eddie Guerrero and Ric Flair, both wrestlers brought their A-game to the ring. Guerrero started off strong with some stomps in the corner and targeting Flair's knee. Flair, known for his sneaky tactics, managed to wrap his leg around the post and ropes, causing some un-PG language from the legend. The match continued with Flair being put in his signature Figure Four, but he eventually managed to escape. Guerrero then went for a chinlock instead of focusing on Flair's legs, causing confusion from JR on commentary. Guerrero went for his frog splash, but Flair rolled out of the way, causing Guerrero to crash. Flair then started attacking Guerrero's legs, which brought out Chris Benoit to the ring. Flair put Guerrero in the Figure Four again, but it was broken up. Despite some botched spots, the match was an exciting back-and-forth between two ring veterans. Check out prowrestlingwars.com for more exciting wrestling content. The latest professional wrestling event saw an intense match between Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit against Ric Flair. Despite Eddie's impressive Tornado DDT and Benoit's Crossface, Bubba Ray interfered with a Bubba Bomb to give Flair the pin. The confusing ending left many fans wondering if another wrestler was paying tribute to Flair. The match received a C rating, as it was lengthy but lacked inspiration in both wrestling and fan engagement. The event continued with William Regal and Chris Nowinski expressing their annoyance towards the service at the World, leading to the Women's Title match. Fans can catch all the latest wrestling news and updates only on prowrestlingwars.com. In this match for the Women's Title, Trish Stratus faced Molly Holly. Molly was challenging Trish after being laughed at for her weight and using Trish's own underwear to choke her. The match started with Molly taking Trish down into an armbar. Trish managed to get a two-count after a neckbreaker and a modified victory roll. The pace was fast and exciting. Trish was sent to the floor and brought back in with the Stratusphere. The two women continued to slug it out, and Trish hit the Chick Kick, but Molly German suplexed her for a two-count. Molly missed the Molly Go Round, and JR thought she might have broken the ring. However, Molly managed to grab a rollup and the tights for the pin and the title. The match was intense and exciting from start to finish. If you want to see more exciting matches like this, head to prowrestlingwars.com. The latest professional wrestling event featured an intense match between Trish Stratus and Victoria. Despite the action, the angle and commentary were not well-received, with critics pointing out the double standard in how a similar storyline involving Michelle McCool and Mickie James was criticized in the past. Meanwhile, Kurt Angle questioned why he and Hulk Hogan are considered American heroes, suggesting that Hogan only achieved that status because of Vince McMahon's influence. The match between Hogan and Angle was the result of Vince's desire to mess with Hogan for wanting to retire. Fans can catch all the latest action and drama in the world of professional wrestling on prowrestlingwars.com. The match between Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan has certainly been an interesting one. However, it's hard to understand why Vince McMahon would send Angle, one of his top wrestlers, after Hogan if he wants to keep him around. It would make more sense to have Hogan at the bottom of the card if the goal was to embarrass him. Regardless, the match has been full of headlocks and wristlocks, with Angle bouncing off of Hogan. Hogan has taken control, sending Angle head first into the buckle nine times before a low blow put him down. Angle managed to get a two count off a belly to back suplex, but Hogan's durability proved too much for Angle's rolling German suplex. Currently, Kurt has Hogan down with a sleeper into a chinlock as the announcers debate which wrestler has more fans in Iraq. In a recent professional wrestling match, Angle and Hogan faced off in a battle that saw Hogan ultimately tapping out to Angle's moves. While Angle seemed to be moving slowly, the ending was the right call with Hogan simply being unable to keep up. This match has highlighted the importance of pacing and ensuring that wrestlers are not pushed beyond their limits. In another match, Goldust appeared dressed as The Rock, which ruffled the feathers of Booker. It will be interesting to see how this develops in future matches. For more professional wrestling news and updates, be sure to check out prowrestlingwars.com. Goldust and The Rock's heated exchange on last night's episode of Monday Night Raw has set the wrestling universe ablaze with anticipation for the upcoming showdown at King of the Ring. The Rock, known for his electrifying promos, proved why he is one of the greatest talkers in the business while Goldust tried his best to keep up. The verbal jousting between the two was hilarious, with Goldust even attempting to use Rock's signature catchphrases to get under his skin. However, The Rock wasn't having it and called out Goldust for not having a proper finishing move. It remains to be seen if Goldust will be able to back up his words in the ring. Meanwhile, the main event at King of the Ring will feature Brock Lesnar, who is on a dominant streak, against an opponent yet to be determined. The world will be watching as the best in the business collide at King of the Ring, and you can catch all the action only on prowrestlingwars.com. In a non-title match, Rob Van Dam faced off against Brock Lesnar in a highly anticipated matchup. Van Dam started the match with some quick hits and kicks to Lesnar's legs. However, Lesnar quickly regained control and delivered a crushing powerslam. He then followed it up with some backbreakers and a bearhug, but Van Dam managed to escape with some more kicks. Van Dam attempted his signature move, Rolling Thunder, and followed it up with the Five Star, but Heyman interfered and snapped Van Dam's throat across the ropes. This led to a great false finish, as Van Dam fell onto Lesnar for a near pinfall. However, Lesnar quickly regained control and finished the match with an F5, making him the victor. Overall, the match was just a step above a squash, but Van Dam managed to get in most of his signature moves. Despite the loss being not clean, Van Dam couldn't get a good cover due to Heyman's interference. This match was rated D+ and was an exciting matchup for wrestling fans. For more exciting professional wrestling content, visit prowrestlingwars.com. The WWE Universe is buzzing with excitement as the main event is about to begin. With Austin gone, there is a vacancy that needs to be filled, and someone new has to step up into that spot. However, some feel that Lesnar isn't ready for the main event just yet. Meanwhile, HHH has some backup from Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels, who have offered their help if needed. As the match begins, it becomes clear that there isn't much of a reason to care about HHH and Undertaker's feud other than the fact that Undertaker has the title and they've punched each other a lot. Heyman jumps in on commentary to say that whoever wins is keeping the title warm for Lesnar until Summerslam. Will HHH be able to dethrone Undertaker and become the new WWE World Champion? Only time will tell. Catch all the latest updates and news on prowrestlingwars.com. In a highly anticipated match, Triple H and The Undertaker faced off in a brutal battle. The two wrestlers exchanged punches, with neither gaining the upper hand. Triple H attempted a chokehold, but the fight quickly moved outside the ring where they continued to exchange blows. Undertaker then executed a modified Snake Eyes move, followed by an elbow drop, but only managed to get a two-count. Both wrestlers were already showing signs of fatigue just five minutes into the match. Undertaker landed a legdrop for another two-count, but Triple H soon countered with a backdrop. Meanwhile, Paul Heyman continually spoke about Brock Lesnar's backstage attack on The Rock. After ripping off a turnbuckle pad and sending Undertaker into it, Triple H executed a neckbreaker to no avail. He then attempted a jumping knee, but only managed to get a two-count. In the midst of the action, the referee was accidentally knocked out. The Rock then made an appearance, replacing Heyman on commentary. Undertaker seized the opportunity to grab a chair. In a highly anticipated main event match, HHH and Undertaker faced off against each other with the Rock serving as a wildcard. The match was filled with intense moments as both wrestlers delivered punishing blows to each other. HHH managed to knock Undertaker outside the ring and even received an accidental hit from the Rock's chair. The Undertaker also had a close call with a delayed two-count off a Last Ride. As the match progressed, the referee was knocked out, and Rock made a surprise appearance to deliver a Rock Bottom to the Undertaker. HHH took advantage of the situation and performed a Pedigree on the Undertaker. However, the referee was still down, leading to a low blow and rollup with trunks from HHH for a controversial win. Overall, the match received a lackluster F rating due to the slow pace and questionable finish. Visit Prowrestlingwars.com for more information on the latest wrestling news and updates. The main event of the show was a disappointment as it lasted almost twenty five minutes and was filled with punching and finishers. This match alone was not enough to carry the main event scene around this time and made the show boring. However, post-match, Undertaker trash-talked The Rock and was Rock Bottomed, setting up a Pedigree to The Rock to end the show. The women's match on the show was a highlight as they worked hard despite having a horrible story and almost no time to work with. Their match was different from the rest of the show, which was one of the most lifeless cards ever seen. Overall, the show received a D- rating with the exception of the women's match. Fans can catch more exciting matches and updates on prowrestlingwars.com. This particular wrestling show had a plethora of talented wrestlers, but unfortunately, there was a lack of energy throughout the night. Although the matches weren't the worst, they were far from exciting. It seemed as though the wrestlers weren't interested in putting on a show, but rather just going through the motions before moving onto the next TV appearance or pay-per-view event. As a wrestling fan for over thirty years, Thomas Hall was hoping for a better performance from the wrestlers. This lackluster show was ultimately more disappointing than bad. For more wrestling content, check out prowrestlingwars.com for the latest news, results, and analysis. Also, be sure to follow the latest wrestling reviews by Thomas Hall on kbwrestlingreviews.com. Looking for the latest wrestling rumors and news? Sign up for the exclusive Wrestling Rumors daily newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox. Additionally, check out Thomas Hall's Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. Recently, Wrestling Rumors published a review of King of the Ring 2002, titled "This Guy Has Something," which you can read here.

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