Kenny Omega Acknowledges Kurt Angle as Best Wrestler to Learn From: He’s the Ultimate Teacher.

Kenny Omega recently praised Kurt Angle on Twitter after being asked who would win in a matchup between the two in their prime. Omega stated that he often studies tape of Angle to learn more about pro wrestling and believes that Angle was the best for a reason. Although Angle has yet to respond to Omega’s praise, he has previously complimented Omega and called him “one of the greatest workers in the world today.” Angle did respond to the original post and said that it would be a tough match. It’s clear that both wrestlers have a great deal of respect for each other’s abilities in the ring. Professional wrestler Kenny Omega recently took to Twitter to express his admiration for fellow wrestler Kurt Angle. In his tweet, Omega stated that when he wants to learn, he studies Angle, who he believes is the best in the business. Angle responded to Omega’s tweet, stating that it was a tough compliment to live up to. The post, which can be found on, also includes a link to an article on the topic. It’s clear that both wrestlers have a great deal of respect for one another, and fans of professional wrestling are sure to take notice. Professional wrestling fans recently speculated who would win in a match between Kenny Omega and Kurt Angle during their prime. The Cleaner, Omega, took to Twitter to reveal that he studies Angle’s old matches instead of his own when he wants to learn something about wrestling because Angle was the best for a reason. Although Angle has yet to respond to Omega’s compliments, he did respond to the post itself saying it’s a tough decision. Angle has previously praised Omega as one of the greatest workers in the world today. Fans can check out the tweets on

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