Unveiling the Epic Results of NXT Battleground 2023!

opens the door for Lee to hit a 450 splash for the pin to retain the >

Women’s Title: Mandy Rose vs. Raquel >

After an intense staredown, the match begins with Rose trying to use her speed and agility to take down Gonzalez, but the power of Gonzalez is too much for her. Gonzalez dominates most of the match, hitting Rose with several power moves and submission holds. However, Rose manages to counter one of Gonzalez’s moves and hits her with a running knee to the face. Rose then goes to the top rope and hits a diving elbow drop for a close >

Gonzalez regains control and hits a series of clotheslines and a running big boot for another near fall. Rose tries to fight back but gets caught in the corner and hit with a running splash. Gonzalez then hits her finisher, the Chingona Bomb, to pick up the victory and become the new NXT Women’s >

After the match, Gonzalez celebrates with the title as Rose looks on disappointed and >

NXT Tag Team Titles: MSK vs. >

The match starts with MSK using their high-flying moves to gain the advantage, but Imperium’s power and technical ability quickly turn the tide. The match becomes a back-and-forth affair with both teams getting several near >

Wes Lee gets isolated by Imperium and they work him over for a while until he is able to make the hot tag to Nash Carter. Carter comes in like a house of fire, hitting Imperium with several high-flying moves and strikes. However, Imperium manages to cut him off and hit him with a series of double-team >

The match comes to an end when MSK hits their finisher, the Heart Attack Blockbuster, on Marcel Barthel, but Fabian Aichner breaks up the pin just in time. Imperium then hits their finisher, the European Bomb, on Carter to pick up the victory and become the new NXT Tag Team >

NXT Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Bron >

The match starts with both men feeling each other out and trying to gain the advantage. Breakker uses his power to control Hayes, but Hayes is able to use his speed and agility to counter Breakker’s >

The match becomes more intense as both men exchange strikes and near falls. Hayes hits Breakker with a series of kicks and a running knee strike, but Breakker kicks out at two. Breakker then hits Hayes with a powerbomb, but Hayes is able to kick out at two as >

The match comes to a close when Hayes hits Breakker with his finisher, the Come Up, to pick up the victory and retain the NXT >

Overall, Battleground 2023 was a solid show with some great matches and moments. The new champions, Raquel Gonzalez and Imperium, bring a fresh dynamic to their respective divisions and should make for some exciting storylines going forward. Carmelo Hayes and Bron Breakker also put on a fantastic main event, and it will be interesting to see where their feud goes from >

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