Wembley Stadium Promotes AEW All In London During Today’s FA Cup Semifinals

AEW announced earlier in the month that they would be making their debut in the United Kingdom this summer with an event entitled, “All In London,” which would take place from the legendary Wembley Stadium.

Today, Wembley held the FA Cup semfinals matchup between Manchester United and Brighton, two of soccer’s most popular club teams. During the game the venue was heavily advertising the AEW All In event, enough that people were talking about it online as the exact type of traction AEW needed to help sell tickets.

AEW All In being advertised at Wembley Stadium today during the FA Cup Semi Final match between Manchester United and Brighton.

This is a pretty big fucking deal. They’re going to sell those tickets FAST with this kind of awareness. pic.twitter.com/JWbjlHZiOq

— Drainmaker (@DrainBamager) April 23, 2023

Seeing AEW flashed up at Wembley is surreal honestly. pic.twitter.com/tQ5mQXkm0b

— Matt Raines (@RainesMatt) April 22, 2023

AEW All In being advertised during the FA Cup Semi Final at Wembley.

A game 10’s of millions around the world will be watching. #AEWAllIn pic.twitter.com/85oqcJhQms

— Daniel Ball (@dballpne) April 23, 2023

Aside from All In, AEW will be holding the Forbidden Door 2 pay-per-view in June of this year, and All Out in Chicago in the fall.

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