WWE NXT Results 4/18/2023

– The Spring Breakin’ go-home edition of WWE NXT opens up on the USA Network with Gallus, The Creed Brothers and The Schism all brawling as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. Fans chant “let them fight!” as officials try to restore order.

Triple Threat for the NXT Tag Team Titles: The Creed Brothers vs. The Dyad vs. Gallus

The bell rings with Wolfgang and Julius Creed going at it, with Rip Fowler also involved. Brutus Creed flies in with a close 2 count. The fight continues until Jagger Reid assists his partner and they take control. Joe Gacy, Ava, Ivy Nile and Joe Coffey are all at ringside.

Gallus tuns it around now with Coffey unloading on Reid and Brutus. Julius tags in and starts launching his opponents. Coffey breaks up Creed’s Stretch Muffler on Reid. Coffey with big suplexes of his own. They go on and Julius man-handles Mark after a big moonsault to Reid. Brutus flies with a big bomb to take down Fowler and Wolfgang outside.

More back and forth in the ring. Mark covers for close 2 counts but his opponents hang on. Vic says we’re going to a picture-in-picture commercial but it’s just a regular break.

Back from the break and Mark is fighting off Reid but Julius dropkicks him. Wolfgang, Brutus and Fowler all tag in and they go at it but Brutus dominates and drops the straps. Brutus with the Brutus Smash forearms while both opponents are stacked.

Brutus goes corner to corner on both now. Brutus with a 2 for 1 Northern Lights suplex but Mark breaks it up. Julius and The Dyad leave Brutus and Wolfgang alone in the ring. Julius ends up pulling Wolfgang out, then he and his brother send him into the steel steps. The Dyad send Mark into the steps as well.

Fans chant “NXT!” as The Creeds and The Dyad go at it now. Brutus is taken out but Julius fights Fowler and Reid with a big double suplex. Ava is on the apron now, then Fowler jabs Julius in the throat as Gacy laughs. Brutus stops The Dyad from hitting a Doomsday, then Brutus knocks Fowler off Julius’ shoulders.

Before this happened, Ivy confronted Ava at ringside but Brutus accidentally knocked Reid off the top to the floor, hitting Nile on the way down. This distracts Julius after the Brutus Bomb, which allows Gallus to come in and level Brutus with the double team for the pin to retain.

Winners: Gallus

– After the match, Gallus stands tall with the titles as the music hits and we go to replays. The others recover as Gallus looks on.

– A camera man caught up with Dijak earlier in the day as he was entering the building, asking about the WWE Draft. Dijak says if RAW and SmackDown want hard justice, they know where to find him. He’s also asked about Ilja Dragunov, and says he was NXT’s most feared before stepping into the ring with him. Dijak bullies the camera man some but this doesn’t sit well with Apollo Crews, who is also arriving. They have words and face off. Dijak says the WWE Draft is coming up and “Paul” wants them to show up and show out, so let’s do it tonight. Crews agrees.

– We get a promo video for Noam Dar, who will blast off next. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Nathan Frazer is sitting at a news desk for his new segment – Nathan Frazer Presents Hard Hitting Home Truths with Nathan Frazer. He acknowledges things haven’t been so well since he returned, but last week he realized he can never be down in the dumps if he keeps moving and never slows down. He gives some words of encouragement for the men and women of NXT and says unhappiness can’t catch you if you keep moving. Frazer says it’s time to practice what he peaches. He signs off to end the segment.

Myles Borne vs. Noam Dar

We go back to the ring and out comes Noam Dar with his NXT UK Heritage Cup trophy. Myles Borne is already waiting in the ring.

The bell rings and they go at it with Dar mounting offense and talking some trash. Borne unloads with corner strikes now. Dar with stiff elbows and some showing off to boos.

Borne fights back in but Dar kicks him to his knees. Dar with stiff kicks while Borne is on his knees, but he catches a kick and mounts more offense now.

Dar fights Borne off and hits a big knee, then another stiff elbow. Dar with the Nova Roller for the pin to win.

Winner: Noam Dar

– After the match, Dar stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Dar celebrates with his Heritage Cup trophy.

– We get a promo from Roxanne Perez, who has words for Zoey Stark and Tiffany Stratton as she looks to regain the NXT Women’s Title. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Josh Briggs approaches Kiana James in her office to try and get Brooks Jensen to speak to him again. She says Jensen doesn’t want anything to do with Briggs. Briggs is very sad. Jensen comes walking in with a new slick look, and he and James are a full-on item. Jensen dismissed Briggs and says they are not family, and he is now a man who makes his own decisions. Jensen tells Briggs to leave and he does, saying he never should’ve came.

– We go back to the ring for the next match as Odyssey Jones makes his way out. Bron Breakker suddenly attacks from out of nowhere and levels Jones with a big Spear to boos. Officials tend to Jones at ringside now.

Bron says he told these rednecks last week that they’d see a new side of him, and he had to end that Chase U participation segment because they are all pathetic clowns. Bron says Jones felt it, NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes felt it, and Andre Chase felt it. Duke Hudson, with his MVP trophy, comes walking through the crowd and tells Bron to keep Chase U’s name out of his mouth.

Duke says Bron made a very big mistake by crashing his ceremony and snapping the Chase U flag over his mentor last week. Fans pop for Duke as he taunts and threatens Bron. Duke challenges Bron for Spring Breakin’. Bron says that’s funny with how fast Duke ran away last week. Duke cuts Bron off and says the MVP wasn’t done talking. Fans chant “MVP!” as Duke hypes the Spring Breakin’ match, actually revealing that it will be Bron vs. Andre instead. The Chase U Student Section cheers as Bron threatens to Spear Chase’s ass in half and put an end to Chase University.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Cora Jade. She says she had plenty more to say about the NXT women’s division last week before she was interrupted. She says she is the savior of the division… Gigi Dolin interrupts. Dolin talks about how she’s learned to channel her anger to use it in the ring. She goes on and says she will kick Dolin’s ass tonight.

Roxanne Perez vs. Zoey Stark

We go back to the ring and out comes Roxanne Perez. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and McKenzie is backstage with Pretty Deadly. They say their attack on The Family was justified last week and they had to speak the same language as those animals. They promise to not be ambushed again and thrown in a trunk. They challenge Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo to an Anything Goes match for next week, promising to make them sleep with the fish. We go back to the ring and out comes Zoey Stark as Perez looks on.

The bell rings and they go at it with Stark controlling on. Fans rally as they lock up again. Perez with a pair of takedowns for a 1 count. Perez works on the arm now, then grounds Stark with a headlock. Stark tries to fight free but Perez keeps tightening the hold.

Fans do dueling chants now as Perez continues to keep Stark down with the headlock. Stark breaks free but Perez rocks her for a pin attempt. Stark drops Perez again but gets caught in another headlock. Perez with a headlock bulldog. They tangle some more and Stark kicks out of a roll-up at 2. Stark stuns Perez with a stiff kick to the face.

Stark talks some trash and turns it around in the corner now. Perez with a big takedown to send Stark to the floor. Perez goes for a suicide dive but Stark catches her at the ropes, then spikes her down to the floor. Stark stands tall to boos as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Stark dominates, catapulting Perez into the turnbuckles. Perez hangs on and finally mounts a comeback now as fans cheer her on. Stark catches Perez but Perez ends up on the middle rope for a Thesz Press.

Perez goes on and kicks Stark through the ropes to the floor, then she hits a suicide dive. Perez brings it back in for a top rope crossbody but Stark rolls through for a close 2 count. Perez with a jumping knee, then a Russian leg sweep for 2. More back and forth now.

Stark blocks Pop Rocks, then nails a superkick and the Half & Half for a close 2 count. Perez blocks the Z360 with a roll-up. Perez takes another stiff kick but comes right back with Pop Rocks for the pin to win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

– After the match, Perez stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell comes out to congratulate Perez. Indi says she wouldn’t be champion if it wasn’t for Perez, and she wouldn’t be much of a champion if she didn’t give a shot to the champion who wasn’t pinned. Indi wants to be a fighting champion, so she asks Perez to face her next week. Perez says they are both friends but when it comes to the title, they both know it’s every woman for herself. The challenge is accepted. They go to shake hands but the music interrupts and out comes Tiffany Stratton. Stratton and Perez have words. Stratton insults Indi until Indi yells at her to shut up. Indi ends up offering to defend against both Perez and Stratton in a Triple Threat at Spring Breakin’.

– McKenzie is backstage with Grayson Waller, asking how he has a NXT Title shot if he lost to Johnny Gargano. Waller says the Unsanctioned Match didn’t count against him, basically didn’t happen. Waller goes on and promises to take the NXT Title from Carmelo Hayes.

– We see footage of Von Wagner and Mr. Stone backstage last week after Von’s loss to Ilja Dragunov. Von begs Stone for help but Stone asks if it’s only because of the loss. Stone goes to leave but Von says he always wanted to be in WWE, he was meant to be in WWE because his father was a Beverly Brother. Stone says that was a good start.

Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolin

We go back to the ring and out first comes Gigi Dolin. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a vignette from Axiom, who is looking into a mirror. He only sees Axiom because that’s his identity. He wonders why Scrypts speaks in riddles. Axiom goes on and promises to beat Scrypts. We see Dani Palmer’s Instagram video from the WWE Performance Center, where Tank Ledger was introduced as the newest NXT Superstar following last week’s debut. Palmer is hyped up for her debut, and her friend Sol Ruca is with her. Tank says they will all be watching Palmer make her debut as well. We go back to the ring and out comes Cora Jade to boos.

The bell rings and they have words, then lock up. Dolin ties Jade up and takes her down. Jade works on the arm but Dolin kicks her away. Dolin with a running strike to the corner.

Dolin drops Jade for 2. Dolin takes Jade back down and kicks her in the back. Dolin keeps control for a jackknife pin for 2. Fans do dueling chants now. Jade rocks her and nails a stomp for a 2 count. Jade works Dolin over and grounds her in the middle of the ring. Dolin with a Backstabber from out of nowhere.

Dolin mounts offense now. Jade gets dazed with a forearm but she keep fighting back. Jacy Jayne tries to hit Dolin from the apron but she misses. Dolin dodges her and drops Jade with a kick. Dolin yanks Jayne into the ring, then thy brawl to the floor.

Dolin sends Jayne into the steel ring steps, then tosses her over the announce table onto Booker T. Dolin returns to the ring at the 8 count but Jade is waiting for her with a high knee strike. Jade then drops Dolin with her DDT for the pin to win.

Winner: Cora Jade

– After the match, Jade stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Jade takes the mic but Lyra Valkyria quickly interrupts from the platform in the arena. She says the time for talking is over as they will engage in battle at Spring Breakin’ next week. Lyra’s music starts back up as the two yell at each other.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Eddy Thorpe now. He says he’s still soaking it all in that he’s here in NXT. Thorpe talks about his 8 year journey and how he focused on enhancing his skill-set and gaining knowledge so he could make his family proud when he got here. He says people have stereotypical images of Native Americans but he’s here now. Damon Kemp walks up, mocking Thorpe with an applause. Kemp says he was impressed when watching Thorpe last week. He tells Thorpe to keep up the good work because he might have something. Kemp walks off.

Dijak vs. Apollo Crews

We go back to the ring and out comes Dijak. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Josh Briggs meets Fallon Henley at the bar. He’s bummed about Brooks Jensen. Fallon says Kiana James has Jensen wrapped around her finger, but he will probably come around. Jensen and James come walking in. Henley asks what they want to drink but they’re not drinking. Jensen says James reminded him he was the star of their team, and Fallon is just jealous of their relationship. Briggs has heard enough, if Jensen wants to run around with the girl who was cheating on him, fin, but he will not let Jensen talk to them like this any longer. Jensen and James challenge Briggs and Henley to a match next week. Briggs never thought he’d see this day but if the only way to knock sense into Jensen is to deliver an ass whooping, then so be it. They have more words and Henley orders them out of her bar. Jensen taunts them as he and James leave.

We go back to the ring and out comes Apollo Crews as Dijak looks on. The bell rings and they go at it. Crews with a headlock early on. They end up tangling on the apron and Dijak stuns Crews to the floor. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Crews mounts offense as he’s fired up now. Fans cheer Crews on as he nails a big Blockbuster for a close 2 count. Crews goes back to the top for the Frogsplash but he rolls through as Dijak moves.

Crews rocks Dijak in the jaw. Dijak comes back with a big superkick. Crews with an enziguri. Dijak with a big discus boot for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Dijak goes for a chokeslam but it’s blocked. Crews drops Dijak but barely connects on the standing moonsault.

Dijak comes right up grabbing Crews’ throat, and hits Hard Justice. Crews kicks out at 2 and Dijak can’t believe it. Fans chant “NXT!” again. Crews launches himself from the corner but Dijak catches him by one leg on his shoulder. Dijak turns that into Feast Your Eyes for the pin to win.

Winner: Dijak

– After the match, Dijak stands tall as the music hits and fans boo. We go to replays. Dijak goes for another chokeslam but Ilja Dragunov makes the save and fights Dijak off. Ilja with a stiff headbutt, then he sends Dijak to the floor. Officials and security hold them back as fans chant “let them fight!” now.

– A camera man catches up with Jacy Jayne in the parking lot. She says what Gigi Dolin has gone through is nothing compared to what she has coming. She taunts Dolin for abandoning her baby brother and leaving him to their mother and her abuse. Jayne says when she’s done with Dolin, Dolin will run away from NXT just like she ran away from her mother and brother. Fans in the arena boo.

NXT North American Title Match: Charlie Dempsey vs. Wes Lee

We go back to the ring and Charlie Dempsey is out with Drew Gulak. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is out next. Lee runs and leaps off the steel ring steps as part of his entrance, but Gulak decks him in mid-air while Dempsey had the referee distracted.

The referee checks on Lee and he says he’s good to go. The bell hits and Dempsey attacks. Dempsey takes control and drops Lee for a 2 count.

Dempsey grounds Lee now, working him over on the mat for another quick pin attempt. Lee fights back and rolls Dempsey up but he rolls through. Lee nails a dropkick to send Dempsey to the floor. Lee runs the ropes and dives out, taking Dempsey back down on the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Dempsey has Lee grounded in a hold as Gulak barks from ringside. Dempsey with an arm submission now. Dempsey with a gutwrench suplex for 2, then he grounds Lee by his arm again as fans boo. Lee fights free and mounts offense now. Lee unloads with strikes and hits a big stomp for a pop.

Lee misses in the corner as Dempsey moves. Dempsey with a Dragon Screw leg whip to take back control. Dempsey with another takedown, then a German suplex to bridge for 2. Dempsey with another German for 2. Dempsey shows some frustration now.

Lee blocks the next German attempt and rolls through. Lee mounts offense and knocks Gulak off the apron for a big pop. Lee then follows-up with the Cardiac Kick to Dempsey for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Wes Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits and fans pop. Gulak suddenly attacks, and now Dempsey joins him for the double team beatdown as fans boo. They hold the NXT North American Title belt over Lee and taunt him.

– Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo are at dinner somewhere, addressing the challenge from Pretty Deadly. Tony will play rough if Pretty Deadly wants to, but the gloves are coming off. Tony says next week at Spring Breakin’ will feature the first-ever Trunk Match and after they win, they will take Pretty Deadly on a long drive. Tony and Stacks toast to business.

– Still to come, The Grayson Waller Effect. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a quick vignette for the powerful Oba Femi, who will officially arrive next Tuesday.

– The announcers go over next Tuesday’s NXT Spring Breakin’ card.

– We go back to the ring and Grayson Waller welcomes us to another edition of The Grayson Waller Effect. Fans respond with boos. Waller hypes up Spring Breakin’ and says he will be in the main event against this man… the music hits and out comes NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes with Trick Williams.

Hayes and Trick take their seats with Waller. Hayes gives it up to Waller because he keeps pulling off title shots with all these losses. Hayes goes on and Waller says Hayes just comes out here saying the same thing each week. Waller says in 18 months he’s become a bigger star without a title than Hayes has with a title. Waller says he doesn’t need a title… he’s what a title needs.

Hayes goes to respond but Waller cuts him off for a fan question on the screen, asking what “Him” means. Waller wonders if it means he is mediocre. Trick defends Hayes and hypes him up. Hayes mentions how people chant for him and a “Melo!” chant starts up. Waller says Hayes would have none of this if it weren’t for Trick. Trick stands up to fight but Hayes calms him down. Hayes says Waller is the one stealing as he’s stole every opportunity he’s had.

Hayes goes on about how he’s greatness, and Waller might have to admit he’s just not that guy, and not ready for this championship lifestyle. Hayes and Trick taunt Waller some more, and now everyone is standing in front of the table. Waller says after he wins the title next week, maybe Hayes can call MVP and get involved with his “Business” so that he can carry Omos’ bags because they sure are the same height. Hayes says maybe Waller can be Logan Paul’s new walking Prime bottle. Waller says he would still be more relevant than Waller.

Hayes and Waller continue talking trash, then they drop the mics. Hayes raises the NXT Title belt in the air as his music starts up. Waller raises his boot up. The champion and challenger continue trash talking while facing off as the final NXT before Spring Breakin’ goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Results 4/18/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– The Spring Breakin’ go-home edition of WWE NXT opens up on the USA Network with Gallus, The Creed Brothers and The Schism all brawling as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. Fans chant “let them fight!” as officials try to restore order.

Triple Threat for the NXT Tag Team Titles: The Creed Brothers vs. The Dyad vs. Gallus

The bell rings with Wolfgang and Julius Creed going at it, with Rip Fowler also involved. Brutus Creed flies in with a close 2 count. The fight continues until Jagger Reid assists his partner and they take control. Joe Gacy, Ava, Ivy Nile and Joe Coffey are all at ringside.

Gallus tuns it around now with Coffey unloading on Reid and Brutus. Julius tags in and starts launching his opponents. Coffey breaks up Creed’s Stretch Muffler on Reid. Coffey with big suplexes of his own. They go on and Julius man-handles Mark after a big moonsault to Reid. Brutus flies with a big bomb to take down Fowler and Wolfgang outside.

More back and forth in the ring. Mark covers for close 2 counts but his opponents hang on. Vic says we’re going to a picture-in-picture commercial but it’s just a regular break.

Back from the break and Mark is fighting off Reid but Julius dropkicks him. Wolfgang, Brutus and Fowler all tag in and they go at it but Brutus dominates and drops the straps. Brutus with the Brutus Smash forearms while both opponents are stacked.

Brutus goes corner to corner on both now. Brutus with a 2 for 1 Northern Lights suplex but Mark breaks it up. Julius and The Dyad leave Brutus and Wolfgang alone in the ring. Julius ends up pulling Wolfgang out, then he and his brother send him into the steel steps. The Dyad send Mark into the steps as well.

Fans chant “NXT!” as The Creeds and The Dyad go at it now. Brutus is taken out but Julius fights Fowler and Reid with a big double suplex. Ava is on the apron now, then Fowler jabs Julius in the throat as Gacy laughs. Brutus stops The Dyad from hitting a Doomsday, then Brutus knocks Fowler off Julius’ shoulders.

Before this happened, Ivy confronted Ava at ringside but Brutus accidentally knocked Reid off the top to the floor, hitting Nile on the way down. This distracts Julius after the Brutus Bomb, which allows Gallus to come in and level Brutus with the double team for the pin to retain.

Winners: Gallus

– After the match, Gallus stands tall with the titles as the music hits and we go to replays. The others recover as Gallus looks on.

– A camera man caught up with Dijak earlier in the day as he was entering the building, asking about the WWE Draft. Dijak says if RAW and SmackDown want hard justice, they know where to find him. He’s also asked about Ilja Dragunov, and says he was NXT’s most feared before stepping into the ring with him. Dijak bullies the camera man some but this doesn’t sit well with Apollo Crews, who is also arriving. They have words and face off. Dijak says the WWE Draft is coming up and “Paul” wants them to show up and show out, so let’s do it tonight. Crews agrees.

– We get a promo video for Noam Dar, who will blast off next. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Nathan Frazer is sitting at a news desk for his new segment – Nathan Frazer Presents Hard Hitting Home Truths with Nathan Frazer. He acknowledges things haven’t been so well since he returned, but last week he realized he can never be down in the dumps if he keeps moving and never slows down. He gives some words of encouragement for the men and women of NXT and says unhappiness can’t catch you if you keep moving. Frazer says it’s time to practice what he peaches. He signs off to end the segment.

Myles Borne vs. Noam Dar

We go back to the ring and out comes Noam Dar with his NXT UK Heritage Cup trophy. Myles Borne is already waiting in the ring.

The bell rings and they go at it with Dar mounting offense and talking some trash. Borne unloads with corner strikes now. Dar with stiff elbows and some showing off to boos.

Borne fights back in but Dar kicks him to his knees. Dar with stiff kicks while Borne is on his knees, but he catches a kick and mounts more offense now.

Dar fights Borne off and hits a big knee, then another stiff elbow. Dar with the Nova Roller for the pin to win.

Winner: Noam Dar

– After the match, Dar stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Dar celebrates with his Heritage Cup trophy.

– We get a promo from Roxanne Perez, who has words for Zoey Stark and Tiffany Stratton as she looks to regain the NXT Women’s Title. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Josh Briggs approaches Kiana James in her office to try and get Brooks Jensen to speak to him again. She says Jensen doesn’t want anything to do with Briggs. Briggs is very sad. Jensen comes walking in with a new slick look, and he and James are a full-on item. Jensen dismissed Briggs and says they are not family, and he is now a man who makes his own decisions. Jensen tells Briggs to leave and he does, saying he never should’ve came.

– We go back to the ring for the next match as Odyssey Jones makes his way out. Bron Breakker suddenly attacks from out of nowhere and levels Jones with a big Spear to boos. Officials tend to Jones at ringside now.

Bron says he told these rednecks last week that they’d see a new side of him, and he had to end that Chase U participation segment because they are all pathetic clowns. Bron says Jones felt it, NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes felt it, and Andre Chase felt it. Duke Hudson, with his MVP trophy, comes walking through the crowd and tells Bron to keep Chase U’s name out of his mouth.

Duke says Bron made a very big mistake by crashing his ceremony and snapping the Chase U flag over his mentor last week. Fans pop for Duke as he taunts and threatens Bron. Duke challenges Bron for Spring Breakin’. Bron says that’s funny with how fast Duke ran away last week. Duke cuts Bron off and says the MVP wasn’t done talking. Fans chant “MVP!” as Duke hypes the Spring Breakin’ match, actually revealing that it will be Bron vs. Andre instead. The Chase U Student Section cheers as Bron threatens to Spear Chase’s ass in half and put an end to Chase University.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Cora Jade. She says she had plenty more to say about the NXT women’s division last week before she was interrupted. She says she is the savior of the division… Gigi Dolin interrupts. Dolin talks about how she’s learned to channel her anger to use it in the ring. She goes on and says she will kick Dolin’s ass tonight.

Roxanne Perez vs. Zoey Stark

We go back to the ring and out comes Roxanne Perez. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and McKenzie is backstage with Pretty Deadly. They say their attack on The Family was justified last week and they had to speak the same language as those animals. They promise to not be ambushed again and thrown in a trunk. They challenge Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo to an Anything Goes match for next week, promising to make them sleep with the fish. We go back to the ring and out comes Zoey Stark as Perez looks on.

The bell rings and they go at it with Stark controlling on. Fans rally as they lock up again. Perez with a pair of takedowns for a 1 count. Perez works on the arm now, then grounds Stark with a headlock. Stark tries to fight free but Perez keeps tightening the hold.

Fans do dueling chants now as Perez continues to keep Stark down with the headlock. Stark breaks free but Perez rocks her for a pin attempt. Stark drops Perez again but gets caught in another headlock. Perez with a headlock bulldog. They tangle some more and Stark kicks out of a roll-up at 2. Stark stuns Perez with a stiff kick to the face.

Stark talks some trash and turns it around in the corner now. Perez with a big takedown to send Stark to the floor. Perez goes for a suicide dive but Stark catches her at the ropes, then spikes her down to the floor. Stark stands tall to boos as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Stark dominates, catapulting Perez into the turnbuckles. Perez hangs on and finally mounts a comeback now as fans cheer her on. Stark catches Perez but Perez ends up on the middle rope for a Thesz Press.

Perez goes on and kicks Stark through the ropes to the floor, then she hits a suicide dive. Perez brings it back in for a top rope crossbody but Stark rolls through for a close 2 count. Perez with a jumping knee, then a Russian leg sweep for 2. More back and forth now.

Stark blocks Pop Rocks, then nails a superkick and the Half & Half for a close 2 count. Perez blocks the Z360 with a roll-up. Perez takes another stiff kick but comes right back with Pop Rocks for the pin to win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

– After the match, Perez stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell comes out to congratulate Perez. Indi says she wouldn’t be champion if it wasn’t for Perez, and she wouldn’t be much of a champion if she didn’t give a shot to the champion who wasn’t pinned. Indi wants to be a fighting champion, so she asks Perez to face her next week. Perez says they are both friends but when it comes to the title, they both know it’s every woman for herself. The challenge is accepted. They go to shake hands but the music interrupts and out comes Tiffany Stratton. Stratton and Perez have words. Stratton insults Indi until Indi yells at her to shut up. Indi ends up offering to defend against both Perez and Stratton in a Triple Threat at Spring Breakin’.

– McKenzie is backstage with Grayson Waller, asking how he has a NXT Title shot if he lost to Johnny Gargano. Waller says the Unsanctioned Match didn’t count against him, basically didn’t happen. Waller goes on and promises to take the NXT Title from Carmelo Hayes.

– We see footage of Von Wagner and Mr. Stone backstage last week after Von’s loss to Ilja Dragunov. Von begs Stone for help but Stone asks if it’s only because of the loss. Stone goes to leave but Von says he always wanted to be in WWE, he was meant to be in WWE because his father was a Beverly Brother. Stone says that was a good start.

Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolin

We go back to the ring and out first comes Gigi Dolin. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a vignette from Axiom, who is looking into a mirror. He only sees Axiom because that’s his identity. He wonders why Scrypts speaks in riddles. Axiom goes on and promises to beat Scrypts. We see Dani Palmer’s Instagram video from the WWE Performance Center, where Tank Ledger was introduced as the newest NXT Superstar following last week’s debut. Palmer is hyped up for her debut, and her friend Sol Ruca is with her. Tank says they will all be watching Palmer make her debut as well. We go back to the ring and out comes Cora Jade to boos.

The bell rings and they have words, then lock up. Dolin ties Jade up and takes her down. Jade works on the arm but Dolin kicks her away. Dolin with a running strike to the corner.

Dolin drops Jade for 2. Dolin takes Jade back down and kicks her in the back. Dolin keeps control for a jackknife pin for 2. Fans do dueling chants now. Jade rocks her and nails a stomp for a 2 count. Jade works Dolin over and grounds her in the middle of the ring. Dolin with a Backstabber from out of nowhere.

Dolin mounts offense now. Jade gets dazed with a forearm but she keep fighting back. Jacy Jayne tries to hit Dolin from the apron but she misses. Dolin dodges her and drops Jade with a kick. Dolin yanks Jayne into the ring, then thy brawl to the floor.

Dolin sends Jayne into the steel ring steps, then tosses her over the announce table onto Booker T. Dolin returns to the ring at the 8 count but Jade is waiting for her with a high knee strike. Jade then drops Dolin with her DDT for the pin to win.

Winner: Cora Jade

– After the match, Jade stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Jade takes the mic but Lyra Valkyria quickly interrupts from the platform in the arena. She says the time for talking is over as they will engage in battle at Spring Breakin’ next week. Lyra’s music starts back up as the two yell at each other.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Eddy Thorpe now. He says he’s still soaking it all in that he’s here in NXT. Thorpe talks about his 8 year journey and how he focused on enhancing his skill-set and gaining knowledge so he could make his family proud when he got here. He says people have stereotypical images of Native Americans but he’s here now. Damon Kemp walks up, mocking Thorpe with an applause. Kemp says he was impressed when watching Thorpe last week. He tells Thorpe to keep up the good work because he might have something. Kemp walks off.

Dijak vs. Apollo Crews

We go back to the ring and out comes Dijak. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Josh Briggs meets Fallon Henley at the bar. He’s bummed about Brooks Jensen. Fallon says Kiana James has Jensen wrapped around her finger, but he will probably come around. Jensen and James come walking in. Henley asks what they want to drink but they’re not drinking. Jensen says James reminded him he was the star of their team, and Fallon is just jealous of their relationship. Briggs has heard enough, if Jensen wants to run around with the girl who was cheating on him, fin, but he will not let Jensen talk to them like this any longer. Jensen and James challenge Briggs and Henley to a match next week. Briggs never thought he’d see this day but if the only way to knock sense into Jensen is to deliver an ass whooping, then so be it. They have more words and Henley orders them out of her bar. Jensen taunts them as he and James leave.

We go back to the ring and out comes Apollo Crews as Dijak looks on. The bell rings and they go at it. Crews with a headlock early on. They end up tangling on the apron and Dijak stuns Crews to the floor. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Crews mounts offense as he’s fired up now. Fans cheer Crews on as he nails a big Blockbuster for a close 2 count. Crews goes back to the top for the Frogsplash but he rolls through as Dijak moves.

Crews rocks Dijak in the jaw. Dijak comes back with a big superkick. Crews with an enziguri. Dijak with a big discus boot for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Dijak goes for a chokeslam but it’s blocked. Crews drops Dijak but barely connects on the standing moonsault.

Dijak comes right up grabbing Crews’ throat, and hits Hard Justice. Crews kicks out at 2 and Dijak can’t believe it. Fans chant “NXT!” again. Crews launches himself from the corner but Dijak catches him by one leg on his shoulder. Dijak turns that into Feast Your Eyes for the pin to win.

Winner: Dijak

– After the match, Dijak stands tall as the music hits and fans boo. We go to replays. Dijak goes for another chokeslam but Ilja Dragunov makes the save and fights Dijak off. Ilja with a stiff headbutt, then he sends Dijak to the floor. Officials and security hold them back as fans chant “let them fight!” now.

– A camera man catches up with Jacy Jayne in the parking lot. She says what Gigi Dolin has gone through is nothing compared to what she has coming. She taunts Dolin for abandoning her baby brother and leaving him to their mother and her abuse. Jayne says when she’s done with Dolin, Dolin will run away from NXT just like she ran away from her mother and brother. Fans in the arena boo.

NXT North American Title Match: Charlie Dempsey vs. Wes Lee

We go back to the ring and Charlie Dempsey is out with Drew Gulak. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is out next. Lee runs and leaps off the steel ring steps as part of his entrance, but Gulak decks him in mid-air while Dempsey had the referee distracted.

The referee checks on Lee and he says he’s good to go. The bell hits and Dempsey attacks. Dempsey takes control and drops Lee for a 2 count.

Dempsey grounds Lee now, working him over on the mat for another quick pin attempt. Lee fights back and rolls Dempsey up but he rolls through. Lee nails a dropkick to send Dempsey to the floor. Lee runs the ropes and dives out, taking Dempsey back down on the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Dempsey has Lee grounded in a hold as Gulak barks from ringside. Dempsey with an arm submission now. Dempsey with a gutwrench suplex for 2, then he grounds Lee by his arm again as fans boo. Lee fights free and mounts offense now. Lee unloads with strikes and hits a big stomp for a pop.

Lee misses in the corner as Dempsey moves. Dempsey with a Dragon Screw leg whip to take back control. Dempsey with another takedown, then a German suplex to bridge for 2. Dempsey with another German for 2. Dempsey shows some frustration now.

Lee blocks the next German attempt and rolls through. Lee mounts offense and knocks Gulak off the apron for a big pop. Lee then follows-up with the Cardiac Kick to Dempsey for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Wes Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits and fans pop. Gulak suddenly attacks, and now Dempsey joins him for the double team beatdown as fans boo. They hold the NXT North American Title belt over Lee and taunt him.

– Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo are at dinner somewhere, addressing the challenge from Pretty Deadly. Tony will play rough if Pretty Deadly wants to, but the gloves are coming off. Tony says next week at Spring Breakin’ will feature the first-ever Trunk Match and after they win, they will take Pretty Deadly on a long drive. Tony and Stacks toast to business.

– Still to come, The Grayson Waller Effect. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a quick vignette for the powerful Oba Femi, who will officially arrive next Tuesday.

– The announcers go over next Tuesday’s NXT Spring Breakin’ card.

– We go back to the ring and Grayson Waller welcomes us to another edition of The Grayson Waller Effect. Fans respond with boos. Waller hypes up Spring Breakin’ and says he will be in the main event against this man… the music hits and out comes NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes with Trick Williams.

Hayes and Trick take their seats with Waller. Hayes gives it up to Waller because he keeps pulling off title shots with all these losses. Hayes goes on and Waller says Hayes just comes out here saying the same thing each week. Waller says in 18 months he’s become a bigger star without a title than Hayes has with a title. Waller says he doesn’t need a title… he’s what a title needs.

Hayes goes to respond but Waller cuts him off for a fan question on the screen, asking what “Him” means. Waller wonders if it means he is mediocre. Trick defends Hayes and hypes him up. Hayes mentions how people chant for him and a “Melo!” chant starts up. Waller says Hayes would have none of this if it weren’t for Trick. Trick stands up to fight but Hayes calms him down. Hayes says Waller is the one stealing as he’s stole every opportunity he’s had.

Hayes goes on about how he’s greatness, and Waller might have to admit he’s just not that guy, and not ready for this championship lifestyle. Hayes and Trick taunt Waller some more, and now everyone is standing in front of the table. Waller says after he wins the title next week, maybe Hayes can call MVP and get involved with his “Business” so that he can carry Omos’ bags because they sure are the same height. Hayes says maybe Waller can be Logan Paul’s new walking Prime bottle. Waller says he would still be more relevant than Waller.

Hayes and Waller continue talking trash, then they drop the mics. Hayes raises the NXT Title belt in the air as his music starts up. Waller raises his boot up. The champion and challenger continue trash talking while facing off as the final NXT before Spring Breakin’ goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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