KENTA remains STRONGest in DC ?NJoA?

Champion gets past Eddie Edwards

KENTA got past Eddie Edwards in their first singles match since 2013 at Capital Collision, moving to his second defence of STRONG Openweight Championship gold.

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Edwards wanted an aggressive open against the STRONG Champion, but was told to relax by KENTA, who backed his challenger into the ropes and then landed a pair of leg kicks. A butter chop later though, and KENTA was sent outside to gather his thoughts, and then gather his opponent into the ring apron.

Now in control, KENTA buried kicks into the chest of Edwards but was met with an overhead suplex. The challenger was in control until a short DDT scored for KENTA, who mixed in solid strikes with sickening rakes of the eyes.

Edwards fought fire with fire, choking KENTA with his boot in the ropes, but the BULLET CLUB member responded with a top rope clothesline and an STF, the challenger finding his feet and landing a Blue Thunder for two at the ten minute mark. A head kick in the ropes and Backpack Stunner scored for Edwards who got two from the referee; after both reset, a series of collisions brought both men to the canvas as the crowd came alive.

Taking control back in the match, KENTA landed Green Killer on the green haired challenger; a double stomp followed but only got two. As the crowd chanted for Go2Sleep, the champion looked to oblige; Edwards escaped but was met with a volley of overhand rights and a Busaiku Knee for two.

Edwards again escaped Go2Sleep, and despite KENTA’s best efforts got drilled with a buckle bomb and Tiger Driver for a very near two. Shining Wizard connected for the challenger who landed the Die Hard Flowsion but couldn’t finish the increasingly desperate champion; sensing danger, KENTA sent his opponent into referee Taito Nakabyashi and went out to the floor.

KENTA retrieved the STRONG Openweight title belt from ringside and looked to ring it off Edwards’ skull, but got rocked by the challenger. Edwards looked to take advantage, but was hit by a low blow and then the belt; as KENTA revived the referee, Go2Sleep scored for the win.

Post match, Hikuleo would appear on the video screen and demanded that their Dontaku match May 3 would be for the STRONG title. KENTA accepted, and for the first time ever, it appears that the STRONG gold will be at stake in Japan.


Originally posted at Read More 

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