Ring Of Honor TV Results – April 6, 2023

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 6, 2023
Location: UBS Arena, Long Island, New York
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re done with Supercard Of Honor and that means it is time to get to whatever this show is going to be without a pay per view coming up. I’m not sure what that is going to mean, but I’m assuming that the Trustbusters/Varsity Athletes are going to be involved. We should be in for a fun show here as is tradition, but it might be a bit before we have another major show. Let’s get to it.

Christopher Daniels is ready to take the Pure Title from Katsuyori Shibata because championships are on his agenda. Daniels has beaten him before but Shibata has gone through a lot since then. Now Shibata is one of the toughest men in the world but Daniels wants him anyway.

Opening sequence.

Shane Taylor/Workhorsemen vs. Mark Briscoe/Lucha Bros

Shane shoves Mark around to start before running him over with a shoulder. It’s off to Anthony Henry, who walks into a big boot to cut him down. Fenix comes in for the top rope low stomp and the good guys clear the ring without much trouble. For some reason Penta tries a package piledriver on Taylor, which is blocked just as fast. JD Drake comes in to strike it off with Penta against the ropes and it’s back to Henry for a quickly broken chinlock.

The reverse Sling Blade gets Penta out of trouble though and it’s Briscoe coming back in to clean house. The Bang Bang Elbow hits Taylor on the floor as everything breaks down. Back in and Taylor hits Welcome To The Land (over the shoulder piledriver) for two on Briscoe as the Bros have to make a save. A quick Jay Driller finishes Henry at 8:48.

Result: Mark Briscoe/Lucha Bros b. Shane Taylor/Workhorsemen – Jay Driller to Henry (8:48)

Pure Wrestling Title: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniels is challenging and gets taken to the mat rather quickly. Shibata takes over with the grappling so Daniels bails away, which seems like a smart move. Back up and Daniels starts in on the arm but gets pulled into a quick Figure Four. The rope is grabbed and Shibata misses a Penalty Kick, allowing Daniels to start in on the neck.

The Downward Spiral into the Koji Clutch has Shibata in more trouble but he’s fine enough to knock Daniels into the corner. The chops just annoy Shibata and there’s a running dropkick in the corker to rock Daniels hard. A rear naked choke makes Daniels bail to the rope for the second break. Back up and they trade STO’s before Shibata strikes him down. The Penalty Kick retains the title at 10:07.

Result: Katsuyori Shibata b. Christopher Daniels – Penalty Kick (10:07)

Claudio Castagnoli is ready for anyone.

Brian Cage vs. Ortiz

Prince Nana is here with Cage. Ortiz slips out of an early suplex attempt and gets knocked into the corner for his efforts. Back up and Ortiz sends him to the floor for the first dive but Cage is fine enough for the apron superplex. Cage does the reps before tossing him with a standing fall away slam but Ortiz grabs a DDT.

A Death valley Driver gives Ortiz two and Cage’s GMSI gets the same. Some headbutts stagger Cage in the corner, at least until he comes out with a superkick. Another apron superplex is countered into a powerbomb but Cage is right back with the Drill Claw to finally put Ortiz away at 8:24.

Result: Brian Cage b. Ortiz – Drill Claw (8:24)

Darius Martin vs. Jay Lethal

Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt are here too as Maria Kanellis, with the Kingdom, is on commentary. Darius wastes no time in sending him outside for the dive and a near fall back inside. Lethal crotches him inside and hits a dive of his own, setting up a strut on the floor. Darius is right back with a few shots of his own but has to stop and look up at Singh.

Back in and a springboard Downward Spiral gets two on Lethal. They slug it out as Maria and her husband Mike Bennett make “getting lucky” jokes. Matt Taven thinks he sees an untied shoe and heads to ringside as Darius accidentally dropkicks Singh to no avail. Taven superkicks Darius so Lethal (with a “sure, why not” shrug) hits Lethal Injection for the pin at 5:29.

Result: Jay Lethal b. Darius Martin – Lethal Injection (5:29)

Post match Singh gives the Kingdom his jacket and both guys fit inside.

La Faccion Ingobernable b. The Infantry

Preston Vance and Jose The Assistant are here too. Dean and Dralistico start things off and they trade leg trips for a quick standoff. We pause for a Code Of Honor, allowing Dralistico to kick him in the head. Bravo comes in and chops it out with Dralistico until Rush gets in a cheap shot to the back to take over. Rush adds a face wash in the corner and the Tranquilo pose gives La Faccion a break. Dralistico double underhooks Bravo and flips him into a knee to the face for the pin at 3:41.

Result: La Faccion Ingobernable b. The Infantry – Spinning knee to the face to Bravo (3:41)

Post match La Faccion poses over the Infantry.

Tracy Williams vs. Daniel Garcia

They go to the mat to start with Williams slipping out, earning some applause from Garcia. Some chops into a hammerlock suplex drop Garcia but he’s right back with a cheap shot to take over. Garcia teases grabbing a weapon but opts to flip off the fans instead. We pause for some Garcia dancing, allowing Williams to come back up for a slugout. Williams catches him in the corner and gives him a DDT onto the top rope, sending them into a series of standing switches. Garcia lifts him up and hits a gutbuster for the pin at 6:11.

Result: Daniel Garcia b. Tracy Williams – Gutbuster (6:11)

Notorious Mimi vs. Willow Nightingale

Mimi is formerly known as Sloane Jacobs in NXT. Nightingale takes her down to start and drops a quick backsplash. An open hand shot gives Mimi a breather but the Pounce takes her down. The Doctor Bomb finishes Mimi at 2:02.

Result: Willow Nightingale b. Notorious Mimi – Doctor Bomb (2:02)

Steve Somerset/Stephen Azure vs. The Righteous

The Righteous returned to ROH at Supercard Of Honor. Somerset and Azure (in matching sweater vests and apparently called Even Stevens) get jumped to start and the beatdown is on. Azure (with his Vest In The World pants) gets chopped and beaten down, setting up an exploder suplex. A swinging Boss Man Slam into a Swanton sets up Autumn Sunshine (assisted Dudley Dog) to finish Azure at 1:55.

Result: The Righteous b. Steve Somerset/Stephen Azure – Autumn Sunshine to Azure (1:55)

Tony Nese vs. Konosuke Takeshita

The rest of the Varsity Athletes and Mark Sterling are here with Nese. They start fast with Nese kicking him down and striking a bicep pose. Takeshita even offers a handshake but gets hit in the face. That’s fine with Takeshita, who knocks him away and does a bicep pose of his own. A distraction lets Nese send him into the steps and we hit the bodyscissors back inside. The running Nese is cut off by a clothesline and Takeshita gets in a series of shots to the face, setting up a top rope backsplash for two.

The Blue Thunder Bomb connects but Sterling pulls Nese outside. That means the big flip dive and Nese goes into the steps this time. Back in and Takeshita gets tied in the ropes for a springboard moonsault. They slug it out until Takeshita pulls him into a leg trap Tombstone for two. Nese hits a pumphandle piledriver for two but the running Nese is countered into a rolling German suplex to give Takeshita the pin at 10:25.

Result: Konosuke Takeshita b. Tony Nese – Rolling German suplex (10:25)

Ring Of Honor Women’s Title: Athena vs. Miyu Yamashita

Yamashita is challenging and was all over Wrestlemania weekend. Athena armdrags her down to start but Miyu misses a Skull Kick. Both of them miss some kicks until Miyu hits a spinning kick to the head out of the corner. Athena manages a trip to send Miyu throat first into the top rope.

A DDT on the leg on the floor slows Miyu down and Athena grabs a leglock back inside. Miyu kicks her away and hits a kick from the apron, only to have Athena block another one. A ram into the post doesn’t do much to Miyu, who is back with a knee. Back in and a super Attitude Adjustment gives Miyu two and there’s a big kick to Athena’s head. Athena is back with a half crab to stay on the leg, followed by an ankle lock.

With that broken up, Miyu kicks her away and tries another spinning heel kick, with the ducking Athena going to the floor. They slug it out on the stage with Miyu hitting another AA as commentary says the referee has relaxed the rules so the match can continue. Back in and Athena sends her off the stage, setting up a Cannonball to take Miyu down again. They get back in the ring and Athena ducks another kick, setting up the crossface to knock Miyu out at 13:34.

Result: Athena b. Miyu Yamashita – Crossface (13:34)

Post match Athena teases more violence but leaves instead.


Mark Briscoe/Lucha Bros b. Shane Taylor/Workhorsemen – Jay Driller to Henry
Katsuyori Shibata b. Christopher Daniels – Penalty Kick
Brian Cage b. Ortiz – Drill Claw
Jay Lethal b. Darius Martin – Lethal Injection
La Faccion Ingobernable b. The Infantry – Spinning knee to the face to Bravo
Daniel Garcia b. Tracy Williams – Gutbuster
Willow Nightingale b. Notorious Mimi – Doctor Bomb
The Righteous b. Steve Somerset/Stephen Azure – Autumn Sunshine to Azure
Konosuke Takeshita b. Tony Nese – Rolling German suplex
Athena b. Miyu Yamashita – Crossface

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The post Ring Of Honor TV Results – April 6, 2023 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.


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