Saraya Recalls Getting Fined By AEW For Using A Very Common Word Amongst Brits

Saraya opens up about being fined for using a bad word on AEW television.

The multi-time women’s champion discussed this topic during a recent interview with Superstar Crossover, where he admitted that she didn’t think that the word she used, “Twat,” was that bad as it is common amongst Brits.

I think this is the first time I’ve really cursed on TV. You know, what’s really crazy is that even though twat is like a very British thing to say. Twat is a very common word in the UK. It’s not part of my vocabulary, so I don’t even know why I said it. I could say any other word, but I chose ‘Twat’ in the spur of the moment, and it fit.

Saraya jokes that she avoided taking the call from AEW lawyers as she knew she was in trouble.

I did a runner after the show, by the way. After I cursed, I was like, ‘I’m out,’ so they have to chase me down for this fine. So I’m getting texts from Toni Storm, Ruby, Pat Buck. I’m getting texts from the lawyers. They were just like, ‘We have to call you. You have to stop running away.’ I’m like, ‘I’m already gone. Catch me if you can.’ They called me, and they were so sweet about it. They were like, ‘Okay, there’s three things you did wrong here.’ I was like, ‘What are those?’ He was, ‘Well when you walked down the ramp, you flipped everybody off. That’s a no.’ I was like, ‘Okay.’ Second thing, you body-shamed everybody. That’s also a no.’ I’m like, alright. Then he’s like, ‘Then you called everyone neck-bearded twats, and that’s also not okay.’ They were like, ‘Not from our side, but the network is gonna be a little upset if you keep doing those things.’ He was like, ‘Just try not to body-shame people.’ I was like, ‘Well, they do it to me all the time, so suck it, right?””I was like, ‘To be fair to me, they did send me a list of curse words you cannot say, and twat wasn’t on it.’ They’re like, ‘We didn’t think we had to put it on there,’ and I’m like, ‘From a British standpoint, you have to always put it on there.’

In a separate interview, Saraya reflected on the very first promo she cut while in AEW. You can read about that here.

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)


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