AEW Rampage 3/31/23 Results

ROH Supercard of Honor AND Rampage back to back? Let’s do this.

Sammy Guevara vs. Konosuke Takeshita
Best Friends vs. Kings of the Black Throne
Taya Valkyrie vs. Marina Shafir
Juice Robinson vs. Action Andretti

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 3/31/23

From the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, Missouri! Jim Ross, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur are on the call tonight.

Match #1. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Sammy Guevara

Guevara with a leap frog and a back flip before flooring Takeshita with a dropkick. Guevara drapes Takeshita on the top rope and comes off the top with a senton, sending Takeshita to the floor. Guevara gets a head of steam but Takeshita meets him in the ring with a big boot. Tope con hilo by Takeshita! Takeshita looks for an avalanche German suplex but Guevara rakes the eyes. Takeshita now in the tree of woe and Guevara delivers a running stomp to the face! Tay provides another distraction as Guevara delivers a clothesline to the back of the head on the outside of the ring. Back inside the right now and Guevara looks for a suplex but Takeshita reverses it into a brainbuster. Takeshita delivers a release German suplex from his knees! Lariat by Takeshita! Takeshita delivers a double underhook piledriver but Sammy reverses a German suplex into a Spanish Fly for two. Canadian Destroyer by Guevara! Guevara looks for the cutter from the top but Takeshita catches him and counters with a Blue Thunder Bomb! One, two, no! Takeshita goes to the top but Sammy meets him with a rising enziguiri. Avalanche release German suplex from the top! Big lariat! One, two, no! Tay grabs a leg and Sammy capitalizes with a big knee strike. GTH by Takeshita! One, two, three!

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Rating: ***1/2. Fast paced, don’t blink, entertaining, opener here. One of the Four Pillars of AEW continuing to his run to Double or Nothing.

Match #2. Kings of the Black Throne vs. Best Friends

Black charges but Trent catches him with a Meteora. Left round kick by Black sends Trent to the floor. Chuck gets the tag and Black lights him up with strikes before connecting with a big knee to the stomach. Body shots by Black as King gets the tag and clears Trent from the apron. Big boot by black into a left arm lariat by King. Two count. The fight spills to the outside where the KOTBT puts the boots to the Best Friends, throwing them into the guard rail, ring post, and more. King drops Chuck with a hard chop back inside the ring before a commercial break. Back from break and Trent evades a charging King and hits a German suplex on Black. Tornado DDT to King! Tope con hilo by Trent takes out Black! Missile dropkick off the top to Black by Trent gets another two count. Half and Half/Sole Food combination by Best Friends to Black. King takes out Chuck but Trent low bridges King. Trent dives but King catches him and chokeslams him on the apron! King grabs a chair to level Trent but Chuck grabs it from him… and then gets powerbombed through the timekeeper’s table at ringside! Trent hits King with a chair and that will cause the very rare DQ!


Rating: ***. This was well on its way to being awesome, but the commercial break right in the middle and the abrupt finish put a half to it. This was more storyline than substance, and that’s perfectly okay.

Post-match, King and Black look to destroy Chuck but Orange Cassidy is here to make the save. Buddy Matthews takes out Orange Cassidy on the apron and it’s Dante’s Inferno to Chuck!

Match #3. Taya Valkyrie vs. Marina Shafir

Reminder, Valkyrie can’t use her finisher without some legalities via Mark Sterling and company, who are on the ramp. Drop toe hold by Shafir but Taya pushes off. Arm trap hip toss by Shafir but Taya drops her with a thrust kick. Leg kicks and a push kick by Shafir. Taya defends some submission attempts from Shafir before hitting a big clothesline. Road to Valhalla and this one is over.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie

Rating: NR

Post-match, Tootie the process server serves Taya with papers… before getting hit with the Road to Valhalla herself. Jade Cargill charges the ring but Sterling and Leila Gray hold her back.

Match #4. Juice Robinson vs. Action Andretti

Both men trade arm drags to start. Andretti with an escalara off the top but Juice responds with a big back elbow, looking to slow the pace. Up and over by Andretti and a head scissors, before connecting with a bottom rope assisted twisting body press. Two count. Juice grounds Andretti by sending him to the outside and into the steel steps. Twice. Big body slam on the floor as Juice looks to accept a count out victory here. Flapjack by Juice into a side Russian leg sweep. Gut wrench back breaker by Juice and Andretti is in trouble. Kitchen sink by Juice who continues to boot Andretti in the face. Hammer throw by Juice and a two count. Juice misses a side kick and Andretti comes back with a diving back elbow. Enziguiri by Andretti and a big suicide dive. Arabian press to the outside by Andretti, who throws Juice back in the ring. Springboard clothesline by Andretti and a tornado DDT! One, two, no! Andretti runs into a big side kick. Juice is Loose and this one is over.

Winner: Juice Robinson

Rating: ***. Definitely a more competitive match than I thought it would have been, but Andretti looked good down the stretch and Juice built some momentum heading into the match with Starks.

Final Thoughts: Quick and entertaining episode of Dynamite tonight. Anytime we get to see the House of Black, it feels special. Same with Takeshita. 7.25/10. 

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