KENTA retains in STRONG war with Suzuki

KENTA moves to V1 in LA

Multiverse United saw the STRONG Openweight Championship on the line March 30, KENTA putting his freshly won title on the line against a furious King in Minoru Suzuki.

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KENTA was reluctant to engage with Suzuki, drawing anger from his challenger before poking the bear too hard; Suzuki would stretch KENTA’s arm over the ropes before taking the champion to task on the floor. It was outside where KENTA was more comfortable as he brought the King into the ring post, but Suzuki fired right back, not taking kindly too insulting slaps from the STRONG Champion.

Suzuki would stand up and throw with KENTA, but would be slowed with a poke to the eyes. It was the champion in full control of Suzuki, piling on the pressure and enjoying the hatred of the Globe Theater crowd, but mid kicks would be absorbed by an angered Suzuki, and after a barrage of elbows, now it was the King holding court as well as the Achilles of his foe.

KENTA slowed Suzuki with a DDT and a lariat off the top rope to draw a two from the referee. Following up with a figure four, champion brought challenger to the ropes, but couldn’t eliminate the fight of Suzuki; as both traded center ring, a massive forerarm shiver rocked KENTA. As the BULLET CLUB member stood, the two combatants traded front kicks, but this time it was KENTA hitting harder; a soaring corner dropkick was followed with a mighty double stomp that drew a very near two.

KENTA wanted Go2Sleep, but was countered into a rear naked choke from Suzuki. Just as the King went for the Gotch Style Piledriver, KENTA drew the referee, launched a low blow and pinned the challenger with his feet on the ropes for good measure. Suzuki was far from done as he had to be dragged from the ringside area with a chair in hands, but KENTA left LA still with the gold.

Backstage after the match though, KENTA would be confronted by Eddie Edwards. Having battled KENTA in Pro-Wrestling NOAH a decade ago, Edwards reintroduced himself to KENTA, stating that he wasn’t the ‘young boy’ that the champion had known before, and issuing a challenge for the STRONG title. Where and when might the bout take place?


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