Congrats to new dad Akira Tozawa!

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And even more props to his wife, of course… we just don’t know the new mom’s name.

Akira Tozawa was one of the first graduates of the Dragon Gate dojo, and went on to a successful career for that promotion in Japan and the United States. He had a notable run on the American independent scene in the first half of the 2010s, working with & against names like The Briscoes, Chris Hero, El Generico, Jon Moxley & Chris Sabin — not to mention my personal favorite, his PWG team-up with Kevin Steen as Nightmare Violence Connection.

Since signing with WWE in 2016, Tozawa’s had about as good a run as possible for someone on the smaller side for whom English isn’t their first language. He was a Cruiserweight champion and a staple of the best days of 205 Live, and in recent years was a consistent presence on Raw as part of the now defunct 24/7 title scene.

It’s a nice list of accomplishments. They all pale in comparison to this one, though.

He also thanks his wife for safely delivering their daughter, and for helping to raise him to get him to where he’s ready to be the best dad for Ten that he can possibly be.

We don’t know much about Mrs. Tozawa, but from his Instagram it looks like they were married in 2018. He remarked a year later that they lived in different countries and didn’t often see each other.

Both the Twitter and Instagram announcements of Ten’s birth drew congratulations and well wishes from the friends and colleagues Akira’s made in wrestling over the years. There’s a lot of love… it’s pretty awesome.

Congrats again, family Tozawa!


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