WWE NXT Results 3/21/2023

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up on the USA Network with a video on Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller at NXT Stand & Deliver. We see how they fought in Gargano’s front yard last week. We’re now live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

– We go right to the ring and out come the Stand & Deliver hosts – Kit Wilson and Elton Prince of Pretty Deadly. Alicia Taylor does the ring introductions.

Pretty Deadly says their first official act as hosts is to wipe the footage of Carmelo Hayes and NXT Champion Bron Breakker from last week’s show. They go on about how Hayes and Breakker attacked them last week. They also reveal they have custom outfits planned for Stand & Deliver. They knock what Hayes and Breakker were wearing last week – main event talent but not main event fashion.

The music interrupts and out comes Hayes and Trick Williams. They take shots at Pretty Deadly and Trick gets yells at them. There’s a breakdown of communication as Pretty Deadly only speaks The King’s English, but they understand that Hayes and Trick want a tag team match tonight. Trick and Hayes are also down, but Trick reveals that he got Breakker to team with Hayes tonight.

Hayes is a bit confused, which gives Pretty Deadly an opening for a sneak attack. They fight Trick off and go to work on Hayes until the music hits and out comes Breakker. Bron destroys Pretty Deadly and clears the ring of them. Bron helps Hayes and they shake, and hold fists. Bron says he will make sure nothing happens to Hayes between now and Stand & Deliver. Hayes quickly pulls away from Bron and regroups with Trick at ringside.

– We see Indi Hartwell and Tiffany Stratton walking backstage. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Trick Williams is walking backstage with Carmelo Hayes. Hayes isn’t thrilled with Williams booking him to team with Bron Breakker. Hayes says if Bron wants his best in Los Angeles, he will get it, but he’s not happy with tonight’s teaming up. Trick makes the case for Hayes being able to learn all about Bron in tonight’s match. Trick says will make sure they win tonight and he will handle business, then Hayes will have a cheat code, he will be ready for Stand & Deliver.

– We get a look at the situation surrounding NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and the Stand & Deliver Ladder Match.

Stand & Deliver NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match Qualifier: Indi Hartwell vs. Tiffany Stratton

We go back to the ring and out comes Tiffany Stratton for the next Stand & Deliver Women’s Title Ladder Match qualifier. Out next comes Indi Hartwell. The winners will join Zoey Stark and Gigi Dolin as confirmed Ladder Match entrants. Ivy Nile vs. Lyra Valkyria will take place later.

The bell rings and they go at it. Indi takes control as a “Indi Wrestling!” chant starts up. Tiffany turns it around for a 2 count. Indi comes back with a lariat, and another.

Stratton kicks Indi and nails a snap suplex for 2. Stratton works Indi over from corner to corner. Indi punches back but Stratton elbows her, then hits a back somersault splash into the corner. Indi hangs in there and keeps fighting but Stratton has her on the apron.

Indi looks to capitalize but Stratton trips her on the apron and she goes down. Stratton poses to boos and some cheers as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and fans rally as Indi tries to fight out of Stratton’s headlock in the middle of the ring. Indi with a jawbreaker and more offense but Stratton drops her for 2. Stratton runs Indi face-first into the turnbuckles, then nails a double stomp for a 2 count as fans do dueling chants.

Stratton counters Indi from the corner but misses a swing, then Indi slams her to the mat. Fans rally as they both struggle to get up. They trade big right hands now. Indi unloads and drops Stratton. Indi keeps control for another close 2 count. Indi runs the ring but Stratton catches her with a big powerslam for 2. Stratton is frustrated now.

Stratton springboards in with a senton but Indi moves, then comes right back with a Spinebuster for 2. They tangle in the corner now. Stratton with the Celtic Cross, then a big moonsault from the corner for the pin to win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

– After the match, Stratton stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Stratton now joins Stark and Dolin as confirmed entrants in the NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match at Stand & Deliver.

– We see The Creed Brothers and NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus at the pub playing billiards. The champs win. The Creeds say darts is more of their style, so we get a dart game. The Creeds win but the two teams agree to one more round. The Creeds also win that round of darts. Gallus and The Creeds propose a title match at Stand & Deliver to settle it. The Creeds are looking forward to getting their titles back, but Gallus plans to retain. They shake hands, then leave the pub. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo are waiting in the parking lot. Tony D says they have Stand & Deliver business to discuss. The three teams go back in the bar to discuss as Julius Creed says it’s going to be a long night.

– We see NXT North American Champion Wes Lee walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a vignette for Lyra Valkyria, showing her running up stairs to the top floor of an abandoned building. She says get ready for Stand & Deliver because she’s ready to soar.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Gigi Dolin. She asks Dolin about the Ladder Match line-up so far for Stand & Deliver. Dolin says it’s too early to judge the field, and if it wasn’t for the injury to Roxanne Perez the match wouldn’t even be happening. She says it also sucks for Jacy Jayne’s shoulder but sorry not sorry because Jayne mad her life hell, and can watch from home while she wins the title at Stand & Deliver. Dolin goes on about winning her last Steel Cage match and says she will do what it takes to win the title. Tiffany Stratton interrupts and says all the other participants are screwed because she just qualified. She has a Tiffany Epiphany and says she’s going to climb up and win the title. Tootles, Stratton says as she walks off.

– We go back to the ring and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is out with a mic.

Lee asks fans if they are enjoying these crazy Open Challenges, and they are. He is too, but everyone keeps asking why. Lee talks about how he had to fight for a chance, so now as champion he’s vowed to give opportunities to others who are in the spot he was in. Lee admits he has a chip on his shoulder and will show he’s ready to compete against the best in the world, and that he deserves to be our champion. Fans pop. Lee brings up how WWE Hall of Famer & Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative Shawn Michaels gave him 4 spots in the Stand & Deliver title match. The music interrupts and out comes Dragon Lee to a big pop and a “Dragon Lee!” chant.

Wes and Dragon greet each other. Dragon says he came to NXT for the same reason Wes is here. Dragon says to him, Wes is the best right now, and he loves this chaos… but he wants a spot in the Stand & Deliver match. Wes likes this, he’s followed Dragon around the world and hoped they could compete against each other. Wes figured it would be several months before Dragon was ready, but he’s going to go ahead and give him the first spot for Stand & Deliver now. Fans pop.

The music interrupts and out comes JD McDonagh. He brings up how they’re out here talking while he’s preparing in the back. He says Dragon gets a one-week pass because he’s new, but he suggests Dragon take a seat and watch him destroy Ilja Dragunov. JD asks Wes what his excuse is. Wes can’t wait to see Dragunov tear JD apart. JD says Lee is lucky he hasn’t had his eye on the title, or Wes wouldn’t be standing here. They face off until the music interrupts and out comes Dragunov.

JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov

Ilja Dragunov makes his entrance to a pop. He hits the ring and poses as JD McDonagh looks on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the NXT Anonymous Twitter account shows us footage of Indi Hartwell throwing a fit backstage. Zoey Stark walked up and Indi asked what she was looking at. Stark says not the next NXT Women’s Champion, then walks off. NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Kiana James and Fallon Henley are backstage now. James is trying to get Fallon back on speaking terms and ready for Stand & Deliver, but Fallon admits she was in James’ office last week. She brings up Sebastian and James just wants to know how she got past security. Fallon says she’s going to tell Brooks Jensen all about Sebastian because they are family. We go back to the ring and JD starts brawling with Ilja.

JD and Ilja unload with big shots and Ilja nails a big kick to the face. Ilja mounts JD with stiff strikes now, then rocks him while he’s on his knees. Ilja drops JD with another stiff punch. Ilja misses a running knee into the corner.

Dragon Lee watches from ringside as JD takes Ilja down and nails a corkscrew plancha from the apron. JD works Ilja around the ring now, turning him inside out for a 2 count. JD with a snap suplex for 2. They brawl with back & forth strikes in the middle of the ring but both go down. Fans chant “NXT!” now. They get back up and JD slaps. Ilja slaps back. They unload on each other again with big strikes.

Ilja with a German suplex, and another. Ilja nails the Constantine Special and fans chant “this is awesome!” now as he keeps control. Ilja rocks JD in the corner and hits a flying knee drop from the top. Ilja goes back to the top but JD cuts him off with chops. JD climbs up but Ilja knocks him back to the mat.

JD stands back up and slams Ilja to the mat using his hair. Fans boo. JD launches Ilja face-first under the bottom rope, and Ilja hits the floor after smacking his face on the rope. JD looks on from the corner as we go to picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and JD has Ilja grounded in the middle of the ring. Ilja turns him over into a submission. JD screams out but gets to the bottom rope to break the hold. JD counters to block a comeback, then delivers kicks. They tangle and Ilja drops JD in the middle of the ring with an enziguri. Fans chant “NXT!” now.

Ilja mounts JD with big strikes as a “fight forever!” chant starts up. They continue decking each other with stiff strikes. Ilja unloads with chops into the corner. Ilja goes wild with the chops now as the referee warns him. Ilja drops JD on his head with a big suplex but JD kicks out. Fans chant “this is awesome!” again. JD blocks a shot and hits a powerbomb for 2. JD with a German suplex. Ilja with a back elbow but JD nails another German.

Ilja gets right back up but misses a swing, then Ilja nails yet another German suplex. Ilja comes right back with a roundhouse kick to drop JD as fans chant “NXT!” now. Ilja goes for the Moscow Torpedo but JD catches him in mid-air and slams him, then tries to transition into the Twister. Ilja fights JD off and nails punches. Ilja with the diving right hand while JD is down. Fans chant “this is wrestling!” now.

JD and Ilja meet at ringside and trade big strikes in front of Dragon now. They tangle and fall into him, and all three are knocked over to the floor. Dragon gets up and asks what happened but JD drops him with a punch. This turns into a three-way brawl with JD, Dragon and Ilja at ringside. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee suddenly flies out from the ring to take Dragon, Ilja and JD down. Officials try to keep them apart as fans chant “let them fight!” now.

– Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are backstage with Bron Breakker now. Hayes says he didn’t need Bron’s help earlier. Bron doesn’t want to do this either, he just wants thee best version of Hayes at Stand & Deliver, and he’s not going to let two clowns – Pretty Deadly or Trick and Carmelo – screw it up. Hayes asks what he means by that, and Bron says Trick is always up to something. Trick says he just wanted Bron to share the ring with a future world champion. Hayes and Breakker agree that they both want the best at Stand & Deliver. They agree to finish this tonight in the main event. Hayes and Breakker stare at each other as Trick backs Hayes away.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee now. She says the chaos really follows him. Lee says he really had to throw himself in the fire on this one. He says Ilja Dragunov and JD McDonagh will never be done with each other, but JD has been in his face for two weeks and Ilja is one of Europe’s fines, so they’re in the Fatal 5 Way with he and Dragon Lee. McKenzie asks who will get the final spot in the Stand & Deliver title match. Axiom rushes up and he wants the spot. Lee says he knows Axiom wants this spot but he’s been close and so have others. Lee says the chaos will continue next week with a Battle Royal to determine the final challenger at Stand & Deliver in the Fatal 5 Way. Axiom says that’s all he wanted was a chance. Axiom walks off.

– We go back to the ring and the music of Johnny Gargano hits to a pop. Alicia Taylor introduces Gargano but instead we get Javier Bernal dressed as Gargano. Fans boo.

Bernal says everyone thought Gargano was coming out but they were wrong, just like he thought he was going to Stand & Deliver but he’s not, and that’s Gargano’s fault. Bernal goes on about how he’s the heart and soul of NXT, he’s been busting his butt for 7 years… or 7 months. Bernal goes on running his mouth until the music hits and the real Gargano comes out to a pop. Gargano drops Bernal and then beats him around the ringside area, taking him out. Gargano enters the ring and screams for Grayson Waller. Gargano says if Waller wants to make this personal, they can raise the stakes. Gargano pulls out a contract to make their Stand & Deliver match an Unsanctioned Match. Fans pop. Gargano says no rules, no one will be liable for what he does to Waller, so come down and sign it.

Waller interrupts from the big screen. He knows Gargano is embarrassed over last week but does he really want to do this to himself? Gargano calls Waller to the ring but Waller isn’t coming because Gargano is unhinged. Waller tells Gargano to give the contract to his friend Vic, then he will sign it next week… but only if Gargano is banned from the building. Gargano agrees, then hands the contract to Vic. Bernal stumbles to his feet but Gargano drops him with a superkick. Gargano is fired up as he yells to Waller in the camera.

– We get a new vignette for Eddy Thorpe, the former Karl Fredericks of NJPW says there’s more to “us” than you think, he appreciates the significance of his heritage but has to carry the responsibility of progression. Thorpe, a Native American, will hold his people up and lead the way forward. Thorpe will debut next week.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Ivy Nile, asking her about Tatum Paxley. Ivy says she was surprised by last week’s attack like everyone else was. She took a long time to trust someone like she did Tatum, and she got burned. She says Tatum was out there so she and The Creed Brothers let her do her own thing, but they always felt like she was part of the Diamond Mine. Ivy says tonight isn’t about Tatum, it’s about this huge opportunity to potentially win the title at Stand & Deliver, and Tatum can’t stop that. Nile walks off.

Stand & Deliver NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match Qualifier: Ivy Nile vs. Lyra Valkyria

We go back to the ring and out comes Ivy Nile. The winner of this qualifier will join Gigi Dolin, Zoey Stark and Tiffany Stratton in the NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match a Stand & Deliver. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a look at Hank Walker’s journey in NXT. Hank says he’s had some ups & downs. He was mentored by Drew Gulak, but then Gulak left him, so he will work hard to prove Gulak wrong. We cut to Gulak and Charlie Dempsey watching the vignette. Drew says that was cute. Dempsey says Walker has no killer instincts. Gulak says a coach can just open the door, it’s up to you to walk through it. Dempsey says something about getting Walker. We go back to the ring and out comes Lyra Valkyria. They lock up and go at it to start.

Nile fights Lyra off but Lyra applies a submission. They trade holds and get back up now with kicks. Lyra yells at Nile but gets kicked again. Nile tells Lyra to bring it. They continue trading big strikes until they both collide and go down as fans pop.

We see Tatum Paxley watching backstage. Nile with a big slam for 2. Lyra comes right back and unloads with kicks. Nile blocks the Northern Lights suplex and hits a suplex of her own. Lyra charges but Nile kicks her into the corner.

Nile with her Diamond Chain Dragon Sleeper. Lyra fights back and nails a German suplex. Lyra comes right back with a roundhouse to put Nile right back down for the pin to win.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria

– After the match, Lyra stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Lyra poses as her spot in the Ladder Match with Dolin, Stark and Stratton is confirmed.

– Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre attack Fallon Henley in the back but Kiana James makes the save. Officials end up keeping them apart. James wants to keep this from Brooks Jensen, and Henley agrees. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is walking backstage. He’s asked who is his pick to win the Battle Royal next week, but he can’t make that call. Jinder Mahal walks by and says he will see Lee at Stand & Deliver. Dijak walks by and says he hasn’t forgotten about Lee. Lee walks up on Dabba-Kato now, who says there is no one who will stop him in the Battle Royal.

– Vic sends us backstage to NXT Level Up commentator Blake Howard, who is hosting the Great Debate between The Schism and Chase U. Rip Fowler and Duke Hudson are up firs, discussing how their group handles inclusion. Rip talks about how Duke will be welcomed with open arms after Ava gave him the mask as an invitation. Duke is at a loss for words or just annoyed to be here.

Duke says Chase U gave him a reason, and he guesses it’s nice to be included in things, but yeah… that’s what he thinks about inclusion. Duke sits down and Andre asks him what the hell that was. Ava and Hail are up next, and are asked how their group makes them feel safe. Ava goes on about being in the comfortable and loving arms under the tree of The Schism. She says The Schism raises its own walls to block out any false sense of security, allowing you mind and body to wander freely. Hail reads the Webster definition of safety. She goes on and says The Schism just brainwashes you, and is hazardous to your mind, body and soul. She says thank you and the Chase U student section cheers. An impressed Chase asks her where the hell that came from but she says she doesn’t’ know because she blacked out.

Gacy and Chase are up next, asked how they feel about the preparedness of their group members to leave the nest. Gacy cuts Chase off and says his students already answered this, they’re not prepared, and don’t know which way is up. Gacy tells Howard to tally up the scores. Tyler Bate suddenly speaks up from the crowd, apologizing for his tardiness. Jagger Reid steps up to face Bate, and they’re asked to sum up the experience of their group. Jagger says it’s simple… they are four roots, one tree. Bate says to excel in NXT it takes more than physical prowess in the ring, it takes a big strong mind, being open to new ideas, collaborate and learn, a willingness to listen to others as they would you. He says the Chase U experience is one of growth, it has ignited a career in Hail, rejuvenated Duke, and fortified Chase himself. He says growth of Chase U is growth of NXT, and they have something The Schism will never have. Chase U cheers for Bate. Chase thanks him for the incredible speech.

Bate proposes a match for Stand & Deliver. Gacy says no, The Dyad already beat them in tag team action, and Gacy beat him one-on-one. Gacy says The Schism is superior, physically and philosophically, to Chase U. The Schism goes to leave but Duke says they will up the ante, and the winner of the match at Stand & Deliver will take control of Chase U. Chase asks Duke what he’s doing, what he’s on. The mach is now on for Stand & Deliver. We see The Schism’s student section holding up two fingers.

– Still to come, our tag team main event. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Gallus is at the pub with the Creed Brothers, Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Sacks” Lorenzo. The pub is a wreck. Gallus is up but the other two teams are partied out. Gallus tells them to bring all that fun to Los Angeles for a Triple Threat. Gallus says they will see them there, then they exit the pub but remind the others to remember to tip the bartender. The others are barely awake and none on heir feet.

NXT Champion Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes vs. Petty Deadly

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as Pretty Deadly comes out first – Kit Wilson and Elton Prince. Carmelo Hayes is out next with Trick Williams. NXT Champion Bron Breakker is out next.

Hayes and Wilson go at it to start. Hayes with a dropkick and an arm drag takedown to ground Wilson. Pretty Deadly with quick tags now. Wilson has Hayes on the floor but Bron yells a warning to prevent a double team. Wilson brings it back in but Hayes counters with a kick to the chest. Hayes charges but gets caught with a Facebuster. Prince tags in and knocks Bron off the apron.

Pretty Deadly goes to double clothesline Hayes but Bron runs in and stands with Hayes for a stand-off now. They unload on Pretty Deadly. Bron launches Hayes into Kit. Bron with a hurricanrana to Wilson to send him out. Bron and Hayes are fired up now. They bump each other and there’s some minor tension but they stand guard as we go to a commercial.

Back and forth after the break as we see Trick taking notes at ringside. We have some technical difficulties but come back to Prince controlling Hayes in the middle of the ring. They keep fighting. Hayes goes for an enziguri but misses, then kicks Prince hard into the corner. Wilson and Bron tag in.

Bron with a big shoulder, then he decks Prince, and hits a German suplex on Wilson, then one on Prince. Wilson and Bron fight it out. Bron runs the ropes and hits a big shoulder. Bron with another big German. Bron drops the straps and yells out. Bron goes to the top for the Bulldog on Wilson. Prince is back up but Hayes kicks Prince to the apron.

Bron runs into Hayes as Wilson side-steps, but Bron puts the brakes on. Hayes pushes Bron out of the way and rocks Wilson, then Bron follows up with a big Spear. Bron tags in Hayes, who goes to the top for the Nothing But Net flying leg drop on Wilson for the pin.

Winners: Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes

– After the match, Bron and Hayes stand tall as we go to replays. Hayes hands the NXT Title belt to Bron now. Bron raises it in Hayes’ face as NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Results 3/21/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up on the USA Network with a video on Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller at NXT Stand & Deliver. We see how they fought in Gargano’s front yard last week. We’re now live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

– We go right to the ring and out come the Stand & Deliver hosts – Kit Wilson and Elton Prince of Pretty Deadly. Alicia Taylor does the ring introductions.

Pretty Deadly says their first official act as hosts is to wipe the footage of Carmelo Hayes and NXT Champion Bron Breakker from last week’s show. They go on about how Hayes and Breakker attacked them last week. They also reveal they have custom outfits planned for Stand & Deliver. They knock what Hayes and Breakker were wearing last week – main event talent but not main event fashion.

The music interrupts and out comes Hayes and Trick Williams. They take shots at Pretty Deadly and Trick gets yells at them. There’s a breakdown of communication as Pretty Deadly only speaks The King’s English, but they understand that Hayes and Trick want a tag team match tonight. Trick and Hayes are also down, but Trick reveals that he got Breakker to team with Hayes tonight.

Hayes is a bit confused, which gives Pretty Deadly an opening for a sneak attack. They fight Trick off and go to work on Hayes until the music hits and out comes Breakker. Bron destroys Pretty Deadly and clears the ring of them. Bron helps Hayes and they shake, and hold fists. Bron says he will make sure nothing happens to Hayes between now and Stand & Deliver. Hayes quickly pulls away from Bron and regroups with Trick at ringside.

– We see Indi Hartwell and Tiffany Stratton walking backstage. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Trick Williams is walking backstage with Carmelo Hayes. Hayes isn’t thrilled with Williams booking him to team with Bron Breakker. Hayes says if Bron wants his best in Los Angeles, he will get it, but he’s not happy with tonight’s teaming up. Trick makes the case for Hayes being able to learn all about Bron in tonight’s match. Trick says will make sure they win tonight and he will handle business, then Hayes will have a cheat code, he will be ready for Stand & Deliver.

– We get a look at the situation surrounding NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and the Stand & Deliver Ladder Match.

Stand & Deliver NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match Qualifier: Indi Hartwell vs. Tiffany Stratton

We go back to the ring and out comes Tiffany Stratton for the next Stand & Deliver Women’s Title Ladder Match qualifier. Out next comes Indi Hartwell. The winners will join Zoey Stark and Gigi Dolin as confirmed Ladder Match entrants. Ivy Nile vs. Lyra Valkyria will take place later.

The bell rings and they go at it. Indi takes control as a “Indi Wrestling!” chant starts up. Tiffany turns it around for a 2 count. Indi comes back with a lariat, and another.

Stratton kicks Indi and nails a snap suplex for 2. Stratton works Indi over from corner to corner. Indi punches back but Stratton elbows her, then hits a back somersault splash into the corner. Indi hangs in there and keeps fighting but Stratton has her on the apron.

Indi looks to capitalize but Stratton trips her on the apron and she goes down. Stratton poses to boos and some cheers as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and fans rally as Indi tries to fight out of Stratton’s headlock in the middle of the ring. Indi with a jawbreaker and more offense but Stratton drops her for 2. Stratton runs Indi face-first into the turnbuckles, then nails a double stomp for a 2 count as fans do dueling chants.

Stratton counters Indi from the corner but misses a swing, then Indi slams her to the mat. Fans rally as they both struggle to get up. They trade big right hands now. Indi unloads and drops Stratton. Indi keeps control for another close 2 count. Indi runs the ring but Stratton catches her with a big powerslam for 2. Stratton is frustrated now.

Stratton springboards in with a senton but Indi moves, then comes right back with a Spinebuster for 2. They tangle in the corner now. Stratton with the Celtic Cross, then a big moonsault from the corner for the pin to win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

– After the match, Stratton stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Stratton now joins Stark and Dolin as confirmed entrants in the NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match at Stand & Deliver.

– We see The Creed Brothers and NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus at the pub playing billiards. The champs win. The Creeds say darts is more of their style, so we get a dart game. The Creeds win but the two teams agree to one more round. The Creeds also win that round of darts. Gallus and The Creeds propose a title match at Stand & Deliver to settle it. The Creeds are looking forward to getting their titles back, but Gallus plans to retain. They shake hands, then leave the pub. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo are waiting in the parking lot. Tony D says they have Stand & Deliver business to discuss. The three teams go back in the bar to discuss as Julius Creed says it’s going to be a long night.

– We see NXT North American Champion Wes Lee walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a vignette for Lyra Valkyria, showing her running up stairs to the top floor of an abandoned building. She says get ready for Stand & Deliver because she’s ready to soar.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Gigi Dolin. She asks Dolin about the Ladder Match line-up so far for Stand & Deliver. Dolin says it’s too early to judge the field, and if it wasn’t for the injury to Roxanne Perez the match wouldn’t even be happening. She says it also sucks for Jacy Jayne’s shoulder but sorry not sorry because Jayne mad her life hell, and can watch from home while she wins the title at Stand & Deliver. Dolin goes on about winning her last Steel Cage match and says she will do what it takes to win the title. Tiffany Stratton interrupts and says all the other participants are screwed because she just qualified. She has a Tiffany Epiphany and says she’s going to climb up and win the title. Tootles, Stratton says as she walks off.

– We go back to the ring and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is out with a mic.

Lee asks fans if they are enjoying these crazy Open Challenges, and they are. He is too, but everyone keeps asking why. Lee talks about how he had to fight for a chance, so now as champion he’s vowed to give opportunities to others who are in the spot he was in. Lee admits he has a chip on his shoulder and will show he’s ready to compete against the best in the world, and that he deserves to be our champion. Fans pop. Lee brings up how WWE Hall of Famer & Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative Shawn Michaels gave him 4 spots in the Stand & Deliver title match. The music interrupts and out comes Dragon Lee to a big pop and a “Dragon Lee!” chant.

Wes and Dragon greet each other. Dragon says he came to NXT for the same reason Wes is here. Dragon says to him, Wes is the best right now, and he loves this chaos… but he wants a spot in the Stand & Deliver match. Wes likes this, he’s followed Dragon around the world and hoped they could compete against each other. Wes figured it would be several months before Dragon was ready, but he’s going to go ahead and give him the first spot for Stand & Deliver now. Fans pop.

The music interrupts and out comes JD McDonagh. He brings up how they’re out here talking while he’s preparing in the back. He says Dragon gets a one-week pass because he’s new, but he suggests Dragon take a seat and watch him destroy Ilja Dragunov. JD asks Wes what his excuse is. Wes can’t wait to see Dragunov tear JD apart. JD says Lee is lucky he hasn’t had his eye on the title, or Wes wouldn’t be standing here. They face off until the music interrupts and out comes Dragunov.

JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov

Ilja Dragunov makes his entrance to a pop. He hits the ring and poses as JD McDonagh looks on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the NXT Anonymous Twitter account shows us footage of Indi Hartwell throwing a fit backstage. Zoey Stark walked up and Indi asked what she was looking at. Stark says not the next NXT Women’s Champion, then walks off. NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Kiana James and Fallon Henley are backstage now. James is trying to get Fallon back on speaking terms and ready for Stand & Deliver, but Fallon admits she was in James’ office last week. She brings up Sebastian and James just wants to know how she got past security. Fallon says she’s going to tell Brooks Jensen all about Sebastian because they are family. We go back to the ring and JD starts brawling with Ilja.

JD and Ilja unload with big shots and Ilja nails a big kick to the face. Ilja mounts JD with stiff strikes now, then rocks him while he’s on his knees. Ilja drops JD with another stiff punch. Ilja misses a running knee into the corner.

Dragon Lee watches from ringside as JD takes Ilja down and nails a corkscrew plancha from the apron. JD works Ilja around the ring now, turning him inside out for a 2 count. JD with a snap suplex for 2. They brawl with back & forth strikes in the middle of the ring but both go down. Fans chant “NXT!” now. They get back up and JD slaps. Ilja slaps back. They unload on each other again with big strikes.

Ilja with a German suplex, and another. Ilja nails the Constantine Special and fans chant “this is awesome!” now as he keeps control. Ilja rocks JD in the corner and hits a flying knee drop from the top. Ilja goes back to the top but JD cuts him off with chops. JD climbs up but Ilja knocks him back to the mat.

JD stands back up and slams Ilja to the mat using his hair. Fans boo. JD launches Ilja face-first under the bottom rope, and Ilja hits the floor after smacking his face on the rope. JD looks on from the corner as we go to picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and JD has Ilja grounded in the middle of the ring. Ilja turns him over into a submission. JD screams out but gets to the bottom rope to break the hold. JD counters to block a comeback, then delivers kicks. They tangle and Ilja drops JD in the middle of the ring with an enziguri. Fans chant “NXT!” now.

Ilja mounts JD with big strikes as a “fight forever!” chant starts up. They continue decking each other with stiff strikes. Ilja unloads with chops into the corner. Ilja goes wild with the chops now as the referee warns him. Ilja drops JD on his head with a big suplex but JD kicks out. Fans chant “this is awesome!” again. JD blocks a shot and hits a powerbomb for 2. JD with a German suplex. Ilja with a back elbow but JD nails another German.

Ilja gets right back up but misses a swing, then Ilja nails yet another German suplex. Ilja comes right back with a roundhouse kick to drop JD as fans chant “NXT!” now. Ilja goes for the Moscow Torpedo but JD catches him in mid-air and slams him, then tries to transition into the Twister. Ilja fights JD off and nails punches. Ilja with the diving right hand while JD is down. Fans chant “this is wrestling!” now.

JD and Ilja meet at ringside and trade big strikes in front of Dragon now. They tangle and fall into him, and all three are knocked over to the floor. Dragon gets up and asks what happened but JD drops him with a punch. This turns into a three-way brawl with JD, Dragon and Ilja at ringside. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee suddenly flies out from the ring to take Dragon, Ilja and JD down. Officials try to keep them apart as fans chant “let them fight!” now.

– Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are backstage with Bron Breakker now. Hayes says he didn’t need Bron’s help earlier. Bron doesn’t want to do this either, he just wants thee best version of Hayes at Stand & Deliver, and he’s not going to let two clowns – Pretty Deadly or Trick and Carmelo – screw it up. Hayes asks what he means by that, and Bron says Trick is always up to something. Trick says he just wanted Bron to share the ring with a future world champion. Hayes and Breakker agree that they both want the best at Stand & Deliver. They agree to finish this tonight in the main event. Hayes and Breakker stare at each other as Trick backs Hayes away.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee now. She says the chaos really follows him. Lee says he really had to throw himself in the fire on this one. He says Ilja Dragunov and JD McDonagh will never be done with each other, but JD has been in his face for two weeks and Ilja is one of Europe’s fines, so they’re in the Fatal 5 Way with he and Dragon Lee. McKenzie asks who will get the final spot in the Stand & Deliver title match. Axiom rushes up and he wants the spot. Lee says he knows Axiom wants this spot but he’s been close and so have others. Lee says the chaos will continue next week with a Battle Royal to determine the final challenger at Stand & Deliver in the Fatal 5 Way. Axiom says that’s all he wanted was a chance. Axiom walks off.

– We go back to the ring and the music of Johnny Gargano hits to a pop. Alicia Taylor introduces Gargano but instead we get Javier Bernal dressed as Gargano. Fans boo.

Bernal says everyone thought Gargano was coming out but they were wrong, just like he thought he was going to Stand & Deliver but he’s not, and that’s Gargano’s fault. Bernal goes on about how he’s the heart and soul of NXT, he’s been busting his butt for 7 years… or 7 months. Bernal goes on running his mouth until the music hits and the real Gargano comes out to a pop. Gargano drops Bernal and then beats him around the ringside area, taking him out. Gargano enters the ring and screams for Grayson Waller. Gargano says if Waller wants to make this personal, they can raise the stakes. Gargano pulls out a contract to make their Stand & Deliver match an Unsanctioned Match. Fans pop. Gargano says no rules, no one will be liable for what he does to Waller, so come down and sign it.

Waller interrupts from the big screen. He knows Gargano is embarrassed over last week but does he really want to do this to himself? Gargano calls Waller to the ring but Waller isn’t coming because Gargano is unhinged. Waller tells Gargano to give the contract to his friend Vic, then he will sign it next week… but only if Gargano is banned from the building. Gargano agrees, then hands the contract to Vic. Bernal stumbles to his feet but Gargano drops him with a superkick. Gargano is fired up as he yells to Waller in the camera.

– We get a new vignette for Eddy Thorpe, the former Karl Fredericks of NJPW says there’s more to “us” than you think, he appreciates the significance of his heritage but has to carry the responsibility of progression. Thorpe, a Native American, will hold his people up and lead the way forward. Thorpe will debut next week.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Ivy Nile, asking her about Tatum Paxley. Ivy says she was surprised by last week’s attack like everyone else was. She took a long time to trust someone like she did Tatum, and she got burned. She says Tatum was out there so she and The Creed Brothers let her do her own thing, but they always felt like she was part of the Diamond Mine. Ivy says tonight isn’t about Tatum, it’s about this huge opportunity to potentially win the title at Stand & Deliver, and Tatum can’t stop that. Nile walks off.

Stand & Deliver NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match Qualifier: Ivy Nile vs. Lyra Valkyria

We go back to the ring and out comes Ivy Nile. The winner of this qualifier will join Gigi Dolin, Zoey Stark and Tiffany Stratton in the NXT Women’s Title Ladder Match a Stand & Deliver. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a look at Hank Walker’s journey in NXT. Hank says he’s had some ups & downs. He was mentored by Drew Gulak, but then Gulak left him, so he will work hard to prove Gulak wrong. We cut to Gulak and Charlie Dempsey watching the vignette. Drew says that was cute. Dempsey says Walker has no killer instincts. Gulak says a coach can just open the door, it’s up to you to walk through it. Dempsey says something about getting Walker. We go back to the ring and out comes Lyra Valkyria. They lock up and go at it to start.

Nile fights Lyra off but Lyra applies a submission. They trade holds and get back up now with kicks. Lyra yells at Nile but gets kicked again. Nile tells Lyra to bring it. They continue trading big strikes until they both collide and go down as fans pop.

We see Tatum Paxley watching backstage. Nile with a big slam for 2. Lyra comes right back and unloads with kicks. Nile blocks the Northern Lights suplex and hits a suplex of her own. Lyra charges but Nile kicks her into the corner.

Nile with her Diamond Chain Dragon Sleeper. Lyra fights back and nails a German suplex. Lyra comes right back with a roundhouse to put Nile right back down for the pin to win.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria

– After the match, Lyra stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Lyra poses as her spot in the Ladder Match with Dolin, Stark and Stratton is confirmed.

– Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre attack Fallon Henley in the back but Kiana James makes the save. Officials end up keeping them apart. James wants to keep this from Brooks Jensen, and Henley agrees. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is walking backstage. He’s asked who is his pick to win the Battle Royal next week, but he can’t make that call. Jinder Mahal walks by and says he will see Lee at Stand & Deliver. Dijak walks by and says he hasn’t forgotten about Lee. Lee walks up on Dabba-Kato now, who says there is no one who will stop him in the Battle Royal.

– Vic sends us backstage to NXT Level Up commentator Blake Howard, who is hosting the Great Debate between The Schism and Chase U. Rip Fowler and Duke Hudson are up firs, discussing how their group handles inclusion. Rip talks about how Duke will be welcomed with open arms after Ava gave him the mask as an invitation. Duke is at a loss for words or just annoyed to be here.

Duke says Chase U gave him a reason, and he guesses it’s nice to be included in things, but yeah… that’s what he thinks about inclusion. Duke sits down and Andre asks him what the hell that was. Ava and Hail are up next, and are asked how their group makes them feel safe. Ava goes on about being in the comfortable and loving arms under the tree of The Schism. She says The Schism raises its own walls to block out any false sense of security, allowing you mind and body to wander freely. Hail reads the Webster definition of safety. She goes on and says The Schism just brainwashes you, and is hazardous to your mind, body and soul. She says thank you and the Chase U student section cheers. An impressed Chase asks her where the hell that came from but she says she doesn’t’ know because she blacked out.

Gacy and Chase are up next, asked how they feel about the preparedness of their group members to leave the nest. Gacy cuts Chase off and says his students already answered this, they’re not prepared, and don’t know which way is up. Gacy tells Howard to tally up the scores. Tyler Bate suddenly speaks up from the crowd, apologizing for his tardiness. Jagger Reid steps up to face Bate, and they’re asked to sum up the experience of their group. Jagger says it’s simple… they are four roots, one tree. Bate says to excel in NXT it takes more than physical prowess in the ring, it takes a big strong mind, being open to new ideas, collaborate and learn, a willingness to listen to others as they would you. He says the Chase U experience is one of growth, it has ignited a career in Hail, rejuvenated Duke, and fortified Chase himself. He says growth of Chase U is growth of NXT, and they have something The Schism will never have. Chase U cheers for Bate. Chase thanks him for the incredible speech.

Bate proposes a match for Stand & Deliver. Gacy says no, The Dyad already beat them in tag team action, and Gacy beat him one-on-one. Gacy says The Schism is superior, physically and philosophically, to Chase U. The Schism goes to leave but Duke says they will up the ante, and the winner of the match at Stand & Deliver will take control of Chase U. Chase asks Duke what he’s doing, what he’s on. The mach is now on for Stand & Deliver. We see The Schism’s student section holding up two fingers.

– Still to come, our tag team main event. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Gallus is at the pub with the Creed Brothers, Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Sacks” Lorenzo. The pub is a wreck. Gallus is up but the other two teams are partied out. Gallus tells them to bring all that fun to Los Angeles for a Triple Threat. Gallus says they will see them there, then they exit the pub but remind the others to remember to tip the bartender. The others are barely awake and none on heir feet.

NXT Champion Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes vs. Petty Deadly

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as Pretty Deadly comes out first – Kit Wilson and Elton Prince. Carmelo Hayes is out next with Trick Williams. NXT Champion Bron Breakker is out next.

Hayes and Wilson go at it to start. Hayes with a dropkick and an arm drag takedown to ground Wilson. Pretty Deadly with quick tags now. Wilson has Hayes on the floor but Bron yells a warning to prevent a double team. Wilson brings it back in but Hayes counters with a kick to the chest. Hayes charges but gets caught with a Facebuster. Prince tags in and knocks Bron off the apron.

Pretty Deadly goes to double clothesline Hayes but Bron runs in and stands with Hayes for a stand-off now. They unload on Pretty Deadly. Bron launches Hayes into Kit. Bron with a hurricanrana to Wilson to send him out. Bron and Hayes are fired up now. They bump each other and there’s some minor tension but they stand guard as we go to a commercial.

Back and forth after the break as we see Trick taking notes at ringside. We have some technical difficulties but come back to Prince controlling Hayes in the middle of the ring. They keep fighting. Hayes goes for an enziguri but misses, then kicks Prince hard into the corner. Wilson and Bron tag in.

Bron with a big shoulder, then he decks Prince, and hits a German suplex on Wilson, then one on Prince. Wilson and Bron fight it out. Bron runs the ropes and hits a big shoulder. Bron with another big German. Bron drops the straps and yells out. Bron goes to the top for the Bulldog on Wilson. Prince is back up but Hayes kicks Prince to the apron.

Bron runs into Hayes as Wilson side-steps, but Bron puts the brakes on. Hayes pushes Bron out of the way and rocks Wilson, then Bron follows up with a big Spear. Bron tags in Hayes, who goes to the top for the Nothing But Net flying leg drop on Wilson for the pin.

Winners: Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes

– After the match, Bron and Hayes stand tall as we go to replays. Hayes hands the NXT Title belt to Bron now. Bron raises it in Hayes’ face as NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Results 3/21/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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